Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1459

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INDEX. iii Agnhultural Experiment Stati0·ns—Cont.’d. Page- { AZaska·—C0ntinued. Pagearmual certificate of compliance by States appropriation for military roads, etc 254, 1171 and Tcrritorlcs. . .. 64 surveys, ctc., boundary between Canada C0ngressiona.l actmn in case of failure 64 and .._,._,...,.,,,,,,_.,._,______ 292, 922 annual report to Congress of operations 64 for relief and protection of shipwrecked allotment of increased annual appropria.- seamen ,.,,,_,_..___, K ____ 295, 925 tions ... 696 for surve of trail Fairbanks to Council . . Y Agncultural Expmjrnmt Smtwm, Depart- c City _...,,,,., A __._,_, 316 vmmt of Agriculture. for emergency mail service .. 472, 1211 apgiropriation for salaries, office of .. 692, 1278 for agricultural experiment stations; live or expenses; publications, ctc ... 693, 1278 stock ,._,_.. 693,1279 for Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. . 693, 1278 for repairs, etc., to buildings, Sitka. . 699, 1306 forreports, etc., on faumers’ institutes. 693, 1279 for lighting waters of ..., 713, 1320 for nutrition investigations ... 694, 1279 for survey of coasts ...,..,...,.. 714, 1322 for irrigation and drainage investiga- for steam launch, salmon culture 721 tions . . ... 694, 1279 for iish hatcheries ... 1329 Agricultural Industry, for protecting salmon fisheries 721, 1329 appropriation for experiments and re- for education of natives . 729, 1337 searches bearing u n ,. 63 allowance to s ecial a ents, etc ... 729 . . P0 . P 3 Agvrwultural Lands m Forest Rcswvatwns, for support of reindeer ... 730, 1338 pmvisknh for opening to homestead entries -233 transfer to missions ..,.,., 730 Agreed tu Literature sale of surplus males .. 1338 appropriation for priagaration and distribu- for additional day schools for natives, tion of card in ex to ..., 692, 1278 supervision 1338 Agriculturjzl Proiucts, for care, etc., of irfanci ggl, appropriation or expenses exten ing or— for court-house an `ai at ome . 1, eign markets for ..., 691, 1276 for court-house and iail, Fairbanks .. 751 Agriculturgd Report, for jail, Valdez . ... 751

£;ppr;>pnat;0n for gnnging and binding. 760, 1367 for incidental expenses, court 0iTic1als. 752, 13553

gricu ture nternahqnq nstztute 0 , for traveling expenses, court officia s. 7 52, 1 dc6cienc3* appropriation for quota, etc 635 for miscellaneous court expenses 1361 Agaaascgéicntcs, Mm for investigating mineral resources .. 1336 C 8851 C3ti0!1 SI1 (30118 . d 6' f f ‘ t' t' AMS w g·;¤>w;¢g¤·Fg;~SL;·;$5H¤¤¤¤· Bw- 9 °§$I§?QiIi}§;.?£;Za%i(?. gr.iIiYi)i F?. iii?- sr S» · for surveyor-general .. . .. 47 Aiken, S. C. ·‘ d _ ________ _ ____________ 554 °·°‘1“i'£;%;€;t*df°' Public building “t· ““‘ 784 gg;:;;;-1ve8;g£·éenem1, romoiring office to A ;pg;·;;g;;i·gii»r.-é ... - .,.»... M for m‘€§‘.‘;?i.‘,g1;;a;l:l;‘;,;i;;ii4‘1;i;.e;.;·i>4;][; tx 7 7 ~ · ___,,,,,_,.,,,,..- classification and salary of consul . 99 for ·§iTl-hslg School _______________ 656 appropriation for clerk hire .. ... 294, 924 { for 5€1%£é ____’__________ 631 A¥.‘§;."?,;¥m,.S ma mm ems m- i *0* com *>¤¤€¤S€S ·-------·-·-·--···--·· **9** cqled by grglts tq railroads _________ 1408 ! Delegagagrom, provided for; quulnticw r°t°Y;iY;`0$f1Y`??i{ ?.*iti?Y`.?if? fi?Y.`i'i(}ii 1409 $ ¤1¤<>W¤¤¢~ i¤ .*i<=¤ of ¤1i*·¤=~g¤; ctc ·——— ;·-— 170 selections on rclinquishnicnt . 1409 um?,?)" $2;::6 M mst °l°°mm‘ P“bH° *0 be ¤**m·**·*<'; h··m°m·" 88 V 3X3Ag"§§¤a (,r» g in Mug; ‘.:¤1:.¤ei1;.;‘.;¢ xm; 0 l` . ..-. · .·-·· · -·------- · i ·-· M_;g,g¤gg;·;;·;; $;{,,;;g;mM -----·-···· **8 ~ i,.°¥Z*l¤.,‘§£}}§} ‘1i’£5J£;n;; ‘,‘.;;i;·a;.;ri;; ‘ i;,; "° district judge authorigccl fur; r¢~sidem·•— ?31 A Y \( * S, 1\\<lg< S- - -2 ----·- ---- { . . li { deficienoy ap mpmmun for 1390 g cle-<·u< >n boards. dutwn mu num mnt) ,... ; terms of court, Igirminghani .. {14 ~ dutws of clerks . . l7; assignment of judge to mld tcmi .. 114 vyairrlimjs ulleuvkil at, Yolls.: . . .. Alabama Power Cmrilzpny, hlling va<·:irn1¢~:- on { ag zi e wrmn. . . és may dam (`axisa war, Ala., at Lock and voting lmurs, orm 0 m o ·¤ ..., J; Dam N0. 12 ... 1288 · depositing l>nllnts; clmllcngcs ..r 14. Alabama River, Ala., oath ruquircd il chsillvngml; penalty appropriation for improvement of . 1087 l for false swearing. . .i... .; . 143 reliminary exuminaticm of, w be magic. . . 1111 canvass of result; duplicate <·<-rtiticutes. .4lE)rb¢¤ma, Tennessee cw! Nvrlhcm Rmlrvwi l cqritents . . . ILS , certihmte, etc., togovcrncr ... 143 Company, . . _ may bridge Tombigbezc River at Storms ; to clerk of district, court .,.,_,___,,., 1 L 3 Ferry A13, _______ _ _________,_,____ 849 r prggervgjuyn of (l()(f],[]u()]]t,S_ _: _ _ _ ______ ] 43 Alavruda CM.,) canvassing board, officers constituting . . . 133 c·><i}><·¤;amicn with mayvr, rclicf of carth- public canvass of iqcyums . ... . 1»3 quake sufferers .,,..,,..,... 827 acffpmnx of cgrtghqqtg from clerk ni Al ka, 10 cg I .. 4.

pn>priation for salaries, government in <le·sl€.ra
i0n of election; del1v0ryolvnr—

' , _ . .. ', 5. 1 1 1::3 9 _ _______ __ __, : ,_ _,, L,

   ctc ... 434, 979 publication and posting notice-s .. I . . 1A

for extension, etc., military te·lcgrai;lh rent polls; conipcznsmmn to •~le·rum1 S}'S[P]]l ___,_, __, _____ _ _ ,,__ _‘ , ·. U |(‘Ql`S. _,,____ _,__ ______ ,_,_______ 4