Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1457

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INDEX. Page. A. Abandoned Military Reservations (see Military Reservations, Abandoned). 86 Abandonment, etc., of Wife or Child, D. C., punishment for willful. 114 Abatement of Nuisances. D. C., provisions for, on failure of owner of property 626 change of name authorized.

"Abby Palmer," Bark, Abingdon, Va., terms of court at 547

Acapulco, Mexico, classification and salary of consul. 100

Accounting Officers of the Treasury Department, deficiency appropriation for paying claims certified by 45, 665, 1400 Accounts and Disbursements Division, Department of Agriculture, appropriation for salaries 689, 1274 Actors, Alien,

not excluded admission under contract 899 Adair, William P., claim for services to Osages, referred to 365 Court of Claims.

Adams, Annie, Wichita Allottee', patent issued to, canceled 364

Adams, David, Indian Allottee,

fee-simple title to 380

Adams, George Edward,

appropriation for special master to take testimony in case of, embezzling gold dust 755

Adams, H. C., late a Representative in Congress,

deficiency appropriation for pay to widow. 1396 Adams, H. C., deficiency appropriation for services 43

Adams, Nathan F., Indian Allottee, alienation restrictions removed.... 345

Adams Street NW., D. C.,

appropriation for purchasing lands for extending 1008

assessment of benefits, etc. 1008

Aden, Arabia, classification and salary of consul 100

Adis Ababa, Abyssinia, classification and salary of consul-general 99

Adjutant-General's Department, Army. name of Military Secretary's Department changed to 1158

senior officer to be The Adjutant-General; others, adjutant-general 1158

Adjutant-General's Office, War Department, name of Military Secretary's Office changed to 1158

Admission of New States (see also Arizona and Oklahoma),

Oklahoma to comprise Oklahoma and Indian Territories 267

Indians' rights not impaired 267

constitutional convertion provisions 268

qualifications of voters 268

election districts, Oklahoma. 268

Osage Indian Reservation. 268

Indian Territory 268

conduct of elections. 268

in Indian Territory and Osage Reservation 268

Guthrie to be temporary capital, etc 269

convention proceedings 269

constitutional provisions required; civil rights 269

religious freedom; polygamy prohibited. 269

liquor prohibition in present Indian Territory and other Indian lands 269

sales, etc., permitted.. 270

disclaimer as to public and Indian lands. 270

equality of taxation, etc.. 270

assumption of Territorial debts and liabilities 270

maintenance of public schools. 270

right of suffrage 271

election for action on constitution. 271

canvass of returns. 271

certifying result 271

proclamation by the President. 271

admission as State 271

appropriation for election and convention expenses 271

five Representatives to be elected. 271

Congressional districts 271

election of Representatives and State officers at time of constitution election 272

sections of public lands in Oklahoma granted for common schools 272

appropriation for common schools in lieu of Indian Territory lands 272

for lands embraced in parks, etc., excluded 272

grants for universities, etc. 273

public institutions and buildings. 273

mineral and oil land provisions; leases, etc. 273

disposal by State of common school lands 274

university and public institution lands 274

five per cent fund for support of common schools 274

grants in lieu of internal improvements, and swamp-land grants 274

eastern and western judicial districts constituted 275

officers, terms, etc.275 cognizance of crimes and offenses.275

determination of pending appeals and writs of error, etc. 276

cases transferable to Federal courts 276

cases in State courts... 276

supreme court, jurisdiction, etc. 277 courts of original jurisdiction, records. etc. 277 pending causes to be proceeded in. 277