Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/907

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Mounronnna coNvENT1oN-PERU. ARTICLE 17. ARTICUID 17. >r M1- 1. If, pending the settlement oi 1. Si, pendieuitel el agreglo de an account, one of the two sta una. cuenta una e asA ministra— administratiqgs shall ascertamhgt ziqpes se cerciofsse de que csgdleuge it owes theo erabalance excee - otra un sa o que ex e e ing Two Ildundrled létpndls Sterling £2({0, la Admigistragilqln deudora, .+3200) the in eb a ministra- a a mayor reve remitira tion sliall promptly remit the ap- dicho saldo, que se abonara en proximate amount of such balance cuenta a la acreedora. Nada de lo to the credit of the other, but noth- contenido en este Articulo impide ing herein contained shall prevent que la Administracion deudora resuch administration frqm riaimit- mita a ga acreedoga una cantidad ting aless amount than wo un- menor e .£200, su discrecion. dred Pounds Sterling (.+3200) at dis- La cuenta y las cartas que accomcretion. This account and the panenestésremesasdebeuajustarse lettersdwhich accompanyhsuch in- a los najodelos "C’ y " ’D’ anexos terme iate remittancess alI be in a esta onvencion. , accordance `with the forms "C” and "D” annexed to this Conven- . tion. 2. If paymlent by thaeddebtolr ad- la 2.dSIi el pago no sp egectuare por ministration e not ni e wit in a a inistracion. eu ora deutro period ofhthree months from ge gel plazodde ares meses, la acreetime suc balance accrues e ora ten ri e o e pedir y chrgditoghadmigistmtgan sgalhhave percibirgqterzses gqpre el adeudo t ri tto eman anreceive arazone5 an . interest thereon, at the rateof five per centum per annum. - ' A-XRTIGLE 18. Amicoro 18. "°’· 1. The Postal Administration in 1.. La olicina de correos de cada each country may adopt any ad- pais queda autorizada para adoptar ditional rules not repugnant to the medi as adicionales (siempre que foregoing fpr grgaterh seqqrity no se pponganéi gas ya estippladgsk against rauc or or the tter para aseguri a contrae ro working of the system generally. mejorar este sistema enla practica. 2. A such additional ru1es, 2. Todas esas innovwciones dehowew·er,dmust}:>e1E>rom(p:’:iy cxbm- ben ser comunicadas inn1ediatamunicate to the ost ce e- mente al`otro pais. partment of the other country. Anrrcu: 19. Amfooro 19. “'¥’°“‘ _ administrrgtion is author- d Cacia administracion tiene pl 1ze in_ extrao inary circum- erec o siempre que acredite a stances that would justify the causa, de suspender temporal- ‘ measure to suspend temporarily mente el servicio de giros parcial ' the lMoneyrtOrder seruceim whole; 3 totalmente, bajo la cpndicion de or in pa _ upon con 1tion o ar aviso anticipado a otro pais giving notiee of such suspension si fuera necesario por telégrafoi immediately to the other country, and, if deemed necessary, by means of the telegraph. . Aarrcnm 20. Arrrfouno 20. 1. The Postmaster General of 1. Estando suficientemente facthe Lmted States being by law ultado por la ley el Postmaster