Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/500

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470 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3546. 1906. tendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, three hundred and sixty-nine, at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; ' A¤I1.¤¤¤. Assistant cashiers assistant superintendents of delivery assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents, of mails, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant suraerintendents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing- cler· s, chief stamp clerks, clerks, Hnance clerks, foremen of crews, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails superintendents of money order superintendents of registry, supeiintendents of second-class matter, ,and superintendents of stations, four hundred and forty-nve, at not exceeding one thousand three hundred dollars each; · _ .rc•1.¤¤0. Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of rnoneg order, assrstant superintendents of registry, assistant supermten ents of stations, bookkeepers, chief stamp clerks, clerks, iinance clerks, foremen or pcrghvs, prinpers, priyage secrezries, superirtieterédergs of ca,.£·_iers, superrn en o secon ·c ass ma er superin n en 0 s ions and machinist, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, at not exceed; ing one thousand two hundred dollars each; M $1.100- Assistant superintendents of stations, clerks, printers, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superinten ents of second-class maltter, and superintendents of stations, one thousand seven hundred an twenty at not exceeding one thousand one hundred dollars each- ` umm Assistant, superintendents of stations, clerks, clerks in charge oi stations printers private secretaries superintendents of carriers. and supierlintencipnts df secondégllass matteri, two thousand seven hundred an t irty- ve at not exc ing one thousand dollars each-

  • ‘*""* Carpenters, clerks, clerks in charge of stations, ressmed, rinters,

— ptrrvagse secreltaries, andloilgrshtgriep thousailnd four {undred and ninety, a no excee rn nine un re dollars eac ·

  • "”°°- Carpenters, dlerks, clerks in charge of stations, and pressmen, five

thousand and ten, at not exceeding eight hundred dollars each;

  • “*’°°· Carpenters, clerks, clerks m charge of stations, janitors, laborers,

messengers porters pressmen and watchman four thousand five hundred and sixty-tive,’at not exceeding seven hrind red dollars each; snow. Carpenters, clerks, clerks in charge of stations, janitors, laborers, M messengers, porters, pressmen, and watchmen four thousand, at not Md"f,'f,m, ,0,, on exceeding srx hundred dollars each: lrovided, That one hundred of cum the additional clerks of this rade shall be immediately available and designated for service at the Chicago officc; muon. Clerks, clerks in charge of stations, janitors, laborers, messengers, posters, anld watchmen, mne hundred, at not exceeding five hundred o ars eac · Mwv. Clerks, clerks in charge of stations, janitors, laborers, messengers, portprs, shud svatphlnpein, threg hundred and twenty-five, at not exceedin our un re dollars eac · qgtracr-Brsriom glerks in char e of contract stations, at a rate of compensation above cle . thrple hundlredd oélars each, and not to exceed one thousand dollars 'eac two_ un re and twenty-five thousand dollars; umm. Clerks in charge of contract stations, at a rate of com ensation not Ep exceezlddtlifee undred dollars each, four hundred andp seventy-five ousan dollars; P l In all, twenty-two million seven hundred thousand dollars. izesmenom. élnddthe app3;ntE1enti and assignment of clefks hereunder shall be so ma e uring e sca year as not to invo ve a reate re te gésétgnmencs of expenditure than this sum,_ and the assignment of the sedegadggrgdw of compensation_11e the various offices shall be made, so far as racticable, rn proportion to the amount of business transacted through such offices and the respective divisions thereof.