Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1261

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2536. 1907. 1231 entryman shall pay the same fees and commissions at the time of commutation or final entry as now provided by law, where -the price of the land is one dollar and twenty-nve cents per acre, and when the entry- man shall have complied with all the re uirements and terms of the homestead laws as to settlement and residence and shall have made all the required dpayments aforesaid he shall be entitled to a patent for the lands entere : And provided further, That all lands remaining undis- mflffj °‘ '°¤*°i¤i¤¤ posed of at the expiration of four years from the opening of the said ` lands to entry shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash at not less than two dollars and fifty cents per acre, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and that any landsremaining unsold after the said lands have been opened to entry for seven years may be sold to the highest bidder for cash, without regard to the above minimum limit of price. Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to reserve T°"’“’“°"“°"°"· from said lands such tracts for town-site purposes as in his opinion may be required for the future public interests, and he may cause the same to be surveyed into blocks and lots and disposed of under such regulations as he may prescribe, in accordance with section twenty- R‘S·*“°°"381*"·"3°‘ three hundred and eight —one of the United States Revised Statutes. The net proceeds derived, from the sale of such lands shall be credited - to the Indians as hereinafter provided. _ Sec. 5. That from the proceeds arising from the sale and disposi- D‘*P°*“‘°’P’°°°°‘”· tion of the lands aforesaid, exclusive of the customary fees and commissions, there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, to the credit of the Indians belonging and having tribal rights on the Rosebud Reservation, in the State of South Dakota, the sum of one million dollars, which shall draw interest at three per centum per annum for ten years, the interest to be paid to the Indians per capita in cash annually, share and share alike; that at the expiration of ten years, Fi¤¤iLLdi¤¢¤b¤¤¤¤ after one million dollars shall have been depos1ted as aforesaid, the p°r°°P said sum shall be distributed and (paid to said Indians per capita in cash; that the balance of the procee s arising from the sale and disposition of the lands as aforesaid shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians and shall be expended for their benefit under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and he may, in his discretion, upon an application by a majority of said Indians, pay a portion of the same to the Indians in cash, per capita, share and share alike, if in his opinion such payments will be for the best interests of said Indians. Sec. 6. That sections sixteen and thirty-six of the lands in each ,nQg_{*‘ljj;;°S;;fl,;*;"**j;*n;‘ township within the tract described in section one of this Act shall not mmf be subject to entry, but shall be reserved for the use of the common schools and aid for by the United States at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, ancl)the same are hereby granted to the State of South Dakota A l t { Y for such purpose; and in case any of said sections, or parts thereof, ,,,,,§§f’*’ ‘“‘°" ° ’““ are lost to said State of South Dakota by reason of allotments thereof To any Indian or Indians, or otherwise, the governor of said State, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby author— ized, within the tract described herein. to locate other lands not occupied not exceeding two sections in any one township, which shall be paid for by the United States as herein provided. in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be made prior to the opening of such lands to settlement. _ Src. 7. That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Sp;}g,g'f,;>,;*,·g_“°¤ *0* Treasury not otherwise appropriated. the sum of one hundred and l sixty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the lands' granted to the State of South Dakota,as provided in section six of this Act. And there is hereby appropriated the further Expenses. sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of making the allotments provided for herein: Pro- P"°‘””°·