Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1102

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1072 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2508. 1907. _ For purchase of one counting machine for use in the office of the quartermaster and disbursing officer, United States Military Academy, and cabinet for same, to be immediately available and to be purchased without advertising, four hundred and twenty-five dollars; uJ¤r¤<—>¤¢¤w¤ Errwi- For expense of subsistence of cadets while attending the Jamestsiimmuqc or ui- town Ter-Centennial Exposition, at the rate of one dollar and fifty "°‘·" ""°“‘*"‘€· cents per day for each cadet in attendance, six thousand dollars, to be immediate y available· In all, for miscellaneous items and incidental expenses, fifty-four thousand nine hundred and thirty-five dollars. Buinnmos AND e1=:oUNDs. g§j_Q_Q£*“¤° “"‘ For cases, materials, fittings, fixtures, and other appliances and repaairs for ordnance museum in academy building, three hundred dollars· For i·epairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining to the department of ordnance and gunnery, and materials for roads and vgalks, and for repairs to machinery and tools, one hundred and fiftv ollars· For general repairs to the cadet laundry building, and for emergency incidental lexpsnséesdagout building, to be expended without advertising four un re dollars; Y Iezor general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and shoe repairing shclzps, t ree hundred dollars; ¤°*d*¤¤‘¤' ¤°•P**¤l· or materials and labor for repairs, alterations, and additions needed at the soldiers' hospital, as follows: Purchase of suitable incandescent lights, droplights, tubing. mantles, and so forth; for paraffin and turpentine for waxing iI0O1'S;f()l' brushes, paints, glass, putty, and for general repairs; for materials for rebronzing radiators; and forpurchase of tlowers, fruit trees, shrubs, plants, and so forth, for hospital grounds, one hundred and sixty-hve dollars; W¤*°"'°*¤· For waterworks: Renewal of material in filter beds; improving · ventilation of filter house and water house; hose for use in cleaning filter beds and water house, and for use in fire service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers and for repairs of siphon house, filter house, and of four and oue—l1alf miles of supply pipe; for shed for tools and storage of fuel for keeper of Round Pond, and for tool house at filter; for gauges at and for stairs for access to same, and all pltheg néecessary work of maintenance and repairs, one t onsand two un re dollars; °“*°""°'¥’“'“· h0For {epairs and necessary alterations and additions to the cadet spita as follows: _ For niaterials for rebronzing radiators and piping; material for waxing and polishing floors; suitable incandescent lights, droplights, mantles, tubes; for carpets, furniture, and appliances; for repairs of damaged} aizrtmles, and for miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and twenty o larsd F EB mfrcbase of fiowers and shrubs for hospital grounds, one hunre dollars; d {or refurnishing the cadet dining room and kitchen, four hundred o ais °**°°' b°'¤°” Repairs to cadet barracks: For repairing and renewing plastering, painting, and calcimining, repairs to woodworknrefiooring, rearranging rooms, increasing sinks, gx1H1s, and other incidental repairs to the building, five thousand o ars' C°'“°°°"Y- F og maintpigirig and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, one thousand dollars; ·