Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1120

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24] 6 INDEX. ·Districts-Continued. P’*€°· Carter Ore k, Ia., P"‘°· Cam? 9““"“""“ - · · - appliopriintion for improvement of 1123 dnvingleoln foot, 1264 Outitmeggrtigiided for bridge across Cumber- 313 regu1atg;>Sr;sip:,nt1:itt»1;nl§];l(;2>ment, ctc.,fr0m 1265 1¤¤<1 River -—-- . ---·-~----···- ·· - · ```‘``‘' ZZZIIZZ 1265

  • ’··"m¥’— ’<"""** ’ <."’"'°“’· 1872 E.‘L‘l€f.,.§°.,3‘iiE“u‘§£-°?-:;:;:::1; ... 1265

P°“¥°“ ‘“°""”°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘° ‘ ‘`` ‘'uuiowsoi to move cattle otherwise ..--- 1265 Cartwright, Ezra W, . h t for msistin ctc Omcers ____ 1265 pension incmwd ------—----- - -·------·- 1746 Pums m?" dmdl 5 n",, mm cm- Cartwright, Wncenz M., 1778 f°" Fjgies Y W P0 g _____ 1265 ¤P°“g°“ i", °“’“°d ··········‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ rm legally é13ir3i>in§[éiéIICIZIZZZ ----- 1265 ro riaiiou for custodian of 485, 1186 Givwm. I”“» , . . ciiéfnpmchr···¥¤=°¤* 0* F'°°°" '*’°"““°" °‘““" ‘°87 798

 Cxllhiuation of harbor; to be   of ° · - - - - _ - ~ - - - l . I - 7 ,

made ___,,... . . . . 1152 Owalry and Fieh: Arldlgrrycgdiwl, Arm!/» 259 827 g,,,,,!, crm M, s ro nation or ms ru ion expenses,. , p.,.;.;.,.} iX2m.,.; ... 1412 e¤JS’i=rJZ8 nm Jichsgpvchig mk., 2335 @gy Jmwy Ohiclmaw Indian, proc amation es IB g --···----- - ·--- dgécjgncy iipproprintion for stock stolen camo, Riley ut, by Comimchcs .. . ...-- 1257 pension increased ..---- - -·------- - - · 1836 Ca;,€yjB{;[:z!{, _' _____ . ,,,.. . . . 2062 Girvgpiolpriiiiion for public works, naval stu- 336 ZZ AZ def W': tic ----- - -------- · ·-----··· ·:··· Capqffymenixeiinmm df Claims judgment to . 773 doiiciencgwlnppmprintion for naval station- 30 Onndy, William, M20 Cuycc, Leliat0G., 1727 nsio increased..-.. .-- - ------- paymen ...------·----- · ----·---·- -·-

 di Sabin, Daly, Cages, Nathaniel,

gppmprintion for consul at ..-- - 76. 924 pension increagerd ..-·---·-~-- · -···—- 1734 Castle Island Boston Harbor Maas., Osyuvc '¤d¤¤’1'•8_ _ » 9-» mg we or obsbieee guns, Fori: independence, zpmpmtnon for support ew-. of -·--- · 1058 éztnom wnomn . - 186 . 3 mm mL__ _____ mo ‘ ________________,,_,__, 1476 (hg: gigs, Flo.,

 q;, . preliminary examination of, to be made. . 1150

mw! I"“d;:;’hé°ul' juno digg}; `°'`'°`'``°'` mm &g:£cignC§ £pp{·opi-inticn for light·h0use . . 426 title og Ju:3 dg Cuevas to lands in, con- 1984 Ccilguérigogggzzmfor consul at T6 W4 light-$58-lands °‘°°pt°d’ mlm m- 1984 pt:1:.’tio for `mestgating tructural ' ui ,,,, , . ... .- a _ 1 Y I 8 Cozolla (geek, Alaska, : _ , ‘l““l'““ M-: ···· I. 11*7 bridge authoring ,,,-,-0; _________ __ _____, 560deficiency appropriation of 111\€S 128 Ulg 12% l (,,m";a_ harp _ mm-tum! qualities of . . . approprionon for consul at .. ... 76,924 F (}·m.·m~;»·»,.\’a¢imml(aeeNationa|Cciiieternesl. Cale, Jamru IL, _ (2,,,,,,, 1);,-,,4,,, ,,,3 ‘ 18-ii · - P€’“€i‘"1 "'°"°”°1i ········· 1 ····‘‘·*‘·‘‘‘ ‘ appropriation For, stntisticians, etc . 137, 683 €Wh°l’° (7'""'*"» 11 ""` I" "'" v ]“*· to cooperate with Michigan to take census · C ppyrrrgplgllof Fogrtlpf Claims jmlgment to . 773 or msnufumms ____ _____________ 58 u mh i y lla O" ’ Ccrunw O 're Department of ( bmrnerw and pension \ncI‘0l8€d ..-..· - ·--- · ~-·-~~· 1500 ’ ‘ " i V eg?';? French Bp0mm0n claims on appropriation for Director, statisticiausiw 683 . '*°°°'mt Of ----···· ·· ··········‘·‘·‘ 795 I { cling:?' etc ```` Q ``'`'``.'````·``` 15]*,683 ¤;g;·;;S;g·g;·__g; , ,9,, 1 {SE ‘“3°;°...c.‘}‘§2‘?.’r°,,,,,.°"·.r";.;ts(;;.‘ '· ¢.¤»~<· we nee —1¤i¤¤2l 1¤<1¤i¤r B¤·*=·¤>· ; i¤SiSi.;;8e‘.ig.s.;é ir3‘éiL»}ir1;fii;.-ui ---77 iii appropriation for inspection Of, alld 031:580 865 I restriction on rents, Bw_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 683 CSSSES. .·--· · ---- ·-----···—---·· I ¤¤¤¤¤z¤¤¢r *¤¤d *0 ***1**** **1*****-* 9% I J ig;$i6»ié}&`Z"`ZI"ZZ"Zj"IIZQZZ ¢¤b¤¤}¤¤d¤1¤<>tj:<;;i¤¤;¢¤L¤:)-12¤!lW¤¢1;;;1- ¤ l for miangeiii erpcnses I` . isi ssa xhib'ti . i a uisuma r- I` ‘`'‘ ° `·:¤?=`i·$’¤xp$¥~i»¤¢~m ·¤¤¤·=·=¤·>~·-- 19; ¥3§Z’§}fi?i§’f.°i,‘;.;e.;;.;.;:;;;:;;;:1;:;:; }?£;£?, Grille Diaeasu, ·$]p¢’¢‘ifl] RFPOVI 01h _ I for printing and binding ..- 512, 1213 reprint 0N19TH1I ;;lb¢‘1€§>1i1 ·--- I ·—·· { -·i_-· DS4 deficiency appropriation for statistical 5 [ n 0 VL 0(-1 l01I 0l‘( €l'B( Q ( IS- , kl P `]`ky f ___________ _ prm I tgibllfigfl --·---·-·-·----·- · ·—-·—- · 593 for sev:-iii·montlili»·prI::rli0e;ts‘i>i: cotton ginncd 1244 (mile Quarantine Dislricts, i for Herman Morris 1244 establishedinStates,localities,eh·.,affected t annual collections of vital statistics; comwith contagious diseases .-. 1264 { pensation for compiling increased- . 362 notice to be published -... 1264 _ cooperation with States to take census of Shipping from district by common carrier ; manufactures .,... 58 forbidden -.-. 1264 { statistics of annual production and condcfivery for shipment forbidden . 1264 sumption of cotton to be collected-- 1282