Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1154

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1].24 FIFIY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2510. 1907. B°"~""°‘.°x“"““°”· Bonus or nxamrimns, srmm rmernnmns: For compensation for mmemnm board of examiners of steam engineers in the District of Columbia, three, at three hundred dollars each, nine hundred dollars. mQf'“"*“°° d°P°"· DEPARTMENT or msuruucn: For superintendent of insurance, three thousand dollars; examiner, one thousand five hundred dollars; statistician, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand dollars; steno pher, six hundred dollars; temporary clerk hire, one thousand two hdindred dollars; appraisers, six hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand four hundred dollars. Surveyofsomoe. For: SUBVEYOR,B orrxcmz For surveyor, three thousand dollars; assistant surveyor, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; computer, one thousand two hundred dollars; record clerk, one thousand and fifty dollars; inspector, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; draftsman, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; clerk, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; draftsman, nine hundred dollars; assistant computer, eight hundred and twenty-five dollars; two rodmen, at eight hundred an twenty-five dollars each; three chainmen, at seven undred dollars. each; two chainmen, at six hundred and fifty dollars each; clerk six hundred and seventy-five dollars; charwoman, one hundred and four dollars; in all, twenty-two thousand and twenty-nine dollars; Tmrcnnsenrcu. For services of temporary draftsmen, com uters, laborers, and drivers when required, and for an additional field) party when required, all expenditures under this sum to be made only on the written authorrt of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, four thousand five hundred dollars; In all, twenty-six thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars. rm pususunmy. Fam: PUBLIC murmur: For librarian, three thousand dollars ; assistant librarian one thousand five hundred dollars; children’s librarian, one thousand dollars; librarian’s secretary, nine hundred dollars; reference librarian, one thousand dollars; assistant, nine hundred dollars; four assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four assistants, at six hundred dollars each; three assistants, at Eve hundred and forty dollars each; co yist, four hundred and eighty dollars; catalo uer, nine hundred dlollars; cataloguer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; cataldguer, six hundred dollars; three temporary cataloguers, at five hundre and forty dollars each; stenographer and typewriter seven hundred and twenty dollars; two assistants, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; five attendants, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; five attendants, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; collator, three hundred and sixty dollars; two messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; ten ges, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; two janitors, at four lldndred and eighty dollars each one of whom shall act as a night watchman; en °neer, nine hundred dollars; fireman, seven hundred and twenty dohlars; workman, four hundred and eighty dollars; two cloakroom attendants at three hundred and sixty ol rs each; six charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, thirty-four thousand nine hundred and forty dofars. sum.; opening. For keeping the library open i‘ifty-two Sunda s from two o’clock postmeridian to ten o’clock postmeridian Seigght hours), five holidays rom ten o’clock antemeridian to ten o’c oc postmeridian (twelve hours), and for extra services three hours on Saturday afternoons dufirng July, August, and September, one thousand seven hundred 0 ars. mmummrr . Mrscnnuunous, Franz Prmuc Lrmunr: For purchase of books, seven thousand five hundred dollars; For binding, three thousand five hundred dollars; For fuel, rghting, fitting up building, and other contingent expenses, seven thousand dollars; In all, eighteen thousand dollars.