Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1145

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INDEX. 244 ]_ .DL9¢ricl of §'0iumbia—Contihued. Y¤K<>· .Di.·strict of Columbia-Continued. P¤8•¤· appropnatron for contingent expenses- appropriation for Washington Aqueduct. 376, 897 G0¤U¤¤0d· or iiltration plant . . 376, 897 rent . Z ... 367, 889 for Rock Creek Park; donations of collecting personal taxes ,___,,,,_, 367, 890 land ,,_______,___________..,,.. 376, 897 Judicial expenses . 3 67, 890 for public schools .._.,_. 376, 897 coroner';, etc., expenses ... 367, 890 for instruction of deaf and dumb . 380, 901 sdverusing ... 367, 890 colored deaf-mute children ..,,,, 901 6l1fol'0lDg1&8mB and fish IBWS .. 368, 890 for police department _______________ 380, 90] !‘$\1I'V¢-By eridian Hill . 368 harbor patrol created _______________ 902 resurvey of squares in northeast . 368 for fire department ... 1 . . 381, 903 for municipal building 368 for health department _________,,____ 382, 903 limit of 00BlZ increased .. 890 for court of appeals’ reports ,._..__,, 383, 905 for oiliees of recorder of deeds and regis- for police court ,,__ , __,_______,_____ 384, 905 ter of wills ... 368 for lunacy writs ..., 384, 905 forsurveyofdangerous, etc., buildings. 368, 890 for justices of the peace ,_____,,____, 384, 905 for purchase of stable for street- weeping for interest and sinking fund 384, 905 ohice 890 for emergency fund .._,.,,__,,.__,,, 384, 905 for plats, etc., from William J. Latimer. 890 for support of convicts out of the Disfor stable, etc., for morgue S90 trrct ...,..__,__,,,,_.,. 384,906 for extending highway :ystem . 368 for courthouse .,.,...,. 385, 906 for eliminating grade crossings, Union for jail. -.; ...,,..,.,,.,_,,._.., 385, 906 Station . 368, 890 for board of charities .., . 385, 906 employment of assistant counsel, etc- 891 for reformatories and correctional instifor assessment and permit work . 368, 891 tutions ...,. 386, 906 trust-fund deposit aocouutopened 368 for medical charities . ... 387, 908 disbursements from ... 368 for care of children, etc .. 387, 908 lowering Bunker Hill road; bridge or- plans, etc., for colored children’s indered 891 dustrial home school .. 388 for work on streets and avenues; sched- for temporary homes 388, 909 - ules ... 369, 891 for support, etc., of·insane ... 388, 910 streets paved with Belgian blocks not for: re ief, etc., of the poor ... 389, 910 to be improved . 369, 891 for militia expenses . 389, 910 contracts for asphalt pavements,- - . 369, 891 for water department ... 390, 911 for Piwing Qmfth Street S"'- and Seventh for ascertaining amount of water used by 5****9* }* “ -------——-·-------—----· 369 Departments, etc . 390 for Bmding Streets, etc --··—--------— 370, 89]- plans to be submitted for monument fvr condemning Streets. ew ---·------ 370, 891 src., or rims Charles 1; Enom- . .I seo t0!' 0P€m¤g0¤u°B*;-q ·--—-~—-··~-—·---· 370 employees paid from general approwholly m tnct revenues; use of pdutions _________________________ gu hmm ·····-··-·---- · - · ; - -—--·-· 370 water meters for private residences. . . 912 P*Ym°¤* °f §W¤'d¤· 9P°m¤8· 9*0- return of erroneously paid water rents, { sgeys ¤:;1 m¤¤¤rl=:d¤¤¤¤¤ --------- $70, 393 em . . ... m2 or p ts, su su ivisions 7 for county roms construction, etc 370, 892 mn °l°,{§é5:°'f° rl: I?}:;??::` unless M., extension of Iiourteenth street ... 371 pu y PP P ' Z'` benefit, widening V street ___________ goo payment for clerks, etc.,_from contm- ' operating quarry ____________________ 892 gent funds, etc., forbidden, .. 91.3 for repairs, streets, etc ______________ 371, 892 lapsed salaries to be covered m . 913 for curbs and sidewalks . 372, 893employment ui temporary draftsmen, for repairs county roads . 372, 893etc., on sewers, streets, etc ... 913 for bridges . - ... 372, 893 laborers and mechanics ... 913 Connecticut avenue ... 372, 893 horses, wagons, etc 913 highway bridge ... 372, 893 i ater department temporary em- Anncostia River; conditions . 372 , ployees 914 cost increased, etc . 893 { employees to be paid from miscella- Pinsy Branch .. 893 neons trust fund deposits 914 for sewers, constructing, etc . 372, 894 i limit on requisitions from Treasury. 390, 914 for streets, cleaning, etc - 373, 894 ; advances; reimbursement . 390, 914 snlo of swoopings ..,. , ...,.. 373 ’ cost of street extensions to be paid for removing snow and ice 6,374, wholly from District revenues . . - 391, 915 582, 894, 1280, 1283 for clearing Potomac River of ioe 6, 60. 716 for disposal of city refuse - ... 374, 894 , for court of appeals . 140, 686 for r-king commission . 374, 895 5 for supreme court ... 141, 686 for Egrbor and river front .,... 374 { for marine barracks, addition .. 3.w for bathing beach . .- 374,895 for Zoological Park 462, 1166 for public scales; pumps 374, 895 ; - for burial of indigent soldiers ... 495, 1196 for- plgygrounds ,._.,,.. - . 895 I for repairs to court-house .. - 505, 1205 for docu-ionl department ,.., 374, 895 for district attorney, fees ... 508, 1207 employees paid from general appro- I for Reform School : ... 1211 I-ations _________ _ __, 895 _ receipts covered mto Treasury ... 1211 telgphone rates . 374 . for pavment of certain special tax scrip. 709 for lighting expenses ... . 375, 896 for pnlalicschools, fuel ...,. : . . 710 connectionsbyPotomacE1ectricPower for preparing plats, etc., of lands outside Company .. . . 376 of city ... . . .. 738 vor. xxxm, rr 2----73