Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1556

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c IN DEX. Light-House Board-Continued. Page- Light-Houses, Beacons, and Fog Sognals·—Con. Page to prescribe lights, etc., on bridge across establishment of light stations, fog signals, Saint Andrews Ba , Fla ... 19 etc., at Miah Maul Shoal . 322 Saint Francis River, Clay County, Ark. . 19, 20 deficiency appropriation for 659 Madison, Ark 90 aplpropriation for .. 1317 Snake River, Lewiston, Idaho .. 98 Joe logger Shoal 322 Whitman and Columbia counties, deficiency appro riation for 659 Wash .. 108 Pimgoteague Cree , ga . 322 Tennessee River, Brandons Mill to Bir- appropriation for 711 min ham, Ky ...,.. 57 Potomac River, Ragged Point . 322 Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, William- deficiency appropriation for ., 659 son, W. Va . 70 appropriation for 1317 to report stations which may be discontin— Milwaukee, Wis., harbor of refuge. . 323 ued .,.,_,...,., 997 appropriation for. . Z .. ... . 711 to employ temporary draftsmen for tenders, Niagara River ragige lights .. 323 etc ..., 997 appro riation or ..,. 711 Light-House Establishment, Lake Sai)nt Clair, Mich., Isle aux Peches- 323 appropriation for supplies . 712, 1319 appropriation for ,... 711 or repairs, etc ... 712, 1320 SHFIIOP, Wis., pierhead 323 for keepers’ salaries . 712, 1320 eficiency appropriation for .. 659

or Eght vessels, etc .. 712, 1320 Oahu, Hawaii, Halgapuu Point 323

or uoyage . 712, 1320 appro riation or 711 for fog signals ... . ... 712, 1320 Honolulii, Hawaii ...,.. 323 for lighting of rivers . 712, 1320 deficiency appropriation for .. 659 leasing of sites _ 713, 1320 Point Cabrillo, al .. 323 for survey of sites ... 713, 1321 deficiency appropriation for .. 659 for oil houses; limit . 713, 1321 Hinchinbrook Island, Alaska .. · . 324 for lights in channels of Great Lakes- . 713, 1321 appropriation for ... 711, 1318 for Point? au Pelee, Lake Erie, Hiémgngton Harbor, Y-} 1995 vesse ... , 1321 e ciency appropriation or .. 393 for Guantanamo, Cuba, service . 713 Passaic, ll. ... 995 dehciency appropriation for light vessels. 42, Happgognaitiiixifor lm 48, 1405 om s I1 , iss . for supplies . 48. 1405 appropriation for . L .. 1319 for repairs, etc 48, 1405 White Shoal, Mich .. 995

or btuoyage ..,... 48, 1405 S appipprliatpnrilfog 1319

or eepers ... 1405 p it oc , a e uperior . 996 for fog signals .. 1405 appropriation for 1319 allowance in accounts of army and navy Carquinez Strait, Cal .. 996 officers for travel, etc., on detail to. . 1393 appropriation for 1319 traveli expenses allowed army and navy Molo a1 Island, Hawaii 996 décers on duty with 997 appropriation for 1319 LighL·Hou.ces, Beacons, and Fog Signals, Cape Amgo, Crcg ... 996 appropfiiatflon for Holland pierhead range, appropriation for 1319 ic . 710 · · · for S¢<>¤1¤§¢<>¤ 11¤¤¤1<w¤¢¤r, 0<>¤¤ ---·-·· 710 °S°°blLgiiiéiiuiiis,iT)gsliiZ`,il1§i§li,ii°iiiid ai 322 for Cape °“d°°in°¢ Cal ··············· 710 deficienc appro riation for. 659 fm Pomt Amnar Cal ····· - ··············· 710 Humboldt hav (`al entrance i i l i l h i l 323 for Bonita Point, Cal 710 a pm 1.,,,,,,;,; f,,, " ````'```` yu for Point Pinos, Cal ... . 710 P P t '`'`````'```````'``` . Ediz Point, Wash .. 324 fm m1ét;§‘fm“r“ B’·”k> Juan de 711 deficiency appropriation for .. 660 N 8d_ ___________________________ 842 establishment of light vessel authorized at for iii-hiienee mttnd, R. 1., land 1317 N¤¤¢·1¤1s<¤¢ ¤1¤<>¤1¤, MM --·-·—-----— 322 rm tender, uma district ... my =11>p¤£¤¤¤¤¤ fOr ·--···---------~- 710,1317 for depot, Tompkiusville, N. Y., lamp 11022911, B9}', -; ·--··—---··-··— 322 Shop _______________________________ 1317 deficiency appropriation for ... 659, 1319 at Milwaukee, wss., breakwater 1317 A¤¤1>¤>¤¤ ¢11=1¤¤¤1, New York Bw —----- 322 for Duluth, Mum., msgs ... me ¤p1>r<>p¤¤1>1<>¤ 101: ·---·---—- ; ------ 710, 1317 for tender for eleventh district .. 1318 Iake Humuv Mmtms. Reef, Mich ······· 323 for Detour, Mich., lens . . 1318 d€11€1°¤FY_11·PP?°P¤**t1°¤ for ··--~·--~~ 659 for Point Cabrillo, Cal .. 1318 ¤PP'°P"’=1P1°¤ for ·-·-···--··-·-·-··-- 1318 deficiency appropriation for rebuildin , 001111111)**1 _111F G1`, Omg-, 111011111 —----·---- 324 egcs, eg ts district, hurricane, suis Hxggpmévghpé -·----------·---- 711, 1g11g o exico . 842 , . » ··—·--···---·-- for rebuilding, etc., twelfth district, San aPK1'°P1'1?t1°¤ 10F -········----··-·-~· 1318 Francisco Earthquake _______________ 842 fourt district, relief vessel ..,,_, 995 tot rmt A1-guello, csi . 1405 ¤L>1>¤>1>¤=1¤<>¤ 19* -----—-------------- 1319 establishment of light stations, fog signals, Pacmc COW? mhef Vessel -~-··-···-···· 996 etc., at Isle au Haut. Me ... 321 “PP1`°Pmm°“ 10f —-··---·-····-~-··-· 1319 deficiency appropriation for. . 659 Swmsum B8·Pk» ll ash -·-······~---·- · · 996 New London, Conn., Southwest Ledge-. 322 SPP1UP1mi10U for -·--······--·-··~··- 1319 Ealppropriation for 1317 keepers’ dwellings authorized, Southwest D aware River, Bellevue Range ... 322 Pass, La ... 323 deficiency appropriation for . . 659 appropriation for 711