Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1148

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1118 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 2509. 1907. W¤=**i¤¢*°¤· WASHINGTON. _ Cowlitz River, up to Castle Rock. Puyallup River, with a view to straightening channel and securing suitable depth to city of Pu allup. Skagit River, to Sedro-Wlbolley. Blaine Harbor. Bellingham Harbor. Snohomish River, from the mouth to Lowell. . HFor a ship canal connecting the waters of Puget Sound with Grays arbor. weszvngmm. wrnsr VIRGINIA. Guyandot River. Deckers Creek, West Virginia, with a view to securing for a distance of two thousand feet up from its mouth a channel and harbor with the same depth of water as in the Monongahela River where said Deckers Creek empties into said river. · Cheat River, for a distance of twenty-five miles up from its mouth. W¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤- wisconsin. Algoma. (Ahnapee), with‘a. view to the construction of an outer harbor and obtaining a channel sixteen feet in depth. Kewaunee, with a. · view to obtaining depths of eighteen and twenty feet, respectively. Extent of vxeiimi- In all cases, unless a surve or estimate is herein expressl directed, °°”°x°mm°°°S` a preliminary examination shall first be made, which shalll `embrace information concerning the commercial importance, present and p1'OS— pective, of the river or harbor mentioned and a report as to the advisability of its improvement. Whenever such preliminary examination has been made, in case such improvement is not deemed advis- Surveys. able, no surveys thereof or estimates therefor shall be made without the direction of Congress; but in case the report shall be to the effect that such river or harbor is worthy of improvement. or that a survey and estimate should be made to determine the advisability of improvement, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, at his discretion, to _ cause surveys to be made and the cost of improvement of such river §Q‘§‘;,$'·b ,,0,,,1 0, or harbor to be estimated and reported to Congress: 1’;m·i¢l¢zl, That ¢¤`sg¢§2¤%g2¤r¤· in all cases reports of preliminary examinations, as well as of surveys, ' p`ordered in any section of this Act, shall be examined and reviewed by R the board provided for in section three of the river and harbor Act of °p°"' June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two; and the said board shall also, on request by resolution of the Committee on Commerce of the Senate or the Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives, examine and review the report of any examination or survey made pursuant to any Act or resolution of Congress, and report thereon through the Chief of Engineers, United States Army: U¤*“°h’°P°"· 1’i·0ridedjin·t}zer, That in no case shall the board, in its report thus called fortpy committee resolution, extend the scope of the project contempla in the original report upon which its examination and _ review as been requests , or in the provision of law authorizing the original examination or survey. ,,,§§f§$fE§$§,,‘;{,_““" All surveys and examinations provided for by this Act, and the reports thereon, shall either be completed on or before the iirst Mon- _ day in November, nineteen hundred) and eight, or else a preliminary

 report be made in which the reasons for delay shall be stated: Provided, That all reports of preliminary examinations and surveys which

may be prepared during the recess of Congress, and be ready for . printing, shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be printed gy) the Public Printer as documents of the following session of ngress. ·