Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/383

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F IFTY-N INTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3504. 1906. 353 and extent of drainage ditches, canals, or improved natural water ·courses required to afford drainage outlets; and whether a suiiieient fund for such improvement could be rovided by an increase in the price at which such unsold ceded landg should be sold in the future, and the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying for the expenses of said survey and carrying the foregoing provision into effect: Pm- Promosqrided, That said amount shall be reimbursablefrom any funds in the Reimbursement. Treasury belonging to said Indians derived from the sale of lands under said Act: P1·02:ided furt/wr, That the Secretary of the Interior wmiuuwai or in his discretion may withdraw said unsold ceded lands, or any portion 1““°“‘ thereof, from sale and entry pending the survey herein provided for or {ending the improvement contemp ated thereby. hat al restrictions as to sale, incumbrance, or taxation for allot- mgggxyaumhiie · ments within the White Earth Reservation in the State of Minnesota, Anenanén, ew.,`re now or hereafter held by adult mixed-blood Indians, are hereby re- ff,§,°Q,§}’,§,‘§’u_'°"‘°v°° moved, and the trust deeds heretofore or hereafter executed by the Po¤¢.1>-1<>34· Department for such allotments are hereby declared to ss the title in ee simple, or such mixed bloods upon application shadll be entitled to receive a patent in fee simple for such allotments; and as to full bloods, said restrictions shall be removed when the Secretary of the Interior is satisfied that said adult full-blood Indians are competent to handle their own aifairs, and in such case the Secretary of the Interior shall issue to such Indian allotteea patent in fee simple upon application. i - Montana. For pay ofilndian agents in Montana at the following-named agencies agents. at the rates res tively indicated, namely: at the Blacgfget Agency, Montana, one thousand eight hundred Bkokfeot Annoy- dollars. At the Crow Agency, Montana, one thousand eight hundred dollars. CW A¢¢¤¤*=Y- At the Flathead Agency, Montana, one thousand five hundred dollars. Flotlmd AH*=¤¤>’· For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belknalp Agency, A Fgé; Be 1 k n sp Montana, including pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars. tirppén, ew., nt ni. For sup rt and civi ization of the Crow Indians in Montana, includ- ‘"§‘,‘Q§;,,_ in pay ofpgmployees, eight thousand dollars. S¤1>1>or¤.<¤w- Tor su port and civilization of Indians at Flathead Agency, Mon- gg¤th;:d\sg¤%¤;»·i"_ tana, inciiiding pay of employees, nine thousand dollars. anniil" For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Peck Agency in S!:;or¢_m·*<_{§s=·rs·p Montana, 1!\t‘ll1Clll\ r pay of employees, fifty thousand dollars. inmiii " "‘ ° " For general incildental expenses of the ndian Service in Montana, 1¤¤¤·i<\•-¤¤¤·¤1=·· including traveling expenses of agents, two thousand five hundred dollars. in mass AT rmnoxrnizr Acmuer. (Treaty.) Blwkfoct Azwvor For last of nine installments, to be disposed of as rovided in article $g}¤g;¤s grrtwo of the agreement with the Indians of the Blaclgfeet Reservation,’p' ' ratified by Act a proved June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, one hundred anti) fifty thousand dollars. caows. (Treaty.) _ Cm"- For the last of twenty-five installments, as provided in agreement ggilgnz n3¤~>¤>·- with the Crows, dated June twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty, top' `· be used by the Secretary of the Interior in such manner as the President may direct, thirty thousand dollars; _ _ _ Forpa of ph sician, asper tenth article of same treaty, one thousand ‘ °l· l°· P- two hundred dollars; _ vox. xxxiv, rr 1--23