Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/297

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 3302, 3333-3335. 1906. 267 Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void unless the dam herein mgm° 0* °°“s"“°‘ authorized be commenced within one year and completed within three 1>6¤¢,p.1zas. years from the time of the passage of this Act. Sec. 4. That the right to amend or repeal this Act is hereby ex- *““·"“‘*m°"*· pressly reserved. Approved, June 14, 1906. ¤H.AP. 3333.-An Act To amend section sixty-four of the bankruptcy Act. ngielgsaggtsig. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [Public, No. zzz.] States of America in Congress assembled, That clause four of sub- mnkmpaey. division B of section sixty-four of said Act is hereby amended so as to ,,,XQ{,ld,,£°' " 563* readFaS fogovw d 4 ‘ ourt . es ue to workmen clerks, travelin or cit * sales- P'i°’“Y °* ‘”8°¤· men, or servantzg which have been eaiined within threegmonthslbefore salesmen umd` the date of commencement of proceedings, not to exceed three hundred dollars to each claimant." Approved, June 15, 1906. CHAP. 3334.-An Act Releasing the right, title, and interest of the United States -T¤¤€ li WW to the piece or parcel of land known as the Cuartcl lot ,to the city of Monterey, Cal- [H' R‘ 16946*] ifomia. _ [Public, No. ass.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives {fthe United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the rig_ t, title, and §.‘i‘QQ‘§;°{gu(;Q,;,l M interest of the United States in the piece or parcel known as r<=1¤¤¤¤¤ w- the Cuartel lot, situated in the city of Monterey, State of California, is hereby released to the said city of Montere * as the successor in interest of the old pueblo of Montere . That the city of Monterey, T¤:¤¢¤¤ of <¤iz¤¤¤¤ California, is hereby designated as tllie trustee of the original grant gm" made by the Mexican Government of ueblo lands to the pueblo of Monterey, as the successor of said pueblo, to hold the same in trust for the uses and purposes of the original gran§ and coniirmation is hereby made to said city of said land as patented ovember nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. Approved, June 15, 1906. CHAP. 3335.-An Act To enable the people of Oklahoma and of the Indian Ter- J¤¤e 16. 1906. ritory to form a constitution and State government and be admitted into the Union R- m°"·l____ on an equal footing with the original States; and to enable the (people of New_Mexico [Public. No. 2:+1.] and of Arizona to form a constitution and State government an be admitted into the Union on` an equal footing with the original States. Be it enacted by the Senate and ][oase ofltelyreaentatlces of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the inhabitants of all S,j,Q§§““°“ °' M" that part of the area of the United States now constituting the Terri- gklahcmu, Um tory of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, as at present described, 1.0..}.. Ei¥3Y§`SEm Tel; may adopt a constitution and become the State of Oklahoma, as here- *“°“°**· inafter provided: law/vided, That nothing contained in the said consti- {zgygmi ms mm tution shall be construed to limit or im air the rights of person or paired. g property pertaining to the Indians of Said Territories (so long as such rights shall remain unextinguished) or to limit or aiiect the authority of the Government of the United States to make any law or regulation respecting such Indians, their lands, property, or other rights by