Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1169

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F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2510. 1907. 1139 separation from the school service from any cause whatever of a teacher or officer, may be used for the purpose of changing the amounts specifically appropriated for the sa aries of the positions made vacant as aforesaid and those of the lower group or classes affected thereby, by addition thereto, reductions therefrom, or the division thereof, so as to provide the proper salary of the class for newly appointed teachers or officers and the necessary additions or reductions in the salaries of the teachers or officers promoted, reduced, or changed by reason of said death, resignation, transfer, promotion, reduction, or separation from the school service as aforesaid. Bwided, lumeuer, That the changes herein authorized shall not §°,3§"I‘§f*§`g; increase or reduce the number of teachers or officers provided in the ' Act makingmalppropriations therefor, or exceed in the aggregate the . sum speci 5 approxziated for the salaries of said teachers and officers: Pb-jurt , That the changes in the amounts specifically R““"‘°“°“· appropriated for the salaries herein authorized shall only be made to pay the salaries of teachers and officers appointed, promoted, reduced, Am Bm transferred, or changed, in strict conformity with the provisions of '°' the Act entitled "An Act to tix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the board of education of the Digtrict of Columbia,” approved June twentieth, nineteen hundred . an six. Provided further, That except as specified, no teacher, of the whole M'Q§gf§;':,{{°°‘° "" number appropriated for herein, sha be employed as, or required to ’ discharge the uties of, a. clerk or librarian. i Nroritr souoons: For night schools for pupils, and teachers of night mgm “°"°°l" schools may also be teachers in the day schools, twelve thousand dollars. For industrial and commercial instruction in night schools, including ,,{},‘§‘{§,‘{"‘· “°‘· l“` salaries of teachers and equipment and other necessary expenses, five thousand dollars. For contingent and other necessary expenses of night schools, eight hundred dollars. Kmnnnexrrrnx surruns: For kindergarten supplies, two thousand ,,,§,§‘“°'¥°"°" ““*" five hundred dollars. ` Fon Jxxirons AND onus or nuxrmmos AND oaormns: For snper- ’°“"°“’·°'°· intendent of janitors, one thousand two hundred dollars; For care of Central High School and annex, two thousand dollars; Of the Business High School, one thousand six hundred dollars; Of the Jefferson Building, one thousand four hundred dollars; Of the Western Hi h Sc ool, one thousand four hundred dollars; Of the Franklin School, one thousand four hundred dollars; Of the Eastern High School and M Street High School, two, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; Of the McKinley Manual Training School, one thousand two hundred dollars; _ _ For one engineer and instructor m steam engineering at the McKinley E“8*“°°’”· Manual Training School, one thousand two hundred dollars; For one assistant engineer at the McKinley Manual Training School, six hundred dollars; _ _ ` Of the Armstrong Manual T raining School, one thousand two hundred dollars; _ _ _ . For one engineer and instructor in steam engineering at the Armstrong Manual Training School, one thousand dollars; For one assistant engineer at the Armstrong Manual Training School, six hundreul dollars; Of the Stevens School, one thousand two hundred dollars; Of the Wallach School, one thousand dollars; Of the Van Buren School and annex, one thousand dollars; Of the Birney and annex, Brookland. Curtis, Dennison, Emery, Force, Gales, Garnet, Grant, Henry, Johnson and annex, Peabody,