Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1431

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F1rTY-N1NTH oouonnss. sm. 11. cn. 2919. 1907. 1401 CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE TREAS- °"?i”‘° "“°"°“ by URY DEPARTMENT. $L'1‘}é5°;I..§?.i.T’“““" For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, four dollars and forty cents. 15Qor heating apparatus for public buildings, four dollars and thirty cen s. For suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes, sixteen dollars and fiftydive cents. 1•or collecting the revenue from customs, two hundred and thirty- one dollars and ninet cents. For Life·Saving· gervice, two hundred and sixteen dollars and seventy-seven cents. For salaries and expenses of collectors of internal revenue, one hundred and thirty-two dollars and two cents. For salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of internal revenue, sixtyfive dollars. For punishment for violation of internal-revenue laws forty dollars. For allowance or drawback, internal revenue, thirty dollars. For payment of judgments against internal revenue officers, five` thousand one hundred and forty-two dollars and forty-nine cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED NAIQINDIITOR FOR THE WAR Agl·;·g¤,g§•{{2:;* If; L . . partment. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, two thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars and eleven cents. For epcampment and maneuvers, organized militia, nineteen hundred and five, fourteen thousand and sixty-one dollars and forty-two cents. · For subsistence of the Army, three hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty cents. . For regular supplies, Qnartermastefs Department, Eve hundred and seventy-six dollars and eight -three cents. For incidental expenses, |$uartermaster’s Department, ninety-five dollars and thirty cents. For barracks and quarters, two thousand four hundred and eighty- two dollars and one cent. For transportation of the Army and its supplies, fourteen thousand four hundred dollars and ten cents. For clothing, and ramp and garrison equipage, two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixty-one cents. For bringing home the remains of officers and soldiers who die abroad, nineteen dollars and fifty cents. _ For bringing home remains of civil employees of the Army who die abroad and soldiers who die on transports, one hundred and sixteen dollars and eighty-five cents. For medical and hospital department, three hundred and one dollars and forty-seven cents. For artificial limbs, seventy cents. _ For ordnance stores: Equipments, erghteen dollars. For ordnance stores: Manufacture, and so forth, one hundred and fifty dollars. Bor ordnance stores: Repairs, twenty-tive dollars. For Coast Artillery fire—control installations, nine hundred and seventy-seven dollars and seventy-nine cents. I<or headstones for graves of soldiers, one hundred and eighty-one dollars and ninet —eight cents. For National lvlome for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Pacific Branch, one dollar and eighty-two cents. For return of proceeds of Government property, one dollar and fifty cents.