Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/484

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 274-276, 282, 283. ‘1905. 1775 laws, the name of James Bryson, late of Company I, Twenty-seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. | date = January 25, 1905}} .

January 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 275.-——An Act Granting an increase of pension to John Hubbard. Junngrg j905.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United , [Prime, N0. zso.] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Mm Hubbard Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the Pension increased. pension roll, subject to the plovisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of John Hub rd, late of Company G, First Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and payahim a pension at the

rate twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of t t he is now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, January 25, 1905.


January 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 278.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Henry -Bres1in. -7¤¤*E§¤'Y5825%

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re{n·esentatives of the United —[P¤’iv¤¢¤· N<>-251-] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Hem., BM,,,, Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place cu the Pension increased. Ension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension ws, the name of Henry Breslin, late of Company A, First Regiment . Indiana Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay him a pension at the rate

of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, January 25, 1905.


January 27, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 282.—An.Act To remove the charge of desertion from the name of Fred- January 27,1006.

erick W. Joslin. [S- 32*6-] _ _ _ [Private, No. 252.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflfgrresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War mjggfemmé be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to remove the charge of gmnm. desertion now borne on the records of the War Department against the name of Frederick W. Joslin, late a private in Company C, One hundred and sixteenth New York Infantry, and to grant to the said Frederick `W. Joslin an honorable discharge from the service of the United States, to bear date from the day on which said One hundred

and sixteenth New York Infantry was mustered out of the service..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, January 27, 1905.

January 27, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 283.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to William W, Smith. ny?

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rripresentatfives of the Zbzited [ri-nvm, sn. ze.] States of Amehea in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the wmim W Smith Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the rensinninéremnf nsion roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension lizcws, the name of lVilliam W. Smith, late of Company E, Tent Regi~ ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of

twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, January 27, 1905.