Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/211

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2084. 1906. 181 served by the owner thereof for at least three years after the date of the last entry therein. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to E‘°"P“°“”- articles dispensed upon the order of persons believed by the dispenser to be lawfully authorized practitioners of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary surgery: Provided, That when a physician writes upon his f{,j'§'§g§·pu,,mg up presciéipltiqp a request thatfitlbe miarkefl or labeled " poison," the phar- Pi'€5°!'iPtl0¤S· macis s a , in the case o i ui s, ace the same in a co ored lass roughened bottle, of the kindlcommldnly known in trade as a “p€>isori bottle," and, in the case of dry substances, he shall place a poison label upon the container. The record of sale and delivery above mentioned m§:l,:”e,*;>' ”-‘“'“**”°· shall not be required of manufacturers and wholesalers who shall sell ’` any of the foregoing substances at wholesale to licensed harmacists, but the box, bottle, or other package containing such substance, when sold at wholesale, shall be properly labeled with the name of the substance, the word "poison," and the name and address of the manufacturer or wholesaler: Provided jimi/zer, That it shall not ,n·g’,f§,§;g§,’{;’f,e§jq‘“* be nece , in sales either atdwhlplesple or atfretail, to plgce 1;. ` poison upon, nor to recor the elivery o , the su] i e o antimony, or the oxide or carbonate of zinc, or of colorsp ground inlgil and intended for use as paintsé or calomel, or of lparegoric when so in quantities not over two iiui ounces; nor, in the case of re - arations containing any of the substances named in this section, whenpa single box, bottle, or other package, or when_the bulk of one-half iiuid ounce, or the weight of one-half avoirdupois ounce, does not contain more than an adult medicinal dose of such substance; nor in the case of linirnents or ointments, sold in good faith as such, when plainly labeled " for external use only;" nor in the case of preparations put up and sold in the form of pills, tablets, or lozenges, containing any of the substances enumerated in this section and intended for internal use, when the dose recommended does not contain more than one-fourth of an adult medicinal dose of such substance. For the purpose of this and of every other section of this Act no M°"°°"°l’°“”¥· box, bottle. or other package shall be regarded as having been labeled "poisp]n" uplless the wprd ‘3poi2pn"l appears copspipuously thereon, rinte in 'n uncon ense go ic etters in re in . P Sec. 14.pThait no person seeking to rocure in the District of ,,},”,*}{}f,l},‘]f“‘ "°l"°' Columbia any substance the sale of which) is regulated by the provisions of this Act shall make any fraudulent representations so as to evade or defeat the restrictions herein imposed. Sec. 15. That every proprietor or manager of a drug store or phar- Nsmgvsuon or me macy shall keep in his place of business a suitable book or file, in which shal be preserved, for a period of not less than three years, the original of every prescription compounded or dispensed at such store or p armacy, or a copy of such prescription, except when the preservation of the original is required y section eleven o this Act. Upon request, 0<>r¤¤¤- the proprietor or mlanager of spch stare shall lfurnish to tghe prescribing h Ysician, or to the rson or w om suc FBSOf1p ion was com- Ipoiinded or dispensed, gctrue and correct copy thereof. Any prescrip- E$r;¤giggé_ tion required by section eleven of this Act, and any prescription for, ` or register of sales of, substances mentioned in section thirteen of this Act shall at all times be open_to inspection by duly authorized officers of the law. No person shall, in the District of Columbia, compound or dispense any drug or drugs, or deliver the same to any other person, without marking on the container thereof the name of the drug or drugs contained therein, pr directions for using the same. _ · Sec. 16. That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for d$·g;,*;g;b,,$B°g;· _°* sale by peddlin , or to offer for sale from house to house, or to offer for sale by pubic outcry, or by vending in the_street, any drug, medicine, or chemical, or any compound or combination thereof, or any