Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/449

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3514. 1906. 419 messenger; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty- five thousand eight hundred dollars. The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services as the tskilied ¤¤¤f*-¤¤¤¤¤. Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed only in the ° i:' Signal Office to carry into effect the various appropriatious for fortifications and other works of defense, to be paidu from such appropriations, in addition to the foregoing employees appropriated for in the Signal Office: Provided, That the entire expenditures for this urpose tc for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and) seven, ’° ` shall not exceed twenty-tive thousand dollars, and that the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to eae . Ormcn or 1:1-rm Quanmnmsrnn-GENERAI.: For chief clerk, two €r39:gg*g;¤*¤*G¤¤· thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class four; ten clerks of class three; ` twenty-three clerks of class two; fifty-eight clerks of class one; twenty- eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each; fifteen clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; experienced builder and mechanic, two thousand five hundred dollars; two inspectors of supplies for the Army,- at two thousand five hundred dollars each, to be selected and appointed b the Secretary of War; draftsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant draftsman, one thousand six hundref dollars; two assistant draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two assistant draftsmen; at one thousand two hundred dollars each; assistant draftsman, one thousand dollars; civil engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant civil engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; electrical engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one marine engineer, two thousand five hun- _ dred dollars; four messengers; eleven assistant messengers; female messen er, four hundred and eighty dollars; two assistant messengersé at six dmndred dollars each; two laborers; in all, two hundred an twhenty-pighgfhousand nine hlpndredl dogarsd f f or the fo owin , now authorize anrom appropriations or Em¤¤l;l:¥:¢¤ we the Army in the %Hice of the Quarternp£ter—Geneml, namely: For iig¤sA y wmv". two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; advisory architect, four thousand dollars; supervising engineer, two thousand five hundred dollars; structural engineer architect and draftsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; civil engineer, one thousand eight hundred dodars; sanitary and heating engineer, - one thousand eight hundred dollars; architectural and structural draftsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; live architectural and structural draftsmen, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; topographical and mechanical draftsman, one thousand six hundred dollars; three topographical draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; writer of specifications and computer, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant architect and draftsman, one thousand dollars; blueprint operator, nine hundred dollars; five laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars, and coal-testing engineer, nine hundred and sixty dollars; in all, forty-six thonsan three hundred and forty dollars. Orricm or rum CODIMISSARY·GENERALZ For chief clerk, two thou- _,$;**,g°,,§;*e**“’Y‘G°““‘ sand dollars; three clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; six` clerks of class two; twenty clerks of class one; sixteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; ten clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; three assistant messengers; two laborers; in all, seventy-four thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Orricm or rm-: Snnorox-GENERAL: For chief clerk, two thousand m§‘_;§"°""’°“"'“"” dollars: law clerk, two thousand dollars; thirteen clerks of class four;