Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/899

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POSTAL CONVENTION—CUBA. JUNE 16, 1903. warded by the most speedy means la via mas rapida, y, en el segundo, to its destination, and in the latter seran entregados a las personas a be promptly delivered to the re- quienes vayan dirigidos, quedando gpective persons to whom it is ad- sujetos en su trasmision alas leyes ressed, being subject in its trans- , y reglamentos de cada pais resmission to the laws and regulations pectivamente. of each country respectively. ARTICLE XII. Am·fcU1.o XH. °**°¤*· The Postmaster-General of the E1 Gobierno de Cuba y el Ad- United States of America and the ministrador de Correos de los Government of Cuba shall have Estados Unidos de América tenauthority to jointly make such fur- dran facultad de expedir unidos, ther regulations of order and detail de tiempo en tiempo, los reglaas may be found necessary to carry mentos ulteriores de 6rden y de- _ out the present Convention from talle que fueren necesarios para time to time; and may by agree- cumphr la presente Convencion, y ment prescribe conditions for the podran por mutuo Convenio estaadmission to the mails of any of lecer las condiciones paralaadmithe articles prohibited by Article sion, en las balijas, de cualquiera I. \ de los objetos prohibidos en el . Articulo I. _ Am·1c1.m XHI. _ Airrionno XIII. This Convention abrogates the Esta Convencion abrogalas relaexisting postal relations between ciones postales existentcs entre the two countries. It shall be ambos paises. Sera ratiiicada `por ratified by the contracting parties los paises contratantes de acuerdo in accordance with their res ctive con su respectivas leyes, y sus laws, and its ratifications shdll be ratincaciones se canjearan en la exchanged at the City of Washing- ciudad de Washington tan pronto ton as early as possible. It shall como sea posible. Comenzarai. a take effect thirty days after the regir treinta dias después del canje exchange of mtifications, and shall de ratificaciones y continuara vicontinue in force until terminated gente hasta Que se denuncie de by mutual agreement, or ended at comun acuer o, 6 se termine a the instance of either country upon instancia de cualquiera dc los dos six months previous notice given paises, previa una notiiicacion to the other. . echa al otro con seis meses de anticipacion. · Done at the city of Washington Hecho por dnplicado en la ciudad this 19th day of August, 1903. de Washington a 19 de Agosto, de 1903. [sEA1..] . HENRY C. PAYNE, Postmaster- General of the United States of America. [SEAL.] GONZALO DE QUESADA Enviado Estraordinario y Jlhnistro Ptenqmteneiario _ _ de la Repziblica de Cuba. Y **1** The aforegoing Protocol has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby a proved and ratified. p In testimony whereof, I have caused) the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. [sEA1..] TnEononE Roosrrvnm. By the President: FRANCIS B. Looms, Acting Secretary of State, WASHINGTON, D. C., August Q1, 1903.