Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/868

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MoNEY-osnniz CONVENTION—>LIBERIA. 2163 Airriomz 18. 1. The postal administration in each country shall be authorized to M¤i¤¤¤¤}1r¤1¤¤- adopt any additional rules (if not repugnant to the foregoing), for greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generally. 2. All such additional rules, however, must be promptly communicated to the Post Office Department of the other country. Amicus 19. Each administration is authorized in extraordinary circumstances siT¤¤¤tp¤r:·y wrenthat would justify the measure to suspend temporarily the Money °°° °° °°‘ Order service in whole or in palrt, upon condition of giving notice of such suspension immediately to the other country, and, if deemed necessary, by means of the telegraph. . ARTICLE 20. 1. This present Convention shall take effect on the tirst day of July, 1903, and shall continue in force until twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have notified to the other its intention to terminate it. _ 2. The Postmaster General of the United States being by law vested with power to make and comdplete Conventions of this c aracter, no further ratification is require upon the part of the United States: but such ratification shall be made, upon the part of Liberia, as is required by its laws. In witness whereof the respective duly authorized representatives S*8'¤'j¤¤’°¤· have signed the above articles, and have hereunto atlixe their seals. Done in duplicate, at the city of Monrovia, this ninth day of June, 1903, and at the city of V\'ashington, U. S. A., this twenty-fifth day of April, 1903. S. T. Pnorrr, _ Poohnaster General of Liberu:. H. C. PAYNE, Postmaster General of the United States. Arrmmrx. · (A-—|*'•¢•·> rom A. Postal Money Order Exchange Lid with the Republic of Liberia. List of Postal Money Orders iaaued in the [halted Smtea, payable in Liberia. List No . Sheet No .. mmm w be mma by the runes smes Exchange once. B‘°“l” g’mb§e“J}°€,g’g;i§f°h“8°

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