Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1345

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2918. 1907. IBI5 United States and of foreign vernments, and otherfelonies committed against the laws of theglilnited States relating to the pay and bounty laws including one thousand dollars to make the necessary investigation of claims for reimbursement of expenses incident to the last sickness and burial of deceased pensioners under section forty- §,—§··;;¤·4{,¤géP·¤°· seven hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes, the Act of March O` 'p` ` second, eighteen hun red and ninety-five, and for no other purpose whatever, except in the protection of the person of the President of the United States, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Pro-‘ m vided, That no part of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person subpcenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which e uses shall be paid from the appropriation for “Fees of witnesses,Eited States courts.’° COMPENSATION nv Luau or momnms: For compensation in lien of ,,_§f,°},¤,P;{*,{g{§g;* *1* moieties in certain cases under the customs revenue laws, twenty thou- ` saréd dollars. T d f h cou mg usroms smzvroa: 0 e ray the ex nses of collectin the revenue of F,“”‘°"",, from customs, three million eight hrihgdred thousand dollars, being wizis,;iil2tilp.m. additional to the permanent appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and eight. And e,{Q°‘°°“°“ °’ *"“““· the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- V¤1-20. p- 386; V¤1· nine (Twentieth Statutes, page three hundred and eighty-six}, as %’p'm’°m°°di°d' amended by the Act of April twenty-seventh, nineteendmndre and four (Thirty-third Statutes, page three hund red and ninety-six), authorizin the Secretary of the Treasury to expend out of the appropriation for defraying the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs such amount as he may deem necessary, not exceeding one hundred and ,,,£,,',',}_ ‘“°*"‘°“* fifty thousand dollars per annum, for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue, are hereby further amended so as to increase the amount to be so expended for the liscal year nineteen hundred and eight, to two hundred thoumnd dollars; and from and ,nYQ,'{f,“é2.”,;:.9,;°,P“‘ after the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven all sums ` received from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, connected with the customs, and from fees paid into the Treasury by customs officers, and from storage, cartage, drayage, labor, and services, shall be covered into the Treasury as are other miscellaneous receipts. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of twenty-five thou- §;¤g>,';;*;g:j‘{:m sand dollars made by the sundry civil Act approved June thirticth, .4»»¢e,;..vus. ' nineteen hundred and six, for construction and installation of special automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so torth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretarv of the Treasury, is hereby continued and made available for expenditure during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eight. That hereafter ull payments made to collectors or other officers of ,rQ,§°;§r,;gnQfnPf:_ the customs on account of fees earned and heretofore paid from the pmprnmou. permanent indeti nite approrpdation provided for by section one of the Act of June nineteenth, cig teen hundred and eightysix, shall be paid V°*·’*»P-’°· from the appropriation "Expense of collecting the revenue from customs." mm I l•]x1>1·:ss1·:s or LOCAL APPRAISERS° Mmrrixcsz For defraying the nec- mem,,,,,, “” essary expenses of local applraisers at annual meetings for the purpose of securing uniformity in the aptpraisement of dutiable goods at different ports of entry, one thousan five hundred dollars. Lawns AND OTHER 1>no1=·i·:RTY or THE UNrr1·:o Srarmsz For custody, ""‘°‘·°‘°‘ care. protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property of the United States, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneer’s fees, three hundred dollars.