Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1026

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996 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1638. 1907. Post lights on Fox River, Lake Winnebago and connecting lakes and channels, at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars. ¤s1¤¤·¤i¤¢<>¤¤¤¤¤d- The Milwaukee light station on the point about one mile northward and eastward of North Point, northerly side of Milwaukee Bay, and the light station at McGulpin Point, Michigan, on the southerly side ‘ of the Straits of Mackinac shall hereafter be discontinued. 1'¤¤v¤¤¤· <¤¤¤‘i•=¤- nmvnxm Lxencr-nousn Drsrnror. A light and fog signal station at or near Split Rock, near Beaver gray, Eake Superior, at a cost not to exceed seventy-tive thousand o ars.

  • ·*¢¤¤°*¤°°¤“““°°· Range lights at Grand Island Harbor, Munising, Lake Superior,

Michi n, at a cost not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; and from and aigtbr the time when such range lights shall be put in service the present Grand Island Harbor light shall be discontinued. Hgcwcr }¤¤¢¤r f¤rr¤— The relief ligiht vessel for the ninth and eleventh light-house disvd?§,i>.1m. trictsauthorize by the Act approved Marchthird, nineteen hundred and three, shall be uipped with such power motor as, in the opi·nion · `of the Light-Housechoard, appears for the best interests of the Government, without however increasing the limit of cost as fixed by said Act. T"°”`“‘ ‘”""°'* rwnuwn ueucr-uousn msrmcr. A relief light vessel for use on the Pacific coast, at a cost not to exceed one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. A light and fo signal station at Carquinez Strait, between San Pablo gay and Suisun Pay, California, at a cost not to exceed fifty thousand ol ars. · A light and fog signal station on the north shore of Molokai Island, Hawaii, at a cost not to exceed sixty thousand dollars. A tender for use in Hawaiian waters and elsewhere as may be directed, at a cost not to exceed two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. 'm¤'*¤°¤°* ‘“**"°*~ rurnrnnwrn nrenr-nousn Drsrnrcr. A light vessel at or near Swiftsure Bank, off the entrance of Juan de F uca Strait, Washington, at a cost not to exceed one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Rebuilding and equipment of a light-house and fog signal at Cape Arago, Oregon, at a cost not to exceed twenty thousand dollars. The limit of cost of fog signal station to be established in connection with light station at Battery Point, Vifasbington, heretofore authorized '°L"~ ¥’·“‘· by the Act approved June twenty-ei nth, nineteen hundred and two, is herebly increased by the sum ofyeight thousand dollars, so as to make the tota limit of cost fourteen thousand dollars instead of six thousand dollars, as heretofore authorized. ““°°“"‘ ‘““"""· mrrnnmn Lmirr-nousrz DISTRICT. A new tender for use in the fifteenth light-house district, at a cost not to exceed sixty thousand dollars. °°“°"°‘* Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby authorized to enter into contract or contracts for an or all of the items provided for in section one of this Act, within the limits of cost therein, respectively, provided. m§¤€P¤·‘¤’ dW**'l*¤S"· Sec. 3. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby author- 1*o¢,p. ms. ized to establish and provide in the Light-House Establishment, in connection with such lighthouses as shall, in the opinion of the Light- House Board be for the best interest of the Light-House Service, thirty light-keepers’ dwellings and appurtenant structures, at a cost