Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1090

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1060 r•‘1rrY-N1NrH oonennss. sm. 11. os. 2507. 1907. A““"““i“°“- For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinery necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. m{,‘,§}§f’°“”g M""' For the purchase, manufacture, and test of inspecting instruments for the manufacture of cannon, carriages, and ammunition, and for the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, five thou- ' __ sand dollars. ,°;*‘“,,,‘,',}§°';Q,'{}°,}‘,n,,,‘{f,°,; For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber 1>¤¢¤¢¤- tubes, and other accessories for seacoast artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, three _ hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ,,;_.*,},"?,,§.';‘°““· “‘°""° For the alteration and maintenance of the mobile artillery, including the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon thirty thousand dollars. fomguwgéc ¤°¤·· For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber °tubes, and other accessories for mountain, field, and siege artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, seventy-seven thousand dollars. m—_‘;;*:r{;{c{g¤¤·** For the alteration and maintenance of the seacoast artillery, includ- " ing the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work andthe ex uses of the mechanics engaged ° thereon, four hundred thousand dolldis. Qggjlugféggw- For the alteration of three and two-tenths inch material to rapid- ` lire field material, including sights, implements, equipments, and the materials and machinery necessary for alteration and manufacture at the arsenals, twenty thousand dollars. uR¢P¥¤¢i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*· For replacing and overhauling ammunition, and for replacing or 0n, etc., destroyed . . . by stem on can repairing instruments for fire control, tools, and other ordnance prop- °°““· erty destroyed or dama ed by the storm of September twenty-six to tweut ~eight, nineteen hundred and six, at Forts Pickens and McRae, Florida; Forts Morgan and Gaines, Alabama; and Fort Saint Philip, Louisiana, thirty thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars. C°¤'°'“”¤ '”“"’° For converting muzzle—loading tield guns to brcech—loading guns to breech loading , , guns. for saluting urposes, and for necessary mounts for the same, hve thousand twoxhundred and fifty dollars. Imc of gmmm Section two of the Act approved May nineteenth, eighteen hundred Eihmiggnpgum and eighty-two, authorizing the Secretary of War to issue, on the ”{.‘j,'{l°2§·P_,,,_ requisition of the governor of a State bordering on the sea or Gulf ' coast, and having a permanent camping round for the encam ment of the militia not less than six days annuahy, two heavy guns and four mortars, with carriages and platforms, for their instruction, and for the construction of a suitable battery for the cannon so issued, and appropriating five thousand dollars for each State to carry out the f,"rg;j;,'{ mw ,,0, above-mentioned objects, is hereby repealed: Hwided, That this enema. repeal shall uotaffect the existing law regarding the disposition of the · cannon and other stores already issued. ,,,2“,Q¥2,1',,,I,`{,‘f°;»{;{"°v` PBOVING GROUND, sssnr nook, Nnw Jmzsny. Maintenance- For current expenses and maintenance of the Ordnance proving ground, Sandy Hook, New Jersey, including expenses incident to the transportation of men and material therefor, general repairs and alterations and accessories incidental to testing and proving ordnance, including hire of assistants for the Ordnance Board, skilled mechanical labor, purchase of instruments and other supplies, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, fifty thousand two hundred and forty-three dollars.