Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1608

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clii INDEX. Quarantine Service-—C0utinucd. Page- I Quartermactefs Departmcnp, Army—C0n. PBS6- appropriatiou for Portland, Mc., House a,ppr0pr1:1,tion for h0sp1ta1s; Fort D. A. Island __,_,,... 701, 1307 Russell, Wyo., Columbus Barracks, for Boca Grande 701, 1307 Ohio, and Jefferson Barracks, M0. . . 255 for San Francisco .. 701 for hospital stewards? quarters ... 255, 1172 for Savannah, Ga, ., 1307 for shooting ranges, etc .. 255, 1172 for Sa.11 Diego ... . . . 1307 for Army War College ,.. 255, 1172 for Delaware Breakwatcr ... 1307 for headstones for soldiers? aves 740, 1346 for Santa Rosa ,. 1307 for additional supplies, relief of earthfor Ship Island .. . . . 1307 quake sufferers ..,.. . ... 827 deficiency appropriation for .. 45 for further relief; extra expenses 828 for Honolulu, Hawaii; change of allot- for =*XUf‘·*-·dutY Pay (enlisted men, at West mem; ______________________________ 29 Pomt . é . T . . ... 1064 ‘for reclaxgnatiou of Quarantine Island, d€fi€1€¤fY ¤·PPFoPYé;t1>€ §>g ggguggflligm H ul , ,,,,. 29 P 188 ------ , 1 , 9 , , I-ight of :3;; gl-sued through, in Washing- for incidental expenses . 46, wu ________________________________ 926 645, 666, 668, 1382, 1401, 1413;} qwmmm smmmjm Nm came, eee., °’ ’“*”P° *°¤ ----------·-—-—-—-—-—· y appropriation for etc .. 673, 1259 f 1 thi d 6ig&gg6# gg? 1382v.;g31> 1404 QW¤'i¢7'm0$¢€V·G€¤€fGl 8 OEM, War D¢P¤"$· gquipage ________________ 46 646 666 1401 "'Pnlv for barracks and quarters . 46, 666, 1401 aP?mPn2*t1°D for clelcksv Etc ··-·········· 419, 967 for headstxmes for soldiers’ graves ,______ 46, or employees, pmd from Army appro- 666 1380 1401 1404

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> ······················· · * or rcimbursi , stores furnished Marine Qwmemu1.s¢er’a Department, Army, - 00 in _____________________ 649 appropriation for quartcrmaster-sergcants; for hon:;? ____________________________ 1382 longevity ---~·--—-·-- _ -------·--- 242 » 1160 officcr to be desi wd 011 commimion 011 for pay of officerq; longcvnty .. 244, 1162 c0mm?;q3A§n\;3 0{ ggrplug mmm of fm; regular euppiws -·-· ; ·----··------ 250,1166 the Mmsnssxppx m Mumescta ... 457 xce machines, laundrxes, ctc ... 250, 1166 Quqrjgrg, Army, Post bakéfips, B0h00:S, BW --.---~--- gg, appropriation for ,_..,,,,._,_,,,,_ 252, 1168 oragc, stationery, ee c . , ; ‘ t f 1; {H ; - gfming ... a .. 250,11gg 5 ”SrLg.Z1€§l°€E1¤.?..Y??Y'??..?. Y. T. ill?`. 1168 el to commissione officers; rate 2 ; f h 't ] t d _______________ 255, 1172 heat, and ugm for quaxtem mw g Qugbg; QZSZLQ S "“'“’ ” P1'i¤T~i¤g contracts -----—--·------·- 250, 1167 1 classification and salary of consul. ,... 99 use olice machines, etc., for outsicég  ! Queen, Qreek, Van WG? --·-------·----------·----- » l`,t' f, t 1 1 1117 for gqquapizg officers’ post schools. . . 251, 1167 QVuI;l;L;Z:,;ir)5{$Tamlna wu 0 O m mm (J Y0! 1110 8¤ €XP€¤¤€¤ - ---··-···-·- 251. 1671 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1081 ¢¤¤‘%Q¤*>’ lf;} **2*;- ; —£ ~—--—--——- 25* {lg; Qui-nai-elL and Qu¢z-1en-u¢e Indians, C IOH3 SS OIH p · · i { 1 50 . . ‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ a ro natnon or su rt, ctc., 0 ... 377, 0 mtenucnts, furmturc, ctc . 251, 1167 { Quincy UL fm ¤~·=» M- <>f *¤·>¤=~e· i - -, -——--·--—- 252, 1*68 » addntional mm of com ... . 882 · for urchase of horses, lumt, ctc . 252, 1168 . for Barracks and quarters. ... 252, 1168 Q“"“’y· M“*F”·> f . . . . commutation restriction _________ 1168 consmgctxon 0 public building authorized · { gg - - · · z ············-—·······-······ “°;53'§§3£?..T??T?.T?.?..?‘?T?’..Y‘T"I‘- 1168 Q W;;¤ ;;g;;*·3¤n;§g;-MM ·———-·-· 791,1302 limit to civilian em§loyees 252, 1169 K femgimple dug to ’ 373 purchase of land, crt Sam HoustonQ - S I `‘`‘‘`‘'‘ and San Acuwuio, Tex ...,. 252 l l?'""’. O'?]". *1 um 0 ma ..3 addarroum umd, Fort. Taylor, ma 1169 i Qu$f‘S‘“‘¥éju2;y€ figs ······················· B' use 0 embankment, ctc., Key West F b .d h 2 d ‘* C ld R. 7

 1169, nge au: onze across o water ner

for post exchanges, M .. 253,1169 1 *>¤tw~· °¤=**¤>¤—=* County M ·-———— 631 hospital, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. .., 253 R. for transportation ..,..,...,. 253, 1169`é Raccoon Creek N _A diVi$iOD of €’8ElHl9·E€‘S -·-»·---------- · · appropriatiéu fg]- imPr0y·gmgn[ ()f· yggflyictransport service; sales restricted.. 253, 1170 ‘ mm ______________________ _______ 1080 due land ~ grant roads not bond Racine, Ms., aided .. 253, 1170 j appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1100 rates: ¤<>¤<1i¢i<>¤$ ·»--··--·-·------- 1120 . Rahway zzmr, lv. 1, limit; Ol draft ammals- — : -·---~—··· 2'2`L H'0 { preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 1115 restrictions on use of transports 2a4, 1170 4 Raurwi for I`°adB· °l·€·: Alaska - - · ; ·-·----- h;I,2°4~ 11'1 term to include bridg:es and ferries used for Shaker, Bten Ann)" In the P I lp` in cgnuectmn with _,_______ _ _ ______ 584 1>¤¤<>S »-·--··-------·-·----—--- ; 25* IM an the roads owned or operated under for clothing, and camp and garrnson contract, ctc .. 584 equipagq . T . 254. 1171 swltches, terminal facilities, etc .. . . . 584 for post hospmxls; Hot Sprmgs, Ark . 254. 1171 fraught depots, yards, etc .. 584