Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1645

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INDEX. CIXXXIX "]T{.,S‘$€€€.€§zi£`;§'$Z$’ maint 55f}'1‘?© W"' ”"’“""’”"‘?°°1§"i““°°‘ .,.1 *"‘°’ _ emmce . ... , up ro rumou or ilitary A emy- . . 521, 1063 WW D¢P•¤'¢m¢"N·, EH Keadstones, etc., vos of Confedappropnatnou for Secretary, Amistant, emtes who died irgrlalorthern prisons d clqilcsketo. . . H . 417, 963 and hospitals . .. . .. . 56 etax 0 c1v1 mus ro i ite to and doiicicn a m 'ation for A .._,._ from Office of Gengral Staff . ... 418 cy pz6B5S, 665, 668, 8T3y1381 1461 lg; for clerks, etc.,Military Sccretm·y’s for Army General Hos ital , , 32 Office . _. 418, 964 for military prison, lgnrt Leavenworth Ing cbor-Ggng]·3]’g Office __________ 418, 964 Kang _____________________________ Z 32 Judg:—Adv0cate-Geueral’s Officc . . . 418, 964 for national trophy, medals, etc. rifle Sigue,] Office ______,________________ 418, 964 contests ____________________ 3 _____ 32 Quartqrmnstcr-Geneml’s Officc . 419, 965 for Indiana State board of agriculture. . . 32 C0mm1ssa.ry-Gencral’s Odicc ... 419, 965 for burial of indigent sbldiers .,.._,. , , _ 33 Surgeon-Geucr=1’¤ Office ... 419, 965 for Isthmian Canal _,_,________________ 33 Poéymastor-Gener¤1’s Oificc 420, 965 for Volunteer Soldie1¤’ Home . . . 34, 1382, 1401 O ce of Chief of Ordnance . ... 420, 966 for State and Territorial homes .,.. 34, 644, 1383 Oflice of Chief of Engineers 420, 966 for Court of Claims judgments under . . . 44, Bureau of Iusular A airs . . 421, 966 664, 1400 l for contingent expenses ., 421, 966 for refund to States, volunteers 46, 666 for stationery ..» 421, 966 for homes, enc., claims ,..,_.,__________ 48 fo1' wut-_ -.. . 421, 967 for Oregon and Washington Volumeggl _ 46, for public buildings and grounds, clerks, 666. 1404 gardeners, watchman, etc . 421, 967 for Washington, D. C., barracks 120 for tate,_ War, and Navy Department for Fort; Douelson, Tenn., cemetery . 644 · buildmq, clerks, engmcers, watch- for Fort Niagara, N. Y., buildings .. 644 men, etc ..,.,,... . ., 422, 968 for s.dvertis' ...,. 644, 1380 for civil expenses under 731, 1339 for Statue oluiibeny, N. Y ,,,___,______ 544 for armcries and amelmls 731, 1339 for use of earthquake fund ...,,.,_.,_,_ 644 for buildings and grounds, Washington, for De B. Randolph Kgim ,,_______,____ 544 D. C .. 733, 1341 for California. Débris Commisiou, earthior telegraph, Caggiol to Departments quake losses ,. 644 and Prmting ce . 735, 1343 for Deseret News .,...,, 645 for Wa¤l1ir§t0u Monument .. 735, 1343 for Texas ,...,.,,,_ 64,5 for Grant cmorial . 735 for judgments of United Stats courts for McClellan statue. . ._ 736 un er ... . . 663, 1399 for Lincoln Memorial, Hodgenville, Ky. 1343 for Comuxissary-Gcuem1’s Office . 665 for Exam: Department, rivers sag; hugs 1344 {or Mexican war volunteers . 666 ... , 1 , or ry .. 1380 for national cemeteries .. 740, 1346 for contingent expenses 1380 for bringing home remains of officers, etc . for Lieut. R. W. ollins . 1380 I d d741, 1347 for headstoues for soldiers’ gmvesé .. 46, for brin "n home civi iaus an is- 66, 1380,1401 chargledgsoldiers . 741, 1347 for claims of Confederate soldiers ... 1381 ' for Yorktown Monument,Va.., fence, etc. 742 for Rock Island, Ill., bndye t. . 2 1381 for military posts ... 742, 1348 for destmylxng me gorge, L nssoun Rwer. 1381 for International Waterways Commysh 1351 gor John d. hgcllarg .t . sion ... . , or rocoe s 0 pro r y , for Fort iiuelling, Minn ri chief lggjau of lggylur Affairs made a M for Fort onroe . 74. , . n_ u·r—gc·n<·ru .. . ... 4· i for Fort Leavenworth, Knns., military Military S0c·r<·mry’s Olfioo n·st<»re·<l to Adjuf prison . W I§a;;1t·Gcneml’u Othev .,. 1158 or milim. mr s .. . , 2 arc , for maps.? .1 ... 744, 1350 d0l{{·icn<y appropriation for paying claims for survey of northern uml northwesterr;4 mw W huhogfqw York and Pennsylvania 29 lakes ., 7 , . ’ hr un. for artificial limbs .. 744, 1350 apgmpdmrn for arrears of psy 750. 1356 for appliances for disabled soldiers . . 745, 1350 de cie—rxcy_upp¤»priation for arrears of pw. 28 for Providence Hospital, D. (` ... 745, 1350 for dxgtubuting medpls 10 Navy ancl 1 an- _ for Garfield Hmital, D. C .. 745, 1351 _ rme Corps. servnce m West Indnes- . 35 for(‘alifomia , ris(‘ommission . 745, 1351 xssue of medals to volunteers who servgd for New Ygyk Harbor _____________ _ _ 745, 1350 beyond_ mlxstmcjnt to suppress Phil- 50,- _]mm.,.mm, Exposition. use of funds nppme msurmcuon 621 for lmoys. etc . 1351 Q Wa,I;,;d_ Ky__ I _ fol’ hatxonal H()mC {Of Volunteer SOI- l author-lzgd gqrogg Tug Fork Of Bgg f dlcrsé . . . . . Z --.--~ l Sandy River at 852 or uic to Umm am em una wmes. 1 . 0 ‘ - for buck pay, bounty, and commutation I Wgrmrgp etc of Indians •>f ratms -----——----—·--·----»·~ 75*% Z pp it); _,__,__ .2 . . . Y sm ms statm .a ancos .. l . ’ for arreagw of pa .warwith Spain, etc. 750. 1356 _ W“"”"'· -$*;l’;'¢'!l· O" TM hu mm b€· I"d’·“” for printinqaucl binding ---- 760. 1367 · { . ‘ 1 ° {ef t .,57 wm-1; fm- Jilitary Secr1=tary’sOfHce 1367 , “"S‘mP 9 m ° °_ ········‘··‘·‘··‘‘‘‘·‘· ' for support of the Army . 240. 1158 Warner:. Henry. Indmn Allottee. _ {0, gorugcmgqm _________, _ __,,,,,., 462, 1058 < fee-snmp1e utle to ... » . . . 306