Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/443

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FIFFY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3514. 1906. 413 two thousand five hundred dollars; paying teller, two thousand three hundred dollars; coin and paying teller, two thousand dollars; bond and authorities clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; vault clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars;· bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assorting teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; redemption teller, one thousand six hundred dollars; receiving teller, one thousand seven hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand tive hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars; six clerks, at one thousand twohundred dollars each; superintendent messenger and chief watchman, one thousand one hundred dollars; six counters, at nine hundred dollars each;. seven watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, forty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT *rrzFAsU11ER AT SAINT Louis: For assistant Sam I·°¤*¤· treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars;` cashier and chief clerk, _ two thousand five hundred dollars; first teller, two thousand dollars; second teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; third teller, one thousand six hundred dollars; asserting teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant assorting teller, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; coin teller, one thousand two hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; nine clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three day watchmen and coin counters, at nine hundred dollars each; night watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two janitors, at six hundred dollars each; in all, thirty-six thousand eight hundred and ` twenty dollars._ _ Orrrcn or ASSISTANT rnmsunnn AT Sem Fmmcrsoo: For assistant ”"“"’““°”*"’°· treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, three thousand dollars; bookkee r, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, two thdusand dollars; assistant cashier, two thousand four hundred dollars; first teller, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assistant bookkeeper, two thousand dollars; coin teller, and one clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; four watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and two coin counters, at nine hundreyl dollars each;`in all, thirty thousand four hundred and twenty dollars.· For salaries bf_ special agents, and for actual expenses of examiners M§l’,$,§{f‘j,,Qf§{',f”· °" , detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several subtreasnries and depositories, including national banks actizg _ as depositories under the requirements of section thirty-six hundr “·S··“°“·“""°·¥’·"8· and iorty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, also including examinations of cash accounts at mints, three thousand dollars. For paper for interest, transfer, redemption, pension, and other *’“P°’ ‘°’ °"°°"‘ checks and drafts for the use of the Treasurer of the United States, assistant treasurers, pension agents, disbursing officers, and others, twelve thousand dollars. MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES. _,,,§f,*_;l“ ““d “"’Y Mnrr AT CARSON, NEVADA: For assayer in charge, who shall also °°'°°“·N°"· perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; assistant assayer, and one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, five thousand dollars. For wages of workmen and not exceeding one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars for other clerks and employees, three thousand six hundred dollars.