Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/911

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Ancusr 8, 1903. MONEY-ORDER CON VENT1ON—-PERU. F. .. Quarter of 19 General Statement of the result of the exchange q/‘ Money Orders between Peru and the Mailed States.

. I , ‘ '1`0 credit of Peru g T0 credit of United States.


_ s ¢ I _ the Orders issued in the United Orders issued m Peru and pay- States and payable in Peru able in the United States as as r detailed statement (C). per detailed statement (C) . . . Recpsd ordem ... Repaid orders .. V dordcrs . Void orders ... . Paid on account by the Post Paid on account by the Post Otllce Department of Peru Othee Department of the t United States ., , ,_,, - 19 I 19 - 19 I · 19 19 I 19 19 I . 19 Total credit of the United Total credit of Peru I States Balance due Peru .. . I > Balance due United States . I The foregoing account is accepted with a balance of .. dollars and ., cents in favor of the Post Othee Department of .. Lima ... . .. 19 Examined and accepted: Washington, D. C., ... t.. 19 _ · F. .. -... trlmestra de 19 Estado General que manlnesla el resultado del camblo de giroa postale: entre Perri y lov Estado: Uniden. A favor de Peru. A favor de los Estado: Unldos. _ i Dollars ; Cents Dollars Cent.; l`_"“I`_"" 'i— t"" Giros expedidcm en los Estados { ‘ I uirus Expedidos en Perd y Unidos y pagaderos en Peru l aderos en Los Estados segun el Entadodetallado (C). , Eidos segun cl lmado Glros cuyo importe se ha rein- detnlladcy ((1) tegrado ... Glros cuyo importc se ha rein- Giros cnducos .. . . . . ; tugrado .. . ... Pagado en cuenta por lu Ad- [ Giro: caducos ... ... miuistraclon General de Cor- Pagado en euenta por el Dereos de Peru .. Ertamentode Uorreos de los l tados Unidos .. 19 I-A I L 19 M-`_—` ) 19 :I ·19 I 19 . I · _ 19 I 19 I I 19:. . | I (frédito total de los cream mm de rem . I { Estados Unidos .. { . laldo de los Estadoa Uniden I { Saldo A favor de Pern .. . . . . I ` . I I I

Se declare aceptado In menu amgrior reconociendme el mid:) de ,.________,,,. dollars y .. cents A favor del Correo .. Lima, .. 19 Examinado y aceptadoz _____________ _ ____ Auditor porel Departamento de Corrcos de los Eotadoa Unidos. Washington, D. C., .. 19 _