Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1146

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1116 FIFTY--NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 2509. 1907. Neversink River, with a view to the removal of bars and other obstructions at and near its mouth. Minisceongo River, with a view to obtaining a depth of seven feet.

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Trent River, with a view to_obtaining eight feet of water from Newbern to Trenton. New River, with a view to obtaining a. depth of five feet from its mouth to Jacksonville. White Oak River, with a view to obtaining five feet from its mouth to Maysville. · Little River, with a view to removing bar at its mouth. Shallow Bag Bay, with a view to obtaining a depth of eight feet at . its mouth. South River, with a view to obtaining six, seven, and eight feet, reslpgctively, from its mouth to Aurora. aufort Harbor, with a view to a channel depth of twenty-five feet across the bar. Waterway connecting Swan Quarter Bay with Deep Bay, with a view to obtaining a depth of six, seven, and eight feet, respectively. North Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA. _ Red River of the North, with a view to straightening and deepening the channel. Ohio- OHIO. ‘ Harbor at Rocky River, with a view to repairing existing structures and extension of the harbor. Lorain Harbor: That portion of Black River from the inner end of the Government piers to East Erie Avenue Bridge. Maumee River, from deep water in Lake Erie to the Fassett Street Bridge, Toledo, with a view to obtaining greater depth and an increased width of approximately one hundred feet. 0rez¤n. · omxuox. Coos Bay and bar entrance. Coquille River, with a view to the removal of shoals and rocks at its mouth. . Tillamook Bay and bar up to Tillamook City. Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA. Erie Harbor, with a view to obtaining a depth of twenty-two feet and protecting Presque Isle peninsula. Youghiogheny River to Connellsville. R¤<><¤¤I#·¤¤¤¤· RHODE rsnann. Wickford Harbor, with a view to obtaining a depth of fifteen feet and for the removal of a ledge known as General Rock. _ Harbor of refuge, Block Island, with a view to securing a greater navigable depth_and a larger anchorage area. Providence River, with a view to extending the deep water area to Kettle Point. s°““‘ °“‘°““‘· SOUTH canouiu. Congaree River, from the present head of navigation to the mouth gfIB1ioad River, and Broad River from its mouth to N inety-nine Island oa s.