Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1417

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1¢1FTY-NIMH couensss. sm. 11. ou. 2919. 1907. 1387 BUREAU OF 0RDNANCE_ B\1l'68.\10fO1'dDuI1C€. To su 1 a deiicienc in the appropriation "Ordnance and ordnance °¤*¤¤¤°° we °¤*· stores" idrythe iiscal ygar ending)}?Iuri)e thirtieth, nineteen hundred and Hmm mm" three, one hundred and thirty-five dollars and eighty-six cents. To supplv a deiicienc in the a propriat ion “Contingent, Bureau of C°“u°“°”° Ordnance," for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, two hundred and sixty-nine dollars and thirty-four cents. nUnEAU or YARDS Ann nocxs. Dfjg;=¤¤fY¤*¢¤ ¤¤·* For extraordinary expenses that have arisen on account of damages P°¤¤¤¤¤l¤· from storm at the Pensacola N avy-Y~ard, seventy-five thousand dollars. BUREAU or SUPPLIES AND Acoormtrs.aulgizgitgucgmsuppuu To pay James E. Bly, fireman, navy—yard, New York, for services J¤¤°¤ KEY- rendered on Sundays from October first, nineteen hundred and five, to An ust twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, inclusive, forty- _ eight ciays, at two dollars per diem, ninety-six dollars. MARINE oonrs. im-mscei-ps. Pnovisroivsz To pay accounts on ile for provisions, Marine Corps, P¤¤vf¤i<>¤¤- for fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, two dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, eleven dollars. _ ` TRANSPORTATION AND RECRUITING! To pay accounts on file for trans- '1:,¤¤1><>r¤•¢i¤¤ md portation and recruiting, Marine Corps, for iiscal years as follows: M U"` For the iiscal year nineteen hundred and three, nine dollars and fifteen cents. \ » · For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and live dollars and ninety-seven cents. REPAIRS or BAm1A0xs: To pay account on file for repairs of bar- ¤¢P·*¤¤*¤•¤<=¤ racks, Marine Corps, fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, five dollars and eighty-two cents. CLOTHINGI For clothing for noncommissioned officers, musicians, ¤l<>¤¤¤¤· and privates, twenty-five thousand dollars. Hum or QUARTERS: For hire of quarters, Marine Corps, includin mw <>i<1¤¤¤¤¤- the same objects specified under this head of alppropriation in the navail a propriation Act for the iiscal year nineteen 1undred and seven. eight thousand dollars. Coxrruomzrz For contingent expenses, Marine Corps, including the ¢¤¤¤¤s¤¤¤•- same objects specified under this head of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the iiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, twenty-five thousand dollars. · DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. mgrsgericr nepuo- OFFICE or THE smcnntmar. For additional compensation of the Secretary of the Interior from Qggtgeqél March fourth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven. inclusive, Lima p.99:—s?"' one thousand three hundred dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase from the reporter supreme com re of the Supreme Court of the United States, at three dollars per copy, p°"”‘ five hundred and seventy-six copies of a digest prepared by him of opinions contained in volumes one hundred and eightyseven to two hundred and two., inclusive, of the reports of said court, and to distribute such digests in the same manner and to the same persons as the five hundred and seventy-six copies of reports of said court are