Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1122

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1092 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2509. 1907. aggregate three hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. ch(jQg(§f*§,Qf¥€;¥‘lP Improving Galveston ship channel and Buffalo Bayou, Texas: Continuing improvement to a point at or near the head of Long Reach, in accordance with a modification of the original project as recommended in the report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and _ Harbors of date December fifteenth, nineteen hundred and four, two §gg{’;`;j,S_ hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said project as modified by said report, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars. exclusive - of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated: Pro/widedfurthei, wQl‘“"“°“'°’” H°“* That fifgy thousand dollars of the said cash appropriation may be expende for the restoration of the channel from the foot of Main _ street, Houston, to the head of Long Reach. §’Q{·Q§C{‘,"'§,§# }`,§’g Improving Brazos River, Texas, from Velasco to Old Washington: . W¤¤¤i¤g¤¤¤; Continuing improvement, seventy-five thousand dollars. wQ’},§_“”h“‘g‘°“ _“° Improving Brazos River, Texas, from Old Washington to Waco: Pr For the construction 0%-he lock gud dam at Hidalgo Falls, seventy- ”"“°· _ five thousand dollars: ovided hat the Secretary of War may enter , Ummm into a contract or contracts forisuch materials and work as may be ¤ necessary to complete said lock and dam, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the { aggregate one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein appropriated. h . “"*““Y R“’°'»T°‘· Improving Trinity River Texas: For maintenance t irty-five Hmm thousand dollars: For constriiction of locks and dams, as, hereinafter C' "" s_ mentioned, forty thousand dollars: Provided That the Secretary of Ummm \Var may enter into a contract or contracts forvsuch materials and work as may be necessary to construct Lock and Dam Numbered Four in section one in accordance with the report submittedhin House Document Numbered Four hundred and nine, Fifty-sixt Congress, first session, and also a lock and dam in accordance with said report at Hurricane Shoals, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of three hundred thousangl dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriate or authorized. m‘f{{’_8’$” B“Y°“·T‘*"· Improving Cypress Bayou, Texas and Louisiana: For maintenance, ten thousand e ol ars. Sulphur R*"°*·T**¤- Improving Sulphur River, Texas and Arkansas, in accordance with and Am the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and peygntg, Fiftyl·ninthdCpngress, first session: Completing improve- _ men 1r y-six thousand dollars. A;“}Qk“"““S Hmm Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas: For maintenance, thirty-five thousand dollars, and the amounts heretofore appropriated to be expended in the vicinity of Red Fork levee or set aplart for dredging _ are hereby made available for the maintenance of t is improvement. m§t§‘Qf’§f,{',§§Qi$,'},,é,§’,{ The Secretary of lVar may appoint a board to make an examination of said river to Muscogee, Indian Territory, with a view to ascertaining whether any feasible or desirable plan can be devised for the further improvement of the whole of said river to Muscogee or any portion thereof. The said board may, upon the order of the Secretary of War,}plsp make a similar? examination of that portion of the Red River w ic ies between ulton. Arkansas, and the mouth of the VVashita River, Indian Territory and the expense of such examination shall be apportioned between the funds appropriated for said rivers in such a manner as the Secretary of YVar may deem equitable, and the said board shall also report upon the Arkansas River at Pine Bluff and the White River at Augusta Narrows, to ascertain and report