Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1548

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xoii . INDEX. Jamestown Ter·Oent<·nnial Ea:position—Con. 1*889- Jakarilla Indian Reservation, N. Mex.—jCon. Page liability limited to extent of provisions of cancellation of allotments to Indians on; the act . 767 lands to be allotted in exchange; for debt, etc., of exposition officers ex- 1 “ trust patents .. 1413 pressly disclaimed . 767 { disposal of timber for benefit of allottees. 91, 1413 — no liability of any kind in excess of appro- § John, Elijah, Indian Atlottee, priations .. 767 I fee-simple title to . 380 regulation of expenditures; final report. . 768 John, Thomas, Indian Allottee, allowances to army officers and enlisted V fee-simple title to . 381 men detailed for dnt with .,... . . 1160 4 Johnson, Amlrew, late President, Y . . anchorage grounds in Hampton Roads to acceptance of burial place of; to be nabe established .. 1383 tional cemetery ,... 259 condemned historic metal of the Navy do- Johnson City, Tenn., nated to Pocahontas Bell Association 1424 appropriation for expenses Volunteer loan of tents and camp equipage for visiting Soldiers’ Home .. 748, 1355 commands; conditions .. 1175 _ deficiency appropriation for Volunteer Sol- Jandrin, William, Indian Allottee, _ $11613, Home -———— ; ···-·-· _ —--—· _ » - ; - · 34 feefimplc tim, to _________________________ 374 acquiruzg sitlehand egecting public building 781 Jmim, Pasta Batwtngs, _ “ »‘é‘“. °"" -------··--·-·---·---- ¤vg*<2¤¤=¤*¤¤ for- -¤ ----·-------·--- 79* 1313 $ EE£'Z’.€’E‘€$$€’}.iSIs4g€’4 `gee ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M {$33 de ciency appropriation for . 45, 832 V Johnson (1, Oumy Wyo ’ ‘‘'``'‘'‘‘' Janitors t€f;cE°’"·m'm“·*» Home of R€P"“'”·L“‘ » Jsale of lgpds to, for pbor farm, authorized- . 186 .7 2 ~ hm , , J*1PP1`°P1'1at1°11f°1` ·-··~—---·—-·-·-·--··· 39‘r 940 Odefigitencginzi/ppmpriation for moiety, imapan _ ; migration law fine ., 660 appropriation for ambassador to 286, 916 3 Johnsons Bayou, La., or secretary of embassy . 287, 917 appropriation for improvement of 1090 gor second secretary ... .  ; . 287, 917 Johnstown, N. K, or Japanese secretary 288, 918 acquiring site for public building at, aufor student-inte1;preters; tuition .. 288, 918 thorized .. _ 783 for ground rent o embassy. ... 289, 919 appropriation for .. 795 for interpreters at consulates in ... 294, 924 Johnstown, Pa., plan for cqlnsular builnings in, to be pre- _ acquiring sitehand erecting public building pare ..,... 292 ; at, authorized .. 780 Joram, Matheson it 00., _ ¤1>g>r<>pri¤·*i<>¤f<>r ----- _ ---- _ --: ·-·---- 793,1299 appropriation for repairs to "Choy Sang". 1292 JW"! °m’””·*’*°” QU Im"”9"'111'm· for rtaimbursing _____________________ _ A _ _ 1293 created; composition, powers, ctc , 909 Jarman Ferry Miss . Joint Commission on Printing, Congressional, bridge authorized across Tallahatchie River J Jofiggté/,I;17;;37;l1;tt;(; zzpglgxgimncll °mC°S* Gt°‘ 762 at ‘'``’'’'° j ‘‘‘```````'`‘‘'`` 211 to adopt measures to riainedy delavs in Jww and Eastern Railway Company, printing and binding .r. 1012 may 1111*18* $8111119 R1V°1’ between N°“T°11 report by, on resolutions to print extm _ Eprunty, Tex., and Calcasieu Parish, (.01.,108 ____________________________ 1013

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J¤1rm<»· eww. Mo. _ ° "‘ S..?.'??????????.???.`?¥'TT’TT"i‘.‘Tf.f???`. mu appropriation for post hospital. ._ . 255 to make rules for issuing two or more edisx e for post-office and construction of, au· I tions of reports, etc., instead of one. 826 f·h0lflZ•§d. .f .. . . 776 Joint Congmlittef on Revision and Codification appropriation or .. 791 q the Jaws, Jejysqn County, Ark, I appointment by Vice-President and may bridge Arkansas River, Pine Bluff. , 50 _ SP€¤1<<>1' --·--·-·--·---··--·--------- 1423 Jefersonville, Ind., dutmS¤ lzozeréi etc ················‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1423 acquiring site for public building at, au- 1 JPa';E§I;‘ 8 €XP°]l"S·b;···J.···) ·····‘‘···· 1423 thorized ,__.,,,,____ , _____________ 782 § mn g . t?m"?’8'”°"( (ma um gt 1 092 appropriation for _._ . ,,,._____,____ 794 Jgggrgghzggsatgzxlggzyng mlm *1* ° °· · · ·· ·k”kE"·`?· F"“"k» L"""?? Kem “"d , j schedules required of interstate carriers. . - 586 de ciency appropriation for sureties on r _]mu,8’ _,11,,m,;a, [mmm AnD1m,, bond of Frank A. W ebb ... 29 ; f€e_S1,1,J,1€ 11119 to _________________________ 357 Jenkins, James E.. i Jones, F ward F., payments on account of loyal Seminoles deficiency appropriation for postal scales.. 1392 f351E9d .·-»-...-.--..· 140 3 Jones, Frank . ., Indian Allottee, Jem at la Frontera_ Spain, j fw-Siniple title iq; ·--.-.-»-··---.-··------ 365 classification and salary of cousul .,.. 100 ·l°m`·?» _H0m¢‘€ P·» [UOM"! {1"0U"¢’. Jamey City, N. Ju feesimple patent to heir of 365 acquiring site for public building at, au- J°:1u8* H" . . . tk0d28d' i _ · _ l _ _ i _ 1 _ _ _ 1 U 11 V _ __ · 1 783 enciency appropriation for services. . . 661, 1395 appropriation for .. 795 g 'I°"“* J°}i" P""? _ _ Jemm Sym 1 ‘$§£.1’33.f$?J3.°“.iS€rZ§“'“° “’ ’““"""’ “’f ‘‘‘‘‘ $$2 - ’ · ‘ ._ , _ _? ---- _ --····-·-····--·—-·" plassification and >alaI:y of QODSUI .----~·- 100 1 site; Ca itol and Library grounds GX- .hcarilla Indian Resenation, N. Mex., 1 cluged .,., 224 cancellation of allotments to Indians on, thanks of Congress to Ambassador Porter authorized 1413 i for recovering body of . 829