Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1176

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2472 mnnx. Holiday Recess, Congressional, P¤8¤· 5 Homestwd Entriea—C0ntinucd. _ P¤€°· ordered for 1903 ..,. 2077 I additional, canceling illegal, etc., entum- . 527 - ordered for 1904 2083 I commutation not allowed . 527 Holland (uc Netherlands). up to 640 acres allowed on certain Ne- Hom d gay B braska arid lands . -547 n I 2 ‘7 · payment 0 gourt of Claims judgment t0__ 757 tmnsfer allowed of portxon of, before pat- . ent, for mghts of way for telephones, Holland, { I- im 1-0 ement of harbor telegmphsv etc ··•················· 991 appropmack 1A3Q_ Ogutgwts1136 undisposed lands, gofmd Vagoy Indian ’ '‘'‘'‘' Reservation a . opeuo to ... 706 Holler, Frank, Q [tl’ payment of Court of Claims judgment bo. . 758 Hgggdmm groncously canceled grants H0"?!/» John MU credited for residence ctc., on makappointed on Board of Managers, Volun- ing new entries ___________________ 1 84 tear S01d1E1B, Home ... 592 Hm. I Forbes Homda!/> EM‘» pension increased , __,_,_ 1323 pension increased ... 1490 Hamochmo Rim., Mn_, Hollidqy, William, [ appropriation for improvement of .,.. 1129 Hsuemlon IDT--} --------·—-- · ------ 1668 I Honduras, Guatemala and, ingarworth, arricl ., appropriation for minister to ... 68, 915 payment of Court of Claims judgment to for secretary of Iegation .. 69, 916 _ administrator of dcvisec 0 773 Hmgkmg, GMM_ -H°u'm9*”»'°"h¤ Joh", _‘ _ appropriation for consul-general at .. 73, 921 x>¤y¤¤¤¤* <>¥ 9<>¤¤ of Ch-m¤ Judzmw to for clerk hire., ... ve, 926 Hbmm ;g’::'lmstmu'*x °f -------·----··--- 744 parcels-post convention with ..., 2242 myéoggggstmmglaépomuon claim Q88 799` Hg?z£;hgg?$?5r imgrovcmeut of harbor- 1146

 Wiuiam, _..-----..`... ’ ’ eectncpgwcr, Bukeh ChiS6 ill,   227

"°’“°.’3$;’f.»K'°“$'2,F??Tif‘??”-°“i“ *0 $2* m -»·»·—¤¤»$€»‘··~‘¥·‘¥"i€‘¥·¥·~·»~···· "M ‘‘‘‘ M noun, Jam <···ww>,`````'```lm N ,,_;“°°°c,, m§;*PmP’; gP*,¤°d*;';d·,—w· ¢,-E-,—,E-,--: IQ} mon · ·· .

, Seymouf W HMM45k   Granted,

appropriation for réimbursiug ... 221 B¤¤'¤¤’0f*» Wl0mm J ·--·-~--~·-----·--··- 1833 Hoymmy, Maj Ggoygg 1;, Barnes, . 1985 deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- I B¤¥`¤¤¤» gillmm B —·--—-~--·--·-------·· ya ___________________________ 1224 g Beegeg, enry . II0lme.s, Cin, wb - I1§0v~·d¤¤bj1¥1¤1¤<>¤ S . . i;Q§g paymento urto ims judgment t -- 753 · ONG 1 0 H ·---·-··------—-—---- - ----- 4 4 Holmes, Hudson and Cominuny, U . E]Y» 13/¤g¤¤¢ H -------··-·-·-·---------- 2009 payment of French gpo iatinn claim to ad- Emu, John ·--· ; -··-—---·--—---·-·----·· 2073 Hol Rmmisggmmo surviving partner", ms i ;;r<·tz~>r, ·£¤¤;i Jr .i . md il'?]', (1., - HIISOII Fl l1?II1( .. , .. . . . . — alppropriation for improvement of ..,, 1127 ~ U¤¥'b¢‘¥`·,J¤¤¤•‘¤ f ---·-·-·--·----·-.-.-..- 20• I Ho z, Charlea R, Hoqsulmam, Jaynes ... . .. 2070 pension increased . . 1:10:; , Jqvlm. Fredernvk W 1775 Holyoke, Mau., . j Knlbgumg, Serenus . 1374 ulpproyriwion for public building . 455,1158 4 Murhn, tw. G ...--... . ..-... 2001 Ho wr, ohm g Pndge, George H . ... 2060 nsion . .,_,_______ 1357 5 Rose, Gottheb C 1862 Hgzcfvr Irwumblea, D. O., g Shpffqrd, Frederick H .. . 2029 appropriation formninwuance . 387, sos 5 Stngrhn, Charles l875 Homwpalhic Hoagrilal, D. Ci, g Swmglc, Nnchplgs . . 2006 ppipropriation or indigent patients _____ 387, 908 { Trgudwcll, Wl1I18m A . . - . . 2070 H or cgglxplcticn, etc., of building _,_,___ 908 ylwhlgicnry {eg. R . . .1}. - 1832 0mm', jamin, , 0 GE ¤ prlva ompamy , we th paymenf; of Fmucb spolisticn claim to ad- E New York Cavalry .. 2010 H ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤7¤¤¤r ¤f ----·- vas, 793 § Hood, Alexander .p, Omedead Em" my ‘ pension increased _____________________ _ _ 1595 by aliens, on certain void naturalization . i ¤¤>v¤¤==¤¤¤¤ v·¤d¤¢¤<¥ -—---·----—·- 298 ¥ H'§'§?}'¤£“,€{.’t%;,{.’;‘Q”fyS;. °"";t ew H d· second entries allowed on inability to com- of PP° ’ " 0 D uns plete nm ..;. 527 I ················--·-·······- 20*1058 cguditiong ___,,___,____,_____________ 527 t -H0°P€r_ Idandy Md-, _ _ _ lands in Minnesota and Wisconsin with- ¥ deficiency “PP"°P"¤m°¤ for light-h0¤S0 . - 426 drawn for reservoir purpoxs, re-Hvwerl Jaynes A., gtpred to .,.,_,..,,.., 990 penmon nn;-ragged _______________________ ]3]() <¤zr5d¤¤<>¤¤ ·-·-------·- 3 -----·.--.- 990 Hope and Help Jfi¤*>•¤, D- 0-. ¤dd¤¤i<:?gu-gif! 0H ccnuzucus land per- 52_ aptpr0p¤nt1<;u for maintenance ..,________ 388 -·---·----—--·---·——- · ----— * ¤ 0 d h'1d ________ _ yregntc not to esceod 1606¤cr·es .. 527 E "Hope:’?i9re€;»4(:o1:;»€tm€n an 0 I mn qw cvgxmcc or mm ence on mt entry,- 527 . payment of French s l' ti lg' restncted to occupant' lands . . .-- 527 Q gccguut 05 _____ K tjg _? fl? 796