Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1178

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1I4B FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2510. 1907. character, and in all cases of emergency not otherwise sufhciently f,°,Q'Qf,§°,;,e,_ provided for, eight thousand dollars: Provided, That in the purchase of all articles provided for in this Act no more than the market price shall be paid for any such articles, and all bids for any of such articles above the market price shall be rejected. comma pnssm. FOR COURTS AND PRISONS. 0_§“g}¥;‘},'; g§,§§,’g{‘°°“ _ Surronr or convrcrsz For support, maintenance, and transportation of convicts transferred from the District of Columbia, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney—General, forty-five thousand dollars. °°“""‘°“'°· COUR’1‘—HoUS1z, Disrmcr or Conmmsui: For the following force necessary for the care and protection of the court—house in the District of Columbia, underthe direction of the United States marshal of the District of Columbia: Engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; five laborers, at four hundred and eight dollars each; and three messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dlhllars each; in all, ten thousand and eighty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General. gggggfeygté For the purchase and installation of Ereproof metal file cases in the ` clerk’s office of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, twenty- · five thousand dollars. __,,§.ff"°"““°“ °‘ “’°‘ To rebind, repair, and preserve the records of the old circuit court of the District of Columbia, covering the period from eighteen bun- _ grp;1 and one to eighteen hundred and sixty-three, two thousand o ars. ‘l$‘{{;,,,,_ lVARDEN or rim Jan.: For warden of the `ail of the District of Columbia, two thousand dollars, to be paid under the direction of the _ Attorney—General. M"“‘“*"‘“°°‘ Surroutr or rursoxmcsc For expenses for maintenance of the jail of the District of Columbia, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support of prisoners therein. to be Expanded under the direction of the Attorney—General, fifty thousand 0 urs. {'$‘,*{},‘e‘:,°,§§,Y"· Fmzs or WITNESSES, surnmir: comrr: For fees of witnesses in the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and for payment of the actual expenses of witnesses in said court. as provided by section eight hundred and fifty., Revised Statutes of the l nited States, twelve thousand dollars. ·'“’°"‘°°'* Fans or Junous, surnam; counr; For fees of jurors in the supreme court of the District of Columbia, fifty-four thousand dollars. P“" °""""'“· PAY or Barmrrsz For payment of not exceeding one crier in each court, of office deputy marshals who act as bailitls or criers, and for the expense of meals and lodgings for jurors in United States cases, and of baililis in attendance upon the same when ordered by the court, _ twenty-tive thousand eight hundred dollars. _ M‘“°°"'“‘°°““‘ Mxscmitsxnocs nxrmzsnsz For pavment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney—General for the supreme court of the District of Columbia, and its officers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, twenty-two thousand dollars. _ggg;,g*¤¤ M ¤·¤· CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. g,P·geg* ¤**¤*“*°*· Boauo or Cuauirms: For secretary, three thousand dollars; clerk, ` one thousand two hundred dollars: stenographer, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger. six hundred dollars: one inspector, nine hundred dollars; six inspectors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars