Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1147

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INDEX. 2443 Dahtrict of Columbia—Oontinued. P¤g€· Z District of Cblumbia—Continued. P¤8€· rea] estate outside of city, daily transcripts Q union railroad terminal, subway under of deeds, wills, etc ... . 738 7 Ninth street SW .._.,,,_______ 741 designation given to be legal title .. 738 ’ use of part of monument grounds for Amerreal estate released from alien forfeiture, ican Railway Appliance Exhibition. 1275 owned by Adolph Weinhold .. 1686 , water mains to be constructed; assesspurchased by Vicenso Gerardi . 1325 ments, etc ...,,.,.________ 244 reservation No. 32 transferred to controlwater to be furnished charitable instituof Commissioners . 12 tions free; limit ..._.., 742 restaurants, barber shops, etc., allowed to District of Columbia Code Amendments, keep open March 5, 1905 ..,,,,___, 1287 E Sec. 552, fees for filing incorporation cerresubdivision of lots or blocks affected by i tificates increased; proof of organisystem of highways ... 51 i zation, etc., required ..._.. 689 right of way through square 690 for Union t Sec. 602, reincorporation of benevolent, Station tunnel 480 5 etc., societies; consent of two—thirds sales of merchandise in bulk; duties of of directors, stockholders, etc., repurchaser 555 quired ,.. 1012 on failure of purchaser to demand state- certiiicate required to be filed . 1012 ment of creditors, etc., sale traudu— Sec. 82521, punishment for placing explolent and void ... .. . 555 sives near buildings, etc ... 1033 settlement of disbursing otHcer’s outstand- Sec. 833:1, punishment for fraudulent dising checks ... 574 posal of mortgaged personal propsewers to be constructed in streets, etc.; erty ... . . . .. _ . 554 assessments, etc .. 244 Sec. 1141, ancillary guardian for nonresisnow and ice· regulations modified ... 12 dent infants or lunatics 1006 special assessments for water mains and Sec. 1288, provisions for marriages among service sewers, authorized . 1013 Quakers, etc .. 297 square 793, location of alley changed . 739 Sec. 1293, form of marriage license modified 297 square 806,-location of alley in, changed- - 742 Sec. 1608, alleys and minor streets, condi- . square 979, title to lots to be investigated, tions for opening, etc ,. 733 etc .. _ 544 width, etc., of minor streets ... 733 release to Thomas H. G. Todd; ..,. 545 . Sec. 1608a, closing useless alleys; disposal square south of square 990, title of owner of land ... 733 of lot 5, confirmed ,.. 710 Sec. 1608b, dedication of new, and closing square 1131, boundaries marked . 1014 existing, alleys; proceedings ... 733 street cars to have glass vestibules for mo- Sec. i608c, closing narrow alleys . 78-1 tormen .. 1001 Sec. 1608d, closing alleys when square has street railways, Anacostia, Surrattsville one owner 734 and Brand wine Electric Railway, Sec. 1608e, condemnation proceeding to may extend] lines into . 980 open, etc., alleys and minor streets. 734 East Washington Heiplhts Traction Com- Sec. 1608f, notice to parties in interest 734 pany, time exten ed ,. 308 Sec. 1608g, assemment. of damages and benstreets; abandonment of part of W street efits by jury .. 735 NE . . 174 Sec. I608h, condemnation of parts of lots. 735 extending hinhways east and west. of Soc. 1608i, determination of objections by ` Zoologica Park. . . 522 court 735 extension of Albemarle street. .._ ... 534 1808j, benefits assessed to include exextension of Eighth street N W 247 » mensee of proceedings . 736 extension of Euclid place to Erie street. 510 Sec. 18081:, pa ·ment.of nwardsforalaxniagim. 736 extension of Kalorama avenue . 514, 1010 Sec. 1608l, codection of assessment of benextension of M street NE .. 977 efits ..., . 736 extension of Nineteenth street . 1007 Sec. 1609, compensation of jurors 736 extension of Rittenhouse street 1038 { Sec. 1610, appeals not to delay opening, extension of T street N E .. 1001 j etc., nor paying awards to others , , 736 extension of Twenty-third street to Cal- f Sec. 1611, deposit of receipts from (`nited ifornia avenue 252 W States and ... . ., , 737 widening of V street NW . 520 Sec. 1612, preparation of plats ... 737 extension of Wyoming avenue . 577 j 1613, effect of condemnation under ltladison, Samson, and Sampson to be previous laws ..., 737 named Church ., . 244 4 District of Columbia, thnimiasioners of the, naming of, outside of Washington . 14 appropriation for salaries .. 363, S8-L opening, extending, etc., minor 733 · authorized to connect city with suburban part of Thirteen-and-a-half street desig— streets ... 587 nated Linworth place . 628 to construct necessary water mains and noo of parking and sidewalks for business z sewers ... 244 purposes . 10 * duties, causing telegraph poles and wires to taxes on property of Church of Redeemer be taken down ... QS4 remitted ..,,..,..._., 1831 · inaugural ceremonies ..,_,,..,,,__ 1277 telegraph poles and wires in iire limits to A opening, closing, etc., alleys and minor be taken down ... 984 I streets ... 733 conduits; alley connections, eu: . . - 985 i temporary detention of insane rsons- , 317 maintenance of, outside of city 986 i lunacy proceedings on petition oiifin eases union railroad terminal, time extended for · o homicidally inclined persons 740 completing .,,...,. . .. 740 i public convenience stations to be estabmoditication of plans; approval T4! { lished by; control 984