Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/275

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 307:5. 1906. 245 with their current monthly pay, twenty thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. ` In all, one hundred and fifteen thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. RETIRED ormcmns. For pay of officers on the retired list and for officers who ma be R°**’°d °m°°¤· placed thereon during the current year, two million three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That a colonel or lieutenant-colonel here- mzolonels d tofore or hereafter assigned to active duty shall hereafter receive the lieuthnant-colonsgs same pay and allowances as a retired major would receive under a like °" “°""°°“"" assignment: Provided further, That hereafter no officer holding a M§g*;i$;¤g;u§§:$¤l~ rank above that of colonel shall be retired except for disabilit or on ` account of having reached the age of sixty-four years until lie shall _ have served at least one year in such rank. For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid ¥·<>¤¤¤vi*r- with their current monthly pay, four hundred thousand dollars. ln all, two million seven hundred thousand dollars. nE·r1uEn ENLISTED MEN. For pay of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, nine m§,,°"'°d °““'°°d hundred thousand dollars. i ‘ MISCELLANEOUS. M"°°“““"°“* For pay of not exceeding one hundred hospital matrons, twelve H°'l’“""“""’“'· thousand dollars. _ For pa of one Superintendent Nurse Corps, one thousand eight N§,§§&fQpQ_‘°““°°‘ hundred dollars. For one hundred nurses, Efty-five thousand and twenty dollars. N“‘“‘{’· For pay of forty-two veterinarians, at one thousand five hundred V°‘°““°"‘“““· dollars each, sixty-three thousand dollars. For additional pay to such veterinarians, for length of service, to be ‘·°“¤°'*‘Y· paid with their current monthly pay, five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. I Iior thirty dental surgeons, fifty-six thousand one hundred and sixty D•*¤¤¤l ·¤¤¤*°¤¤· < ol ars. For contract surgeons, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. "’"“"“"'““f*°""“· For pay of ninety aymasters’ clerks, one hundred and thirty-nine P"“"”"“'“' "'°""‘· thousand five hundred) and sixty dollars. For pay of paymasters’ messengers., sixteen thousand dollars. M°S**¤8¤¤·· For traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks and expert accountant T¤“’**ll¤8°¤P°m*S· of the lnspector—General’s Department, seventeen thousand dollars. _ For ex nses of courts—martial, courts of inquiry, military commis- """'""""""'· °‘°· sions, aneiiompensation of reporters and witnesses attending the same, or itiona aytoo cer incargeo pu ic ui ingsan d°°·d, twleptygjgvle thoupand dollarséi h f bl b ld d Om r bum grounds at \/Vashixigton, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. :?0¤¥¤(¤i¤`1!?h-'Dmmct F or commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty, qu§‘;,‘§r}§g,§{*je“;;? "f without troops, at stations where there are no public quarters, three ' hundred and three thousand dollars. For travel allowance to enlisted men on discharge, one million six m;{"°*· °““”°d hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. ` For clothing not drawn due to enlisted men on discharge, one mil- °‘°"“°¤ “°"*’”‘"’· lion dollars. For interest on soldiers` deposits, one hundred and forty-three thou- I“'°'°°‘°“'*°¥’°°*"— sand dollars, and so much as may be necessary to pay back such deposits as may not be repaid on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, as shown by the boo s of the Paymaster·General’s Office, said sum to '""“*°'°"‘°P°“’°’·