Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1550

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xciv INDEX. Kalarama Avcnuz, D. C'., P¤S¤· Kentucky, P°€°· deficiency appropriation for extending 641 bridges authorized across Tug Fork of Bgg for joining- ...,. 1377 Sagdy River between West Virg1ma K mama Road, . O., an lzxtension authorized .. 616 Kentmky and gist g/1`rKin}%Brigge mmy, Kansas, may bri g or 0 ig an y ivcr, appropriation for Indian service in . 347, 1029 a%§$il1i?1wu, W. Va .. 1004 Kama: my, KGB].,entuc Meer; yp bridge authorized acmesliissouri River at. . 884 ¤PmPmt*°¤ f°l' “¤§°V°m°”t of ---··-·-· 1344

sal0 ofgmdotte ccmctery;pmcceds, etc. 348 1;;;*] Dams Os- 12 and 133 com IMM

amau y, M0. -----------·--·---·---·-----·-- appmpriztiou lor pneumatic tube, ctc., Lock and Dem N0- 1 --——-·-----··- ; — ·- 1096 mm service _____________________ 472 1211 budge authorized across, at Beattyvxlle, deficiency appropriation for public build- K ·---·-· - ---—---·-----·-·-· 819 ing, ... . .. 31 HW""' _ ·¤ • ·» bridge authorized across Missouri River at. 196 Pmceefhugs to wudcmn 1¤¤d¤ for °xmDd‘ um extended my bridging mmm mm mz, S¤v<=¤¢·=¢¤*>h tv Mmmt P1<+¤¤¤¤¢ K ';:;*;S‘b‘ez¤·$; ---·--·---- z,..,, ··-· “3$$$eiz.m ······················ 33 cmu:, uint oaep and EwaaP Y0 ~---·---·—··----···--- Spring: Railway Compan , Kwkug 19%*], _ may bridge issouri River at Klsusas City, $PP!'°Pmm°¤ f°{ to Datmlml °°m°' Mo ,.,...___,,.,,,__,__..,, 196 K wg; ~&réd¤B¤¤g ·-------------·----- 1347 Kmaas Indians, 0Ha. °l°“M’ °" ’ ’ " Ksggwfdetivri giwn, etc-. of ·---.- 362, 1043 Q‘} f"°’° md "H ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘`‘‘‘ 13 • ’ ’ deiicicn a propriation for services..- 661, 1395 Kgggfmnem pan??;} yjigottcucelcd '‘' 36* Ketchum, J, late a Representative in Cem- 7 7 m°m°nt patent may b° °m°°1°d ‘'‘‘’‘‘' 361 dciicicmc appropriation for pay to widow- 1396 Katalla Bay, etc., Alaska, Kmmw [lh _

;axa.mimtion of, in be made for   acquiring Sgt2f_,,};  Pubuc bugging  

---··--·-—--------·---····--- at, au on .. ‘ Kww‘ , Nebr, · 3 ‘ ‘ 1 ____________.,,_,_. 792, 1299 acqmring site ansi erecting public building Kma£LT%??u or 3% Qmfhonzed -—------·-·------·---- 780 preliminary examination of harbor, to be appropriation for ... 793, 1299 made ______________________________ 1118 Kemw, N H., Keu.·emau· Canal, Mirh., acquiring site for public building at, au- preliminary examination of, to be made for thorized .. 783 harbor of refuge ... 1114

 ayabmpriation for .. 795 Key West, Fla.,          

up ommittec, appropriation or pu xc wows, nava. s a- deficiency appropriation for salaries ... 663 tion .. . 565, 1187 Kehl, Germany, for marine hospital, breskwatvr . 701, 1307 classification and salary of consul . 100 fur improvement of harbor . - 1086

£1ppr(g1rgti%nfor§l:rk him ...,,, 294, 924 preliminariy examination of harbor, to be  

erm, e . undo , mac e .. ‘ deficiency appropriation for services, R0- use of embankment adjoining barracks., . . 1169 chambeau monument ceremonies.. . 644 Keyport, J, Keller, Traugeu F., appropriation or improvement o r. may be appoi;gedséccond1ieutenant,Anny, KWSWM C?1'”P; ig°- 2879, Mod"'" W°°d"”” 't tm],.,_,_,,,_,_ 1 0 mf? Kc J:;;wL mgsge 225 gmntedflzmds fol cemetery. Keystone, S.

d?c§$qcy&pémpdation for services .,, 43 IGm u” D?ki.· · ·  Jibh· ‘  ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 128

e 0, mc ter, . . 1 ‘ °’ deficiency appropriation for refund to . 40 K;l£g;°£r}°7;;?:n§°rIgg`1;i8'an School `'`‘ 347* 1029 Kermcbcc River Mc. · · . . * ·¤. . - · ’ ’ - approprm.tion for fulfilling treaty vsjxth . 347 ¤P;>?°I;:;2:: l`t’g,?02 1309 treaty 23;]; m credit of; per capita pay- or improvement 0 ; contracts ..,.. 737, 1074 Kkk . ‘‘‘‘'‘'‘' ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ - . · poo Indmm, Okla., for =m;g·V··=m·¤¤* °f’ Gardiner m An 1344 appropriation for support, etc., of  : 362, 1043 gu _ '’‘'‘` j '‘’‘`‘`’‘‘‘'‘‘‘ or aying retained fund to Mexncan Kmmdy, Lmcoln, Indmn Allottce, ggcking Kickapoos ________________ 362 Kf€€**;h“I5§_ title *0 —------·---—·--—--------- 365 alienation restrictions T€m0I§d fmID 3l}§§— may a, ms., ·d t t, - ¤PPF9R!‘i¤ti9¤ fm imP¥'°Y€m°¤* Qi h*¤[b0¥- - 1100 lla,1€ellliSIl?dll;;):;$lkle;lhoml•1au;,lIlu3ian acqumng s1teLa1ld;50cting public bu1lding Territory ___________________________ 363 3% N1! 0¤Z ·--··---··-—~--·-·-- -· l_d . _ .,._,.. 363 sppmpriativu for --------------·---- 794.1299 Ki;?; Indians, Mmmm, Kenaivagwnmed Eastern Railroad Company, appropriation for paying retained fund; uma extended for bridging Calumet Rxver menu,- 362 by .. . .. 51 mg, A , Ie, Kent, Lindley C., and Joseph Jcnkim, fee-simple title to .. 380 - deficiency appropriation for, surctu-as on King, Dafmki, Indian Allouee. bond of Frank A. Webb 92 fee-simple title to . 380