Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1028

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998 F1F·rY-Nmrrn concnsss. Sess. 11. GH. 2073. 1907. ”***=*i°“°*"“°*”°'* Sec. 2. That the present district jud e in said district and the one appointed under this Act shall agree between themselves upon the division of business and assignment of cases for trial in said districts:

3;**; t b "_ Provided, however, That in case the said two district judges do not

¤u1¤5¤ii°gs.u Y ° agree the senior circuit judge of the eighth circuit shall make all necessary cirders fiog the division of business and the assignment of cases for tria in said istrict. Begum Wm Sec. 3. That the re ular terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for said district of Nebraska shall be held at the follow- $lZ'f°58, P, 221, ing times and places, namely: At Omaha, beginning on the fourth _ ’·¤°¤°°°· Monday in September and the first Monday in April; at Norfolk, beginning on the third Monday in September; at Grand Island, beginnin on the second Monday in Januar ; at North Platte, beginnin on the first Monday in January; at Chadron, beginning on the second Monday in Se tember; at Lincoln, be inning on the fourth Monday in October and) the second Mouda in May; at Hastings, beginnin on tilie séegond Miondlay in March, andy at McCook, beginning on the Prot on in arc . sP°°‘“‘ ‘°““* Sec.y4. That special terms of the circuit and district courts may be held in said district whenever such special terms are deemed necessary by the judges thereof, and the time or times of holding such special sessions of said courts shall be fixed bg the judges either by rule of _ _ said courts or by special order of a judge thereof. - ,_,,E{,§*,{f,_,'l""“"’“" ”‘ Sec. 5. That for the purpose o holding terms of court in said district of Nebraska said district shall be divided into eight divisions ”*""°"“· known as the Omaha division, the Norfolk division, the Grand Island division, the North Platte division, the Chadron division, the Lincoln °'"‘°"" division, the Hastings division, and the McCook division. The territor com rising the counties of Douglas, Sarpy, Washington, Dodge, Colyfax, Platte, Nance, Boone, Wheeler, Burt, Thurston, Dakota, Cuming, Cedar, and Dixon shall constitute the Omaha division, all N°"°1k' terms of court for which shall be held in the city of Omaha. The territory comprising the counties of Madison, Antelope, Knox, Pierce, Stanton, Wayne, Holt, Boyd, Rock, Brown, and Keya ha md shall constitute the Norfolk division, all terms of court for wlidch mn' , shall be held at the city of Norfolk. The territor comprisin the counties of Cherry, Sheridan, Dawes, Boxbutte. and, Sioux shalscon- Gmd stitute the Chadron division, all terms of court for which shall be held at the city of Chadron. The territory comprising the counties of Hall, Merrick, Howard, Greeley, Garfield, Valley, Sherman, Buffalo, Custer, Loup, Blaine, Thomas, Hooker, and Grant shall constitute the Grand Island division, all terms of court for which shall be held at the city of N°'“‘ “"“°· Grand Island. The territorjkcomprisin the counties of Lincoln, Dawson, Logan, McPherson, eith, Deng, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, and Scotts Bluff shall constitute the North Platte division, all M I terms of court for which shall be held at the·city of North Platte. “°° “‘ The territory comprising the counties of Cass, Otoe, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee, ichar son, Ga e, Lancaster, Saunders, Butler, Seward, Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Tillmore, York, Polk, and Hamilmm ton shall constitute the Lincoln division, all terms of court for which “““‘ shall held at the city of Lincoln. The territory comprising the counties of Clay, Nuc olls, Webster, Adams, Kearney, Franklin, Harlan, and Phe ps shall constitute the Hastings division, all terms of ¥•=¤<¤>*· court for which s all be held at the city of Hastings. The territory comprising the counties of Gosper, Furnas, Redwillow, Frontier, Hayes, Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase, and Perkins shall constitute the hmm McCook division, all terms of court for which shall be held at the cit com., ,.;,,,,,,_ of McCook: Itanded, That where provision is made herein for hold: ing court at places where there is no Federal buildin , a suitable room in whic .to hold court, together with light and hseat, shall be