Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/394

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364 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 3504. 1906. Sac and Fox Indians in Oklahoma, per capita, in cash, or to expend otherwise for their benefit, the sum of fifty thousand_dollars out of the amount of money now to their credit in the United States Treasury, to be immediately available. Creek Nason. That the boundary line between the Creek Nation, Indian Territory, ,,,{X§`§§,§’f’""°“"’ °” and the Territory of Oklahoma, as· surveyed by Frederick W. Bard— well in eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and reestablished by the geoéoggcalggurvey in eightleen hugdred and ninetwtive and eighéeen un re an ninety-six is ereby eclared to be the west houn ary line of the Creek Nation. gmnxggauintyi for That Tah lah to ti, or Emma Saumty, Kiowa allottee numbered ten c,,,,,,},,, ” hundred and twenty-five, to whom a trust atent has been 1ssued containing restrictions upon alienation, may sell and convey not exceeding five acres of her allotment for a cemetery site; but such conveyance shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the interio1·, and whe: sq approved slhall convey full Ed? to the puréchaselr thi: same as i a 'na patent wit out restrictions a been issue tot e a lottee. ` \G;:3>;1i:n!€f¤n;yi)€_m That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized m{,dm,,d_and directed, in his discretion, to cancel -the fee-simple patent issued V°l· 33- F- 1***- June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and live, to W. E. Hardy, Amelia Clavier, Melinda Harris, William Hardy, and W. F. S. Hardy, heiirs of Yiclxirini Hgrldy, depeased, a member of (t)he Kansas tribe of n ians, ort e an ereto orea otted to her in klahomaTerritorv described as follows: Lot six, in section seven, and the north half at the southwest quarter of section eight, in township twenty-seven north, range four east; and the west half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one, in township twenty-eight north, range five east, of the Indian meridian, all on the Kansas Reser- ‘ vation, in klahoma; and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue gi paten%ril_fee simrge % Hlardiy, A)mel`ia 1Cilavier,(]Melinda arms, 1 iam ar y, . . . ar , . . ard ". M. C. Hardy, and Lee Cross Hardy, heirs of Viiitoria Hardy, de-iiieased, late a member of the Kansas tribe of Indians in Oklahoma, for the lands heretofore allotted to her as a member of said tribe of Indians, and described as follows: Lot six of section seven, the north half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight, in township twenty-seven north, of range four east, of the Indian meridian, containing one hundred and fifty-five acres; and the west half of the south west quarter and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one, 1'n’township twenty-eight north, of range tive east, of the Indian meridian, containing two hundred and forty acres; all on the Kansas Indian Reservation, in the Territory of Oklahoma. dS1mi1d;? many kid _ That the Secretary of the lnteriorbc, and he is hereby, authorized. ·1·»~n»·mf»¤ee¤:e». Uhhés d!S01‘€tl0¤¤,dt0_c·iE;cpl adpasentdissued to Annie Adams, Wichita a o ee numoere eng um re an ortv·two, on the thirtv-first dar ' of December, nineteen hundred and one,iand allot forty adres of the land covered thereby to Ots se kuddy kid dah hay, Wichita allcttec numberedhve hundred and twenty-six, and cause a patent to be issued \‘·»r.2~¤>0. therefor, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress approved March second, eighteenrhundred and ninety-five. m;f§jf;f’§;’:;_§*;$-I _ hat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his d1scretion, to cancel the patent to Margaret Bourassa, Citizen Fottamatmiriie ajrlottee nmnpered thirteen hundred and thirtv-six, and o al o e lan s covere ere y to some member or memliers of the Citizen band of Pottawatomie indians who have failed to receive an mnzangngpygélm allotment, although legally entitled thereto; the patent issued Decem- .9,.; mm Aiyming I.} bel' tl1l{‘t)’—l1l'st. HIHGIBGD hundred and one, in the name of James Long-

  • ·”'“"‘*° L**m*>· hat, W ichita allottee numbered five hundred and eighty-two, and he IS

further authorized to cause the land covered thereby to be allotted to Gertrude Lamb, a member of the Wichita tribe of Indians who failed . to receive an allotment, although legally entitled thereto.