Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1210

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2506 mosx. Manzg"actures, Census af, Page- 1 Marine Corps-—Continued. P¤B¤· coo ration with Michi n, to take .. 58 deficiency. appro riation for forage ... 407 P9 Ba _ P _ with other States . 58 for reinibplrsing Army, supplies fur- 407 Maps of the United States, 1 nis e at 'uam .. appropriation for; mounting of Congres— for barracks, Annapolis, Md ... 407 sional allotment ._,. 125, 670 · commutation for fuel allowed enlisted men for separate State and Territorial - - -_- 125, 670 employed as clerks, etc ... 407 for post-route ,..._.,... 134, 679 credit for service in civil war to officers on for geological ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,... 486, 1187 retirement . .. 349 for printing for sale; price . 487 credit for service in, to second lieutenants deficiepgcy appropriation for mountirég) for 34 ed appointed in artillery . ongress ,...,.,,... 409, 12 cr its in quartermasters’ accounts .. . for connected and separate . . . 1234 to contest for marksmen’s trophies, medals, balances of appropriations made available etc .. 274 for printing, edition of 1904 584 Marine-Hospital Service (see also Public Health Maps, War Department, and Marine-Hospital Service), appropriation for publication . 499, 1199 permipent appropriation for, repealed 1217 or transportation, etc., of .. 499 1199 Marine ospitals . Maraeaibo, Venezuela, y appropriation lor, Buffalo, N. Y .. 1156 appropriation for consul-general at .. 73, 921 or Cairo, Ill .. 458 for clerk hire ..., 78, 926 for Chicago, Ill ... 1162 Marblehead, Ma.s.s., for Louisville, Ky - 1162 appropriation for public building . 455, 1159 for Pittsburg, Pa .. 1160 Mardin, Amanda L. (widow), for San Francisco, Cal .. 458 1162 pension increased - .. 1564 for Savannah, Ga . , 1160 Mare Island, Cal., Aiwy- Yard, Jllarion County, Tenn., _ appropriation for public works ... 335, 1103 time extended for bridge across Tennessee or ppblic works, naval magazine .. 339 River in .. 629 Mareau onus, Marion, Ind., paynient of French s liation claim to ad- appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- `trato fpo 790 d' ’H 503 1203 minis r o ~ 1 ers ome ... "Mar·•h," Brig, deficiency appropriation for Volunteer Sol- ’ payment of French spoliation claims on diers’ Home - .. 402,1226 • account of 790 Mariposa Big Tree Grove (kd., "Mar*ia," Schooner, ~ recession from Califorhia, accepted ... 1286 payment of French spoliation claims on Maritime Congress, International, account of ..,. 793 appropriation for delegate to 505 Mariettcz, Ind. T., · Jllaritime l’Varfare, term of court at 60 declaration as to exemption of private Mar»ine (hrps, 1 property at sea not contraband 592 appropriation for pay of officers, active Mrrrk, Andrew R., list ... 347,1113 1 pension increased L .. 19612 retired list .. 347,1113 , Mark, Louis, for pay of enlisted men . 347, 1113 1 payment of French spoliation claim to increase authorized 1113 administrator of 780, 795 retired .. 347, 1113 1 }Ru·k¢·1me, U18 rn. JI., for undrawn clothing .. 347, 1113 pension increased ... 2054 for mileage of officers .. 347 1113 Markewl Tree, .~1r/s. for commutation of quarters 347; 1113 bridge anthoriied across Saint Francis for pay of civil force ... 347, 1113 River at .. 9 for provisions .. . .. 348 1114 Marker, .Dnm·s, §or plophing ... 348; 1114 payment of Court of Claims judgment to or ue ... 348, 1114 executor of ... 751 for military stores . 348,1114 Market Masters, I). C., for rieimbursing Orélnance Department Maprzroprigion {cz salaries, etc .. 365, 886 or magazine ri es 348 ark am enry . for transportation and recruiting 348, 1114 1 appointed on Bosird of Managers, Volun- » for repairs, etc., barracks; rent . 348,1115 teer So1diers’ Home ,,..,._ 592 fortorago .. 349,1115 1 lllarkham, James M., for hire of quarters . 349, 1115 1 · pension increased ,.,...,_________ _ _______ 1376 for contingent . 349, 1115 1 Marks, Miss., for public works. - 2 350, 1116 ! bridge authorized across Coldwater River deficiency appropriagon ger continggpt- . . 28, 1 at .,,..,.,,,____,_______ _ 1035 404, 4 7, 4 5, 1228, 1 1253, 1256 }Iarkvmen’s Jledalx, etc. Annual for clothingi .. 28, 406, 425; 1253, 1256 i appropriation for proyiding. .1 . 274, 580, 841 for mlmtary stores .. 28, 1230 Marple, William W, in 1 ippines .. 407 pension increased .,,, , ,__,_,,___ 1882 tor pay - -· ,... 44, 404, 1228, 1253, 1256 1 Marquette Bay, Jfieh., IOP l11TB quarters . 44, 404, 1228 1 appropriation for improvement of harbor {or proyisious ... . . . . . ·;g44, gg, V aotlretuge ...,,__,_,.,,_.., 1136 Ol' 119 : ... ,1- . , - arque e ames, ger repair of barracksl. .. l 404, gg; statue accepted, to remain in Statuary or barrac s, League s , a Hall . 2078 for transportation and recruiting ... 407, thanks of Congress extended to Wisconsin ` 1229, 1253, 1256 for statue of . , .,.. 2078