Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/472

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442 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3514. 1906. chief of appointment division, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; ten clerks of class four (including one Census clerk); ten clerks of class three; twelve clerks of class two; ten clerks of class one; ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each; five clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two telegraph operators, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five messengers; nine assistant messengers; seven messenger boys, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; one engineer, one thousand dollars· one assistant en °neer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one skilled laborer, eight hundred and forty dollars; two skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two conductors of elevators, at seven hundred and twent dollars each; two firemen, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; twelye laborers; one driver and foreman of stables,. eight hundred and forty dollars; six hostlers, at six hundred t and sixty dollars each; one cabinetmaker, one thousand dollars; one carpenter, nine hundred dollars; captain of the watch, one thousand two hundred dollars; five watchmen; fifteen charwomen; in all, one · hundred and fifty-four thousand one hundred and seventy dollars. _g§¥,°,j*“l °°"““°'°*’*l For compensation at not more than ten dollars per day and actual ` necessary traveling expenses of special agents to investigate trade conditions abroad, with the object of romoting the foreign commerce of the United States, fifty thousandp dollars, not more than twenty thousand dollars of which shall be used in the investigation of markets for mon ppoducts; and the results of such investigation shall be re to _,,,§‘j°‘“ °’ °°’**°"‘ Bixnmo or Loaroiwnoss: For Commissioner of Corporations, Eve thousand dollars; Deputy Commissioner, three thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; clerk toCommissioner, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; seven clerks of class one; . nine clerks, at one thousand dollars each; nine copyists; one messenger; one assistant messenger; two messenger be s, at four hundred _ eighty dollars each; in all, sixty thousand ninehundred and twenty o ars. Svww ¤•¤>¤¤¤y¤. For compensation and per diem, to be fixed b the Secretary of °x°mi°°"’ m` Commerce and Labor, of special attorneys, spedial examiners, and special agents, for the purpose of carrying on the work of said Bureau, Val- 3% r>· *27- as provided by the Act approved February fourteenth, nineteen hundred and three, entitled "An Act to establish the Department of Perdiemmc. Commerce and IAb0r," the per diem to be, subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding four dollars per day to each of said special attorneys, special examiners, and special agents, and also of other officers and employees in the Bureau of Corporations while absent from their homes on duty outside of the District of Columbia and for their actual necessary traveling expenses, including necgsslaiiy sleeping-car fares; in all, one hundred and twenty-tive thousan dollars. m§__=;~•¤ of M¤¤¤f¤¤-· BUREAU or Manuncroaas: Chief of Bureau of Manufactures, ' four thousand dollars; assistant chief of Bureau, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief of division, two thousand one hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; clerk of class two; four clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; clerk, at nine hundred dollars; three assistant messengers; two laborers; in all, twenty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. ““"°‘“ °' L“b"'· BUREAU or LABOR: For compensation of the Commissioner of Labor, five thousand dollars; chief statistician, who shall also perform the duties of chief clerk, three thousand dollars; four statistical experts. at two thousand dollars each; five clerks of class four; five clerks of class three: six clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; ten