Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1630

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clxxiv INDEX. Spemhzl Reports, Census Office, _ _ Page- Stabler, Charles, or Ge u Ka, Imlakm Alloltee, Pago d60e1H11a} Collection of Stats1st10s for; sub- S fee-simple title to ,.,,,,___,_______ _ ______ _ 357 Jects. .. .- -. .. .. -. .. 218 ta er, Roy Owens D., Indmn All ttee, street railway, electric, telephone and tele- fee-simple title to .. .. . . 356 graph statistics to be collected every Staley, Jamee, S _ l Tfive y13e1s.. . .. .. .. .. .- -. .. 219 S allowejncg in accounts of. 372 pecw axes, ntermz evenue, lam or , omz., _ collectors be keep list of persons paying. .. 387 appropriation for improvement of harbor,. 1076 copy to prosecuting officers of State, etc. 387 Stamp Division, Post-Oyice Department, Speed Regulations, D. C., appropriation for superintendent, clerks, for automobiles and other vehicles . - . . 621 etc .. 438, 983 Spencer, James W ’ · · t ’ Stamped Enoelopes, O I deficiency 2.ppr0pr1a|;10n for cl-gdltg m 9·PP1`0[;Y;13·Cl0I1 fo1‘ manufacture; dmtribu- 475 1214 accounts ... ...,, ,,,, , ,,.. .. 654 _ 10¤-—···---;--_·--~ ··---- Spghw, geraglzired (see Denatured Alcohol). deficleélcy ¤PP1°P¤at10¤ for manufac- 833, 1392 Sp·itRoc , eSu 'or, we -····-··—-·- --·----- ·- » l` ht, tat' mbimlzied t- ,,.,,,,,.,.. .- 996 Swmllsi Consular Documentary, lga Jmpgigltfsn {0f_ _ _ _? ________________ 1319 to be affixed for all official acts. -. -. -- .- .. 102 Spmgggy Mathias, Indian Agana, acts not legally valid without canceled, conveyance of lands be Roman Catholic affixed -—-·-·-—----·-— - - ;- ;· ·- ·· ~· -- 102 church by, authorized . ,, , _,.,. 1029 Standard Teleplume Company <Lim¤¢¢d>, Spokane and Inland Empire Railway Com- act of Elsvigu §mIEtg*%1t€1€€ig0%9 fm110h15G 309 ny, 2.]] O 3`UI'3 G . grantediight of way through Fort Wright Si¢md¢1Td8 Bureau, Department of Commerce M1l1tary Reservation, Wash.. 865 al"} _L“b°"¤ _ _ S kung Indian Resewaticn appropr1ationforD1rectA>r, ass1sta.nts,etc- 445,990 [deficiency appropriation ior surveyin 654 for avvemmi em `''‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘ ’ 445* 991 sale of }1o;n—siiei;>tc., tract; 377 f°I;§;2g§°n;ni;Pn°£;?g;él‘ ‘ Mar 991 Spo me iam, ash., 2 - t- f {umu- . < ofWeights and Measures . _ 446 991 Ssgzlgyrvlgaggi Or mg U-Guy mth` 377* 1050 delegate, lntematnonal 'Oommxtme ’ appropriation for public building. 1304 for cgérggfjggfdgugg ’‘`‘'’`‘'’`’°' ’ ‘ ,§g’

_§fjIf§1}<>¤=»¤¤¤·¤1 PTM- ,68 deficiency adpropriaiion i;,;1;.;;l;g,;I;i;;];;.. 1403

limit of cost increased, public building. .- 774 S ¤m·r1¤v ROQIC Ag"""y· {V Dakv Sponges, appropriation for Indinn agent nt .. .. .. 360, 1041 ming, etc., taken py diving in Gulf of Sfaggvw RT`? {Wd Of Slvgf !~<MM» d Mexico og€Flor1da Samir; prohgiited. 313 a m(;;;m£€;tm°“t O mnber lands to 1041 cop water tween cto er an May . ·-·-··--·—- · ···- - -· —- -· md _________________ __ __ __ _ N Standing Rook Indian Reserz~anon_ N, Dale, m*“i?‘:§;?Z¢ remitted -·--- -- -·-- -- ¥ -· gig 3El€I‘£552‘$‘2‘;,f?1€ 3i5S2f3S`}?? 3i1R'?'?` " “SiSé gsggcgmggx? H M U allottee may sell land for railroad rights of S ‘ , W, Va, Way —·---···-·- -------. 1047 T°?g”S““*§°*{€“ “’°“ “`“g "`°"* °‘ Big S’€Z$$’iS`?’é'5%2.i€‘ £’i;;€ U, be nm in 61 Springjelglzlriinlgg B3!;?!` ``````````°`` " " *23* Star Routes, }’ostaZpSerjvice, 7 N i _ _ 7 '! r ° ¤vg,;;·>g;;¤;;;*,;,gggg~· ew --·-- 732{ggg a""’3$2$3$$S{II£‘é3"$$iL$f‘Z£I?,£’{€Z2‘123'L`§X4.,2,l2* ml 8W9M-111-» `'`` ``"` " d.m£2£”§'§’,;;a,;;;4ei;;‘;;,;‘;;;*r;;;*’2*"‘1 · » • . _ 1 HS- d°“°‘°{;g Public *>°**d· 31 S h Pxntanonpng. 658,668,1391,1404,1405 Springjield, Mass., mm T . uiing no . . f . . acquirg-g,g¤¤ for mg e¤¤»¤<¤¤·g public _ . ”""'°".§“Tt}€’Tf.i‘T{fl?T’?‘???¥. T’}T??Y‘?“TT°§§4, mg a,,pm§ha£EL€.‘}Zf““ °"’°d " ’‘‘‘ " no 1363 S*"“,{"*”m~* , , , h . . - "" '‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘ "" ¢ rea justmento caimo R ode Island fo · SZ"`"'9j".ld* QM;, f _ d . . expenses, war with Spain -. -. .. .. I 214 acquuaiil aiénhxlhcrgiggnding public 77 State Department (see Department of State). - · f' ‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ";· 5 State Homes for Volunteer Soldiers, S apg;g)r;?;;n;;#‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '91* 1304 , appropriation for aid to; rfc-strictions 749, 1356 quafe I , , . i., h {‘ t' ________ 347 Y S alleys';!;, plO?€d;;“_gmmn U H H U U 847 Sm; iignggegppdpna ion or 644 1383 91**116 =°_ » Us W9 °”» · ·· _ distribution of documents to _._..__,,____ 10*4 ¤U€YS F3, fg 39 ¤‘>V<>1'S10¤· payment 547 State National Bémk, Denison. Ten`., 1 OY ¤_ S _ ····--— -- -··- ~- ·- -· g appropriation or payment from Chiek2,Sg,w $1111016 1117, U’¢$h’m9_10”~ D· C-, _ 1 funds, legislative expenses __ 345 Sale of part of, be Sidney Bieber directed. . 787 ; State Surveys, Points to, Square 113% W°*h1”9*°’*~ P- C-» i appropriation for furnishing 714, 1322 · sale to Sidney Bieber directed . .. _ 787 » Sum, Wm. and Navy DeP,mmem Building ·$qwf¢8 1117, 1123, 1131. 1148, ond 1149, appropriiition for clerks, engineers, watoh- Wwhmafwl D· 6% men, em 422 968 sale of land between Anacostia River and; for new boilers . . ...,.,,..,,,,,____ ,422 P¤Ym€¤¥ --·-··—-·-··-·~ - ·--··-····· 1237 for fuel, repairs, etc. ,. . ,,,,,, 422,963