Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/454

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424 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3514. 1906. ¤¥d’°8¤P'**°°m°°· Hrnnoermrmo Orman: For hydrographic engineer, three thousand dollars; one assistant, two thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant, . two thousand dollars; one nautical expert, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two nautical experts, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one nautical expert, one thousand three hundred dollars; two nautical experts, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four nautical experts, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk of class two: one clerk of class one; one custodian of archives, one thousand two hundred dollars; three copyists; one copyist, eight hundred and forty dollars; two copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one compiler, one thousand four hundred dollars; one computer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one computer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three draftsmen, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four draftsmen, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two draftsmen, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; two draftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five draftsmen, at one thousand dollars each; one draftsman, nine hundred dollars; one draftsman, under instruction, seven hundred dollars; three apprentice draftsmen, at six hundred dollars each; one chief engraver, two thousand dollars; two engravers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three engravers, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one engraver, one thousand four hundred dollars; two engravers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four engravers, at one thousand dollars each; two engravers, at nine hundred dollars each; one engraver, eight hundred dollars; one engraver, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one apprentice en raver, eight hundred dollars; one apprentice engraver, six hundred dollars; one chief plate printer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one plate printer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one plate lprinter, one thousand dollars; two plate printers, at eight hundred dollars each: one plate printer, seven hun red dollars; one apprentice plate printer, six hundred dollars; one apprentice plate printer, five hundred dollars; one chief lithographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two lithographers, at one thousand dollars each; one apprentice lithographer, six hundred dollars; one electrotyper and chart plate maker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; four laborers; two helpers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two hel rs, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; one helper, six hundred dbzllars; one helper. five hundred dollars; one helper, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, one hundred and one thousand three hrrndrcd dollars. “*"°“’“"· For purchase of copperplates, steel plates, chart per, packing boxes, chart portfolios, elcctrotyping copperplates, clelaning copperplates; tools, instruments, power, and materials for drawin , engraving, and printing; materials for and mounting charts; rechrction of charts by photography; plrotolitlrographin charts for immediate use: transfer of photolithographic and other cliarts to copper; care and repairs to printing presses, furniture, instruments, and tools; extra drawingan engraving; translating from foreign languages; telegrams rrrnccnan. on public business; the preparation of the Pilot Chart and sup lcments, and the printing and mailin of the same; and purchase of dlrta for charts and sailing directions and other nautical publications; works and periodicals relating to hydrography, marine meteorology, navigation, surveying, oceanography, and terrestrial magnetism, seven thriusand dcillars. C°”;g“-“‘°“g”V*”g `or urc asc of one Ourdarr automatic com ass-en ravin machine meh e' ong thdlusand five hundred dollars. p g g l C°““¤¤**¤* °X· `ontin ent ex enses of branch oliiees at Boston, New York Philapemafmnch 0mm` delphia, Saltimoile, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Portland (Maine), Chicago, Cleveland, Por·t Town-