Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1485

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INDEX. xxix Cherokee [1uliam~——Continued. PNN- C'h·icago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway YB89- determmation of amounts to attorneys in Company--Continued. _ claims of intermarried whites ... 340 may bridge Columbia. River between xntermarried whites may ell improve- . Douglas and Kittitas counties, Wash. 109 ments on lands to citizen allottees- . 1220 l between Franklin and Benton counpayment to, failing to receive full allot- ties, Wash 108 _ mont .. 137 Missouri River, S. Dak 95 pending_ suits of intermarried whites .. 138 Broadwater and Franklin counties 456 persons inc1uded on roll of freedmen .. 138 Lewis and Clarke Count , Mont .. 457 suit by William Brown and Levi B. Gritts Snake River, Lewiston, Idaho . 98 for, may be brought in Court of between Whitman and Columbia coun- Claims to determine alienation re- ties, Wu]; 107 Btrictions, ctc .. . ., . 1028 Yellowstone River, Mont .. 97 gym-Oka, N_ gw granted of way through Fort Keogh appropriation for Indian school 359, 1041 _ l11mi!')' R°¤°!'V¤t¥°¤» Mont -------- 187 (lheroluo s1mu,·s. c. and Gu., 6'lM¤v¤ Rem IN-, _ dam authorized mms Savannah River M_ 1255 appropriation for improvement of .. . . . 1102 (y],,,-,,],,,,, E,,",.,,, Chicago, CRM]: Inland and Pacifc Railroad dencienc a ro 'ation for councilors Om a'"-!!, mg ___?? ____________________ 1333 not liable For mortgage bonds of Choctaw, ghmpwg, and 1),;,;,,,,,,,-, Canal, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Comcommission to examine and report on ieasi- Pmy --—-··---·----—---·-—-------· 149 bility of, as ship canal .. 835 Chioyc Terminal Tranifer Company, - appropriation for expenses .. 835 may bridge Grand Ca umet River, Ill . 1234 Chesapeake Bay, Chickamauga and Chattanopza National Park, commission to report on waterway from appropriation for establi ing . 744, 1349 Delaware Bay to ... 835 or rid? . 744, 1349 Cheda•River, Md., C'h·icl:asahay iver, Miss., appropriation for improvement of . 1081 appropriation for improvement of . 1088 Chester, S. C., Chwguaw Indians (see also Five Civilized acquiring site and erecting public building Tribes), at, authorized .. . .553 apprpopriation for trigal schools 340, 1026 a propriation or .. . , invest' ting eposits in segregated Cheyellu and Arapaho Indians, Okla., coal §ds 346 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 362, 1043 allotments to freedmen considered home- (fluyenne Indiana, Amgluho and Northan, steads 138 appropriation forful ling)u·eatieswit11.·`354, 1035 town lots rmerved for operating, etc., coal Cheyenne .R·irer Agency, S. ak., and asphalt leases, to be sold; proappropriation for Indian agent at .. 369, 1046 ceods . . ... 141 Cheyenne, Wyo., patents to issue for allotments donated by, appropriation for public building . 697 to Murrow Indian Orphans’ Home- . 142 Clncago and Northwesfem Railway Company, may convey fractional allotment rights to may reconstruct hridgle across Mississxppr Murrow Home X 142 River, Clinton, owa .. 879 additional lands conveyed to Murrow Chicago, ]lZ., Home 142 appropriation for warehouse, Indian sup- freedmen to have preference of unallotted plies . . 329, 1018 lands; limit ... 143 for assistant treasurer’s office . 411,958 nonagricultural, etc., lands in large tracts for underground mail transportation . 475, 1214 may he sold .. 143 for enforcing anchorage regulations . p. 702, 1309 highways on section lines of lands of ... 145 for preserving (`onfe erate Mound, Oak- added to final roll: Rebecca Pitts, Maggie wood Cemcter 741, 1347 Wade 340 - fur im r·m,·ement ollharbor . 1102 payment to State National Bank, Denison, {or pulzlic building, post-oflice and court- Tex., legislative expenses .. 345 house 1296 Q tribal courts abolished; causes transferred . 1027 deticiency appropriation for post~ofHee and . unallotted lands reserved for churches of muy;. (mso, improvements, etc: . .. 31 y freedmcn . 338 for post-office,ete., building,advertismg. 638 i for cemeteries . 338 interior decoration authorized. ... 697 i Chickaaha. Okla., appraisers salary increased  : . 763 terms of court .. 275 Chicago, Kamas City and Texas Rmlway Com- Chtcken Pax, D. C., pany, _ _ _ provnsions to prevent spread of ... 889 time extended for bridging Missouri River Cinco, Cal., _ between Kansas City and Sibley, appropriation for plant introduction garden M0., by .. 911 at . ... 683 Orwago, Lake Shore and South Bend Railway Clncotl Pass, La.. Company, appropriation for lighting . 713, 1320 may bridie Calumet River in Lake County, Justice of the Supreme Court, In _,_,___,... . ... . .. 877 appropriation for .. 446, 991 Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Radaay ; made a trustee, Foundation for Promotion Company, of Industrial Peace . ... 1242 allottees on right of way, Standing Rock Chief of Engineers, Army, Reservation, may sell land to; con- approval oi, and Secretary of War, required ditions ... 1047 for plans, etc., of dams,. . .. 386