Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/391

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Un. 3504. isms. 361 domain and declared to be public lands of the United States: Praz:Jde<l, f,*{{j)”ggém to Mme That the lands so restored shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of Mountain nanacmp. the Interior, be held for a period of twelve months, subject to allot- *’°`"”‘ ments to the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, in accordance with the provisions of the amended agreement with said band V°'· 3* P- *9*- approved Apri twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at arge, page one hundred and ninety-four). For completin the surveys on the Standing Rock Indian Reserva- R§sQ}$g§}},§ *‘°°" tion in North Dadcota, six thousand five hundred dollars. Surveys. ` And for ex nses in connection therewith in the omce of the surveyorgeneral for Nbrth Dakota and for the examination of said surveys, three thousand dollars. In all, nine thousand five hundred dollars. _ That until otherwise provided by law, all water for the use of the §§}},‘,§,§ §§§*Q,°§é,_ Indian school located at Bismarck, North Dakota, shall be furnished. by the Bismarck Water Company at such rice as may be agreed ulpon between said company and the Secretary oi) the Interior, not excee in thirty cents ger thousand gallons. And there is hereby appropriated for the purc ase of such water, for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, the sum of four hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. That Michael Okinyanwastena, Devils Lake allottee numbered two ,,62-1:°“,,'¥;g‘},’},,,,'°}g‘g hundred and seven; Johnnie Heikoyagmani, Devils Lake allottee num- three 1>¤v1\¤ ww ¤1- bered two hundred and nine, and Wasicuka, Devils Lake allottee num- l°“°°°' bered five hundred and twenty-six, towhom trust patents have been issued containing restriction on alienation, may sell and convey all or part of their allotments under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and an conveyances made hereunder shall be subject to his approval and, when so approved shall _ convey full title to the purchasers the same as if a final patent without restrictions had been issued to the res ective allottees. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized ,,;g}§¤,jkg‘_ggjj¤e;g in his discretion to cancel the tents for lands allotted to the follow- may he emeeim. ing Indians of the Devils Lak: Indian Reservation, North Dakota, · namel 1 Tiidezewin, numbered one thousand and fifty-one; Thomas Buhinhda, numbered eleven hundred and eighteen; Yiowastewin, numbered eleven hundred and nineteen; Kasto, numbered one thousand and ninety-six; Wicite, numbered one thousand and ninety-seven; Sungode, numbered one thousand and eighty-nine; Iletahuna, numbered one thousand and ninety-nine; Hicahewicazena, numbered eleven hundred; Thomas Kasto, numbered eleven hundred and two; Wanditowin, numbered eleven hundred and one; Wajunhuntai, numbered eleven hundred and twenty-six; Napewastowin, numbered eleven hundred and twentv-seven; Hutopawm, numbered eleven hundred and twenty-eight; Baptiste Wajunhnnta, numbered eleven hundred and twenty-nine; Wickatena, numbered eleven hundred and thirty, and Ohiya, numbered eleven hundred and thirty-onc.

A. Oklahoma.

For pay of Indian agents in Oklahoma at the followingmamed agen- Agemv cies at the rates respectively indicated, namely: At the Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma Territory. one thousand eight hun- Kieva Aeenvrdred dollars. At the Osage Agency, Oklahoma Territory, one thousand eight hun- ·#¤€¤¢>’- dred dollars. For support and civilization of the Apaches, Kiowas, Comanches, ;}_r¤¢¤j€· Wichitas, and affiliated bands who have been collected in the reserva-mm ` gons set apart for their use and occupation, twenty-tive thousand ollars.