Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1343

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2918. 1907. 1313 Pr0m'ded, That an equal amount in coin or· currency shall have been mg deposited in the Treasury or· such subtreasuries by the applicant or ` applicants. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Congress the cost arising under this appropriation. TnANsrom·ArroN or SILVER com: For trans rtation of silver dollars _,(§,j*;;P°’“¤¤ Sl]"' by registered mail or otherwise, fift thousandiiollsrrs; and in expending this sum the Secretary of the Iyreasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, silver coin when reqluested to do so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin emo. or currency s all have been deposited in the Treasury or such subtreas- D°"°“m‘ uries by the applicant or applicants. And the Secretary of the Treasurgshall report to Congress the cost arising under this appropriation. Eco1NAeE or GOLD coms: For recoinage of light-weight gold c0§,;°°*¤*¤¤ 8***** coins in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasu , as required by section thirty-five hundred and a.s.,»¤.ssu, tiwalve of the Revised Statutes of the United States, seven thousand o ars. · DISHNUHVE PAPER ron UNITED S·rA·rEs sncumrmsz For distinctive dg2M S""" ""' paper for United States securities, including expenses of transporta- _,,f,’*°"'”°“'° P°P°’· tion, salaries of register, assistant register, four counters, five watch- ` men, one skilled laborer, and of officer detailed from the Treasury as superintendent, three hundred and seven thousand two hundred dollars. SPECIAL wrrNEss or DESTRUCTION or UNITED STATES sEcmzrr1Es: ,,gQ*°”°”¤· °°”¤°°· For pay of the representative of the public on the committee to wit-* ness the destruction by maceration of Government securities, at tive dollars per day while actually employed, one thousand five hundred and seventy dollars. _ SEALING AND sE1>Arv.A·r1Ne UNITED STATES sncrmrrmsz For mate- ,,,gS°*“¤¢¤¤°•°P*¤° rials required toseal and separate United States notes and certificates, ' such as composition rollers, ink, printer·s’ varnish, sperm oil, white g _ printing paper, manila paper, thin rnuslin, benzine, gutta-percha beltmg, an other necessary articles and expenses, two thousand dollars. EXPENSES or NATIONAL CURRENOYI For distinctive paper, including ex*‘¤§g;*‘ °“""°¤°Y trapsportation, mill, and other necessary expenses, fifty-seven thousand iiiimnciivs paperdollars. ‘ CANCELING UNITED STATES sncnmrms AND ourrmo D1s·r1Nc·rrvE C*"°°"“¤·°'°· PAPER: For extra knives for cutting machines and sharpening same; and leather belting, new dies and punches, repairs to machinery, oil, cotton waste, and other expenses connected with the cancellation of redeemed United States securities, two hundred dollars. Cusronr or DIES, nous, AND rLA·r·Es: For pay of custodian of dies, ,_,j}}_**§;{*_{,_,,j;[__*‘l*‘** rolls. and plates used at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the ' printin of Government securities, namely: One custodian, three thousand doillars; two subcustodians, one at two thousand dollars, and one at one thousand eight hundred dollars; three distributors of stock, one at one thousand six hundred dollars, one at one thousand four hundred dollars, and one at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand dollars. PAY or ASSISTANT CUSTODIANS AND JANrr0ns: For pay of assistant custodians and `anitors, including all personal services for the care of ““"’“““°”· all public buildings under control of the Treasury De rtment outside of the District of Columbia, and washing towels? sprinkling streets, and removing rubbish, in connection with said buildings, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assa · oilioes, one million five hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein. GENERAL msrncron or surrurus ron runuc mm.D1Nes: For one P,}gjP°°‘°' °‘ WP general inspector, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and vox. xxxrv, PT l---83