Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1220

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1190 FIFTY-NINTH oosennss. Sess. n. cu. 2512. 1907. . with the present s stem, twenty-two thousand dollars; in all, naval gagazine, Dover, llake Denmar , New Jersey, twenty-two thousand o ars. §Q¥;ff,;,Y8';,,m_ NAVAL MAeAz1N1:, SAINT Jnunns Cnnnx, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA: One bricékiniilgazine buigldgng, fifty gmt by (pale Hundred feet, fourteen thousan o rs- ina ourteenthousand dollars. I“‘“‘“ Hm ¤"°" NAVAL rizovmol enouim, INDIAN HEAD, MARYLAND: Shell and . mmu¤d'ud' mount storehouse, including twenty-tontraveling crane and tive—ton auxiliary hoist, to cost not exceeding twenty thousand five hundred dollars; laboratory annex, five thousand dollars; nitrate of soda storehouse, to replace building destroyed by fire, four thousand five hundred dollars; ether vault and tank, one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars; yro storehouse eight hundred and fifty dollars; completion of bomh roof for velocit battery, nine hundred dollars; clearing underbrush, care of groundls, and lpreservation of permanent way of railroad tracks, one thousand dollars; in all, naval (proving grgund, Indian Head, thirty-four thousand one hundred an thirty o ars. 1’¤¤¤*¤“¤·P¤~ Naval ma "ne Fort Mimin Penns lvania: Re irs to wharf and mmm18am` railroad tracgkllfivh thousand dhllars; installation di drainage system for live dwellings to discharge into river at low-water mark two thousand five hundred dollars; one building of corrugated steel con- ` strulction,heigl11tee1ndby1;shirty—;.H‘o feelt, fear use cg worlameslikcang iii1am;- san two un re o rs;_in , eig tthousand two un o . §:;·'a§*£g¤§g§f¤ Naval mlaggiigine, New Englaéidtlpoastz Thcgrardf th;_e}1;ection of She V01.33,p.338. necessary lll n s on roun , e nrc e o w 1C is now un er negotiation, as aughorized by the Actlapproved April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, for a new naval magazine on the New England coast; also toward inclosing said grounds, grading and filling » in, building roads and walks, improvement of the water front, necessary wharves and cranes, railroad tracks, and rolling stock for local servileie, gnredanddwgter segvice, :3151 Equipment of the establishment, one un re an t irtythousand dollars. mm I-°l'*"d·°'*l· Naval magazine, Mare Island, California: Toward additional magazine and storage facilities, quarters for gunners, fencing, extension of wharf, fire mains, lighting, tele hone and railroad systems, and equipment pertaining thereto, fifty thousand dollars. mQ;g$n_ Torpedo statiofi, gB\mOl't, Itlhgda Islagdz Riebuilding the oldest section o' sea wa , ve thousand dollars; err s i at to do station andlGov§rnmen1téandlinghsegeéx pliousand five hundred ddllldrs; in all, twe vethousand ve un re dollars. gg: §g'{,'§f""’°’· Naval magazine, New York Harbor: For naval magazine, New York Harbor (Iona Island?: Extension to locomotive house to hold number two compressed-air ocomotive, eight hundred dollars; installing fire protection, standpipes, and nozzles in storehouse numbered one, one thousand and fifty ollars; one additional magazine building, standard construction, with grading of sites fifteen thousand dollars; two filling houses, with steam heating, two thousand dollars; extension of railroad tracks, and new sidings, three thousand dollars; one heat-test house, one thousand dollars; extending sewers, five hundred dollars; primlgpdhguaeiiisgx liiumlred dollars; in all, twenty-three thousand nine un n y o rs. . P**€°*S°“¤°·W°***· _ Naval magazine, Puget Sound, Washington: For necessary buildings, water and hre system; fencing, clearing, and grading; railroad tracks, and equipment of the naval magazine, Puget bound, on ground recently aciguired for the purpose, total cost of the im rovements to said groun s not to exceed, one hundred and fifty-three thousand dollars, seVenty-five thousand dollars. · Total public works under Bureau of Ordnance, three hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars.