Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1584

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cxxviii INDEX. Osage Indiam-—Continued. P¤s¤· Ottumwa, Iowa—Continued. P¤·z¤- taxation of surplus lands . 542 enlargement of public building at, authoroil, gas, and morneral {ands resgictionp 542 iped, appropriation for .. 790, reservations m se ections; int louis terms 0 court ... and Saint John’s chool and lands of Ouachita and Black Rivers, La. had Ark., 1 dlohn N. Fgrar . 54g apprpprilritioiri gr iniproveénppii ofiii 1090 an s at Gray orse an omin ... 54 c an am o.2, a ou oals; school, etc., reserves at Pawhuslia; sale, 542 contralrits ... . .. 1090 etc 'ta, ctc., ivers, Ar . a ., agency pirildinggéd etc., Pawhuska to be 543 Iiruthorized across .. 1 so ; proc s . itu ivcr, · preferences to principal chief and inter- 543 O bariildge authoriield aplrois at Monroe, La 1254 preter . u ita River, r a a., cemetery tract conveyed to Pawhuska; 543 appropiiatipn for improvement of; Locks reversion ... an 6 737 town site commission continued .. 543 Outjifts, Navy, oil, gas, banri mineral lands reserved for 543 appropriation for enlisted men and aptr·i e; eases .. . prentices 556, 1178 royalties under mineral ‘ leases deter- deficiency appropriation for iirst enlist- _ mined by the President ... _ . 54 3 ments .. 46, 647, 666, 1385, 1402 mining, etc.i on homeslgeads restrrcted; M3 ior pavirl apprentices ..,.. 46, 647, 1402 existing eases not . or an smen L .. 647 funds and moneys to be held in trust for Owen, Alice, ‘ twenty-five years . 544 and children added to Cherokee final roll. 340 segrelgatiori to iredit of individual mem; Owensboro, Ky., d bl ml ers o in e; ro rata payment o acqruringsrtean erectingpu icbding interest quarterly .. 544 at, authorized .. 779 payrzalnt pip rata of gasi etc., mtya¥.ies, appro riation for ... 792, 1302 es o lands, an recerp orm Owosso, Uriah., grazing lands . Z .. . - . . 544 appropriation for public building'-. ...,.. , 1302 paymlent to schools from orl and gas roy- 544 eniirrgimlelnt of site authorised orlpublic ties .ding` .. 1236 emergetnsply and agency fund for use of 544 limit of cost increased, public building- - . 773 tri councr .. O B (j final disgirlgution at end of twenty-five 544 Zim':'] g1%2:;rd;dm"£),:n!fiam mms Missouri ·--··-----··--·-------·--·--... 4 descent of prooerty; leases permitted . 545 0,/8,,,. Bedgyzdvy 141 gféxggxgfzgifsdsiiég ---·-- Osurveg, ego., directed of natural .. 202 . . . : ····· yster ease s,

 giawdlxaggzwgggggmggghegi 545 I provisions fplrixprotecting seamen’s wages,

railroade coniirmed; no title td oil, exten to ```````````````````'``` 551 mgm, or mineral 545 P_ gen authority to Secretary of the Inte- .**9* -~·-·-·--·---·- · -···---·-···---- 545 P. F. U. Rubber Company, Ow R"’€"· ¥°·» . _ lease of Indians’ lands in Colorado to, for appropriation for improvement of , con- 1105 cxgidiaentdliax ______________ _ _ _ 88 . U, Mu -·-··- ; · · -. -----·----------··- miners. an s exc u . . .. 89 P!'°hml¤“l'Y_°X“mln“i*9“ °f· to be m”'·d°- · 1114 cancellation on unsatisfactory use, etc. . 89 Osage Town-Site Commuaton, absolute sale permitted; use of proceeds. . . 89 powers and duties continued . 543 restriction on use of timber, stone, etc 89 Ocbqravgé Pai] _ Bd 0h_ R_ reservation of coal and other mineral den aut onz acm; no rver posits __,,,,,,_,___________,________ 90 0 la M_Corapolis to ... 538 sale, etc., restricted; forfeiture 90 ° r "P"·v . PC t, 0;:3;; bQ,d%*; Red R“'°' °f the N011h ··---·· 467 hcpjiiaiopiilition for naval wireless telegraph ¤ppr6pri¤¤¤?¤ f<>r i¤¤r>¤>v¤¤¤¤¤¢ ·>f 1¤¤rb·>r; i for ;i3;iiiiig`£b}§LH6`5iAhié£ ELQIZZZZZZ 1% °°'{m*Ct*’ - ; -·--···-··-··—- . --·-·- ; · · 1078 for monument commemorating taking of, gmuted 1mm9d1am tmmwmtion Pnl" i by Commodore John D. eloat .. 1408 0 M*i;8€S- - ·; - ---·———--—·--·-·---- 199 I differentiaiin favor of bidders on naval vestoc a ursouna mm, E sels rom .. 582 paymelritiito Chrftaw, Oklphomfalapil ?ulf 366 [ relief light vessei authorized for .. 996 Iroad_ bmpany rom n o appropriation or ... 1319 shares of mrréors, etc.a_m trust funds may 356 watersdof, included in third great coasting e par to guar rans · istrict .,,.. , ,,_.,,,__ 190 Ots se kuddy kul dah hay, Wakita Allottec, Pacific Coast Earthquake, trust patent to issue to .,. 364 = apiproprialtlion fin- ielief of sufferers by . 827 0;;,,,,,,,, 0,,;,,.,..;,,: or urt er re re ..., 828 classification and salary of consul-general. 99 Pacific Coast, North, appropriptiorr for clerk hire . 293, 924 sagem; tug authorized for Life-Saving Ottumwa, owe, , ervice . . ...,,_ 123 enlargement of public building at, author- apprepriation fog; ,__ _: ______________ 102, 1309 rzed .. 774 _ de crency appropriation for 1373