Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1533

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INDEX. IXXV11 i ‘ Home of Representatives-Continued. Psss { Hudaon River, N. K—Continued. Psse deficiency_appropriation for share of print- change of location of bridges, etc., at New mg investigation expenses .. 1394 York, on approval of Secretary of for expenses joint committee, opening of War ... 1119 Jamestown Exposition , 1394 Hugh MacRac Company, for clerk to Appropriations Committee, ma dam Savannah River at Calhoun Falls 1240 additional .. 1396 (hierokee Shoals . . ... . 1255 fm- Commigiougr from Pong Rico ______ 1396 Hattous Ford ___________ _ _____________ :_ 1240 for horse, etc, Sergeant-at-Arms _ ____,_ 1396 Trotters Shoals- ,.,.,,,..,.__, , _,__ 1241 for E. lf. Walircr 1397 mtu, England, for additional to employees authorized classification and salary of consul ..,.. 100 by rssolutions .. 1397 Hum, Inspectors of, appointment of three members on joint abolished for district of Alaska, and ports of immrgration commission ... 909 Gallipolis, Ohio, and Wheeling, W. on 1g1p; Postal commimign; duties , , , 1216 Va, ,_,________________,________ _ _ _ 106 ond ti ting Investigation Commission; 1394 provid*edla§p{11Junlesi’u am;] Saint Michaels, 0 05 --—-·------··------··---·--- ‘ , an oint easant, W. Va, , 106 live members of Sixtieth Congress on ; Hulum Ferry, Pa., Joint Committee on Revision, etc.,bridge authorized acmm Allegheny River of the LAWS 1423 l from Oakmont to ..________ _ _______ 848 Delegate from Hawaii, election proceed- 550 7 Hymboldt B?, Corgi was ¢ ----··-------·-----·----... -¤lgnn1 irect at entrance to »----- election of D816g2h; from Alaska . 169 i 0% ropriation for __,____________ _ ____ _ _ employees to be paid December, 1905, srl- g Humgiildt, Cal., ams December 20 .. 821 $ appropriation for improvement oi harbor _ December, 1906, sa1u·iuq1`)1ecember· 20. . . 1418 nm and bay ____________________ _" ______ 1106 joint committee au oriz on roppsed r l `rninary examimtion of harbor to additions to Rock Creek Parlk, . C. 788 P made ... . 1112

tationfrom Arizona ...   Hungarirg. Cltqfm-med Fodemmm of Aww-ipa,

ma . . ., salaries and labor to be paid from miscellw i incorporated, purposes, etc ... 1226 neous items of contingent expenses. 821 l Hungary (scc Austria—Hungary), stationery, blanks, pertaining to legislation Hunt, olm T., to be furnished by Public Printer; deficiency appropriation forservices .. 44 exception . 1013 Hunting, D. C., Houston, A. J2, ,, rutrictions on, game birds and anim.als__ _ 505 deficiency appropriation for contested H'*'M•¤U‘0P· · Y, _ - prot-noo oxpopooo ___,,___,,,,_,, . _ , , scr rgnnprrqncn for mvupcut of harbor. - 1077 Houston, George T. and Frank B., t ¤*\“Q¤ $**11 S<11¤¤0¤¢1¤\1¤1¤¢ of granted rigrt of way over road to Vicksburg !*¤¤°¤ 11* U0}'0 H00b0f- ···· - .. 995 National Cemetery, Miss ... 849 I de0¤¤¤¤¤y ;p1>¤>1>¤¤¤<>¤ fn -----—---·- 1393 Houston, Ten., _ _ _ _ T H'"‘“”9‘°Z”· . · “·¤ . . . construction of public building authorized » °PP¥°PP*“9¤ {OF £_11bh€ 0111101118 ---·-.-.. 698 ot; cost vsv 1 H¤1•¤2¢¤2·¤··¤·y·· 1 A”¤¢¢¤¢· appropriation for .,,,.,. 790, 1299 1MM11s We 10 --------------------·-— 357 contracts authorized; sale of present HUT01h 0 _ 0; _ budding when new one comp eted. . 787 °PPl'°Pb':m°¤ f°1` 1mP¤>V€1¤0¤t of hel'- Hwwd U,,,p,,._,,,y, D_ pq H band ... 738,10%,1345 appropriatron for maintenance 731, 1338 1 W _ 0 do · -» id: ex nses 7 31, 1339 Pum‘h¤%°“t ‘°¥'_ l*l·u¤1’° to 9091101*1, P10-. moo roiiremlod ... sca ! wmggfzazxggé .& . gn; Howell Post, G. A. R., Woodbury, N. J,_ · _ ‘- ’ ‘‘‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘······ I prosecutions, PVl(.l<‘!`l(TG Sl.(lll1l[l·('(l ... 87 Hgbvzlewl c¥““1‘;’}’d°mt°dw· ‘°rm°n°m°m" 829 paymsplit for labor if committed to workappointmant aid auditor, (`ourt of (`lnims, 1390 , Hua, II; `'‘'‘''’'’``` 87 authoriz , ‘ ’ -" . Hudderqéield, Englmnl, Hm? :P}*°1{1¤¤dA¢l;10l11tl;¤nder, Navy ..._. 892 chad °‘}ti?" imd °°l"y qs wmul ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 100 ‘ allnitament patent ma beicancelcd 361 appropriation for clerk hire . 294, 924 = Hydmuuc Mmmgcau Umm Huddleim, H- Po , i may be permitt without restraining deficiency appropriation for reimburse- 1 works, if not injurious to mV1g2t10D_ 1001 1¤9¤@ ·-------·-·--· - ·------··-—-—·· 1375 i no tax on gross proceeds, if license is Hudneli, Bvwrly, _ 7 granted ... - 1002 Hmncimpy pppropriation for extra services. 43 . Hydmgrapgm. (wm, Naw Depmtmnty Mui- -7 ror`tiof `, acquiring site and •¤¤¢¤i¤g l>¤bl1¤ building app pcigrks? org. . .i1iiit?Ii?n424. 969 ¤t» quthvnzsd --·-—-»-----. · ------· ; · 780 for materials, etc 421 970 appropriation for , . . »93. 1299 pu- _______________ _ ______ 424, 970 Hudson River, N. K, or rr compass engraving machine. 424 appropriation for lighting .. 712. 1320 for expenses, branch offices .. 424. 970 E); improvement of ,... 1078 for employees, branch offices .,. 970 preliminary examination to be made of for North Pacific Pilot Chart ... .. 425. 971 shoal off Stuyvesant Harbor ... 1115 restriction on expenditures for servnt Nyack, ctc .. . . . 1115 iccs . ... 425. 971