Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1244

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_ 1214 FIFTY-NINTH coueanss. sms. II. on. 2513. 1907. exchange points numerous, may, in his discretion, authorize payment for closed—pouch service at a rate per mile not to exceed one-third _ above the rate per mile now paid for closed-pouch service; and for mail cars and apartments carrying the mails not to exceed the rate of 0¤¤¤¤¢ of ¢i*·i¢¤- one cent per linear foot per car m e of travel: hwidedfurtkw, That the rates for electric-car service on routes over twenty miles in length outside of cities shall not exceed the rates paid for service on steam g{‘,ld°*‘e,;;,,I},{;dc,,,_ railroads: Provided, however, That one hundred and seventy-two thousand six hundred dollars of the sum in this item appropriated is hereby made available for the purpose of covering the cost of mail service by underground electric cars in the city of Chicago, Illinois, now under contract. F¤r¤is¤¤¤·¤¤= For transpprtation of foreign mails, three million two hundred and _ ggrvgwm mlm_ sixty-eilghtthousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter the Postmastermaps. Genera shall be authorized to expend such sums as may be necessary, not exceeding one hundred and five thousand dollars, to cover onehalf of the cost of transportation, compensation, and expense of clerks to be employed in asserting and pouching mails in transit on steamships between the United States and other postal administrations Y°’;,*{'.j5‘“;*;;”·F*ff-X in the International Postal Union, and not exceeding forty thousand um. dollars for transferring the foreign mailfrom incoming steamships in New York Bay to the steamship and railway piers, and for transferring the foreign mail from incoming steamships in San Francisco ,ef,‘,,@$,’j,,,l'f’ l°" Bay to the piers: And provided furt}u,>r, That the Postmaster-General be authorized to expend not exceeding five thousand dollars for pay- ment of idemnity for the loss of registered articlesin the international _ mails, in accordance with the provisions of treaty stipulations. m{'{'“,f"f“‘ '“’°"“' For assistant su rintendent, division of foreign mails, with headquarters in New Ydrk, New York, two thousand five hundred dollars. .B¤~l¤¤°°¤ .d¤¤ *0*- For balances due foreign countries, one hundred and seventy-nine eign countries. thousand dollars. T’"°l·‘"°‘ For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service, office . of the Second Assistant Postmaster-General, one thousand dollars. P0'§f,‘n'fm¢_§,;[;’e;:,f‘ orrxcu or mu THIRD Assrsnur rosrmasrna-enurznan. _ $'*¤P¤· For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special—delivery Snmped mm staymps, and wks of ptapipséeifive hundred audi nine thousand dollars. °P°* or manu ac ure o s am envelo s an news r wra rs and mp""` one million two hundred and seventytdee thousand dolhx. ppc ’ m°°'“*°“°¤· For pay of agent and assistants to distribute stamped envelopes and newspgper wrappers, and expenses of agency, twenty thousand eight hund and sixty dollars.

  • ’°°°*‘°”°¤- For manufacture of postal cards, two hundred and fourteen thousand dollars.

Di¤°**b¤**°¤· For pay of agents and assistants to distribute postal cards, and ex- _ penses of agency, five thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. $*“P·°'°-·‘°“°’* For ship, steamboat, and way letters five hundred dollars. mL§gd°“m’f,§Y·l°“ '°$‘ For payment of limited indemnity for the loss of pieces of first- _ class domestic registered matter, five thousand dollars. T¤¤’¢l·¢¤¤· For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the postal service, office of S ml I ther 1Third Assistant I}ostm1as§pSx;;“({reneml, one tholpsand dollars.

 ¤<>¤1¤¤•a l e appro riation or the ear nineteen undred and seven of

iis°§)$;”m°l1p°v twenty-five dhousaud dollars for tile employment of special counsel to ·"""· *’· "°· prosecute and defend suits affecting the second-class mailing privilege is hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and’eight. P1*‘¤¤r¢¤er-janemglnt ormcm or rm-: rouam Assrsraxr POSTMA8TBR·GENERAI.. summa. For stationery, including all money-order offices, ninety-five thousand dollars.