Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1168

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24 64 INDEX. G-ram, John L., ?•8°· Grigfqs. A- L, P‘*¥°· payment of Court of Claims judgment to · re und of mbernal-revenue taxes to .,,_ __ _ 807 administrator of .. 745 Griggs, JGQPBT M., Gum Lau, Me., pension increased ... 1473 appropriation for fish hatchery; water sup· Grigsby, Bazil, ply ,...,,...,.._.__,. 478 payment of Court of Claims judgment to deficiency appropriation for hgh hatchery 35 administrator of .. 770 Green, Naomi (daughier), Grigsby, Benjamin R, pension ,,..,,, . 1387 I ponsnou increased ... 1362 Green River, Ky., , Grigsby, Peter, appropriation for improvement; of 1134 I payment be ... ; . . ... 778 preliminary examination of, to be made to Grimes, Jacob S., Munfordville .,,.. 1151 pension increased ... 1666 Gncne County, Pu., Gnlsson, Frances E. (widow), bridge authorized across Mononghhela pension 1627 _ River between Fayette and 717 Gnhsom, Sarah Jane (widaw), Greene, David, I pension increased ,.. 1885 payment of French spoliaticn claim to ud-Grwlswold, Clara B. (widmv), ministmtor of .. 785, 793, 795, 798, 800 pension increased ... 1378 Greene, Hands, [ Gnswold, Rinaldo M., _· payment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- pension increased ,.. 1450 ministmtor of ., 792, 793 Gmesbeck, Alwe W T (widow), Greene, Lafayette M., pension . Q. . 1803 pension increased ... 1411 Grojfmarm, Charles IL L., Greene, Sarah (widow), pension increased ... 2019 pension ,... . ... - ... 1637 Grore, John W, Grecneville, Tenn., pension increased. . . 1946 appropriation for public building ..--. 454, 1158 Grove, Sampson IZ, Grccnlaw, Adelaide, pension increased ... 1781 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 770 Grovenar, Abel, Greensboro, N C., pension increased ...,... 1874 apogmpriatiou for public building, rout .·. . 454 Gnwerman Louis, ciancy appropriation for pu lic build-- perision increased ,...,.. 1448 ing, rent . 23 Grgber, Nicholas, · · Greenwich, Gum. peusnon increased .. , 1484 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1119 Grundy, Geo e, Greer Oorwnzy, Okla., payment 0;gFrcnch spolintiou claim to redeéciency appropriation for payment to ceiver of estate of . 784 Texas, expenses of government in, , 428 Grundy, Samuel R., _ Greer, {Surah, M. (widow), 643 payment of Courtf of Claims judgment to pension _ ,. . ‘ 1 exccutrix 0 ..,_,_ 750 Greer, I HC, and JL D. 17`ndall, Guadeloupe, West Lzdies, deficiency appropriation for damaga . 408 appropriation for consul at ,.,,, 76, 925 Gregory County, S. Da/c., . Guam Lhral Btution, disposal of lands in, ceded by Sioux In- appropriation for public works .. 1104 diana of Rosebud Reservation . , 254 l deEciency appropriation for ice plant . 408 lands of Rozebud Indian Reservatmn in, 354 enlisted mer; allowed credit for double 0 n oentry . 2 [ time 0 service in .,,,_ 264 Gregory, Egorgc W, 460 Guantanmno, Cu?::, .\vl`Ll'dIS¢(1ti;Tl, penlwn incr6¤S9d ... 1 I a r0 riaticm or public wor s .. 336 Grenoble, Erqnce, _ pg; fight station, r ________.,,__________ 1171 G: ¤”::l’0p for mum} It . 76, 925 i G3;f;;1ency;pgrr;pmation for ..,. , .,,,__,_ 30 ' , J1'-, r uma, . ., Gg}ah|nh‘;1b1£3n$Vm?lqdimr¤ge ..,.. 2013 procccdigggstsfor ancillary, of nonresident 006 N y · ‘ , in an 0T lunatics ..,, 1 pension incmmed . . . 1832 Guatemala, (MW, ROM1Y•¤¤» _ extruditnon treaty with .,..,..,,, 2147 gzzlmeng of Court nf Claims judgment t0. 748 Guatemala and Honduras, GH L Wgllwm C- aprropriatinn for minigter to ... 68,915 M20; - ---·-- · - . 1566 G or;:r€‘j:’ry(9f(1;gat£n .. 69, 916 I _ ·1 I , lll md , (_R;$7·*°;¤£;¤€F°*:;_¤°d - · -. 1996 Gappwpaingg? Snr consul-general at .. 73, 921 JN : » vW• ·· uuyaqu , a or, P€¤'¤0¤ 1¤0!'¤¤8€d ----···----. . .----···.. 1797 a. ro ristion for mmm} ner;] at ,_,___ 1 Grqfilhl Gqargc K, nlian Frank W, Morton, pg); 58;-}; him ________ _____________ P°°"°“ *"°'°°°°" ·-·--····----·-··-·~-· · 2***2 Gudye/L Bemawin n, (hwhg -]*177**9 P-- pension increased .,,,. , ,,_,_____ 188% P€¤¤10¤ir.\Cl‘6¤8€<1 -. . 1776 Gudg"2 Hm_ Jam" M ' Gfr:,g${0·£0;:v¤ D., 1511 ! deficie;gcy·sppr0priation for c0ntested·elec- -·······-·— · -----· · -·--mn expenses .,.._ 420 Gwirfw. Herbew M., Gwzpn, mm, G t of C;“’* °f C1¤¤·!¤¤ i¤1d8¤¤€m *0- - 761 apprdpriatiou for consul at ...,_,,___ _ _ _ 76, 925 M _. qmu ·, Gumin, Prank, P°¤¤°¤ ¤¤¤*'°“°d -·--—- - ---—·---·----- · . 1606 payment of Court of Claims judgment wr _ 744